Massacre In Montana - Alternative View

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Massacre In Montana - Alternative View
Massacre In Montana - Alternative View

Video: Massacre In Montana - Alternative View

Video: Massacre In Montana - Alternative View
Video: Shocking CCTV Hidden Security Camera Video Footage Captures The Unimaginable And It Ends In Tragedy! 2024, July

The aliens have long been suspected of such tricks, but only now the researchers have been able to prove that the corpse of the mutilated animal was really thrown onto the field from a great height.

Pondera County in the US state of Montana has become notorious among pastoralists since the 1960s - as a place where someone periodically exterminates the most valuable livestock. The previous wave of mysterious crimes was in 2001, when the sheriff of this district investigated 14 officially reported cases and reliably knew at least 12 more unregistered ones.

And just recently a new series of murders began. You cannot call it another word, since the animal is abducted, only some organs are cut out of the whole carcass, and then thrown from a great height onto the field. And what is characteristic: neither coyotes, nor wolves, nor grizzly bears or vultures do not even try to eat meat - they bypass it. Usually no blood is found on and around the animal, there are no footprints or wheel prints around, and no signs of a struggle.

Ufologist Linda Moulton Howe visited the scene in November 2006. She managed to meet with the County Sheriff, Tom Cook, as well as two of his assistants. Linda Howe knew that the sheriff and his team were still investigating a recent cow death at John and Patricia Peterson's ranch in Vallera (500 residents), northwest of Conrad (3000 residents).

Disfigured corpse

On October 8, 2006, after the oats had already been harvested, the Petersons moved part of their herd to one of the fields in Vallière. At 17 o'clock, when they left the fenced field, everything was in order. The next morning, a neighbor passing by noticed a dead cow on the Peterson field, not far from the barbed wire of the fence, but did not tell anyone about it.

On October 11, already at dusk, the Petersons themselves discovered that their young cow had been killed and slaughtered by someone. They immediately called the sheriff. He found out that none of the farmers living a mile from the ranch saw or heard anything suspicious. As well as the troops of the US Air Force missile checkpoint a mile east of the ranch.

Promotional video:

On November 21, 2006, when Linda Howe and her companions approached the field, they noticed from a distance that a black cow corpse stood out sharply against the beige background of oat stubble.

The udder was removed from the cow, the entire rectal-vaginal area was cut out in a circle, the left ear, the eyeball, the circle of tissue around the eye, and the tongue were cut on the head. On the left, from the upper jaw, the muscle tissue was cut so carefully that the bone turned white, as if it had been boiled down. Such a list of seized organs and tissues is more or less typical for all cases known here since the 1960s. Note also that there was not a drop of blood on or around the animal!


Near the dead animal, at a distance of 1.2-1.5 meters, a dent was found in the soil, oat stalks in it. Music lovers, and on one side the soil turned out to be displaced. It looks like the already dead cow hit the ground twice. It was from what height it was necessary to throw the animal so that, despite its hefty weight of about 590 kilograms, after hitting the ground, it jumped and flew off to the side like an elastic ball!


However, Sheriff Cook discovered another riddle. Despite the fact that the corpse of the cow bounced in a direction from south to north, the 15-centimeter stalks of oats underneath, as it turned out, were neatly stacked and pinned to the ground in the opposite direction - from north to south!

A small digression is necessary here. Back in early October 2006, Linda Howe introduced the sheriff to the world-renowned biophysicist from Michigan, William Levengood, and now soil and plant samples have appeared in the scientist's laboratory, collected by Cook in those places where pictograms appear in the fields or a mysteriously dead animal is found.


Levengood, analyzing data on such cases since the mid-1990s, found in the samples taken from the Peterson field, significant differences from everything that he came across before.


Usually, around a mysteriously killed animal, the energy of the soil and plants is increased. The case in Pondera County is by no means typical. Let us explain briefly. Biophysicist W. Levengood has been studying positively and negatively charged ions in water, soil and plants for a long time, on the basis that UFOs apparently cause air ionization and impart an electric charge to soil and plants.

Determining the density of plasma charges, their, so to speak, pulsation, one can imagine what was the impact from the outside. In 2003, Levengood published a paper on this topic in the scientific journal Physiologia Plantarum.

And so, while examining samples from Pondera, he found that at a distance of just over 60 meters; from the animal the electric charge of the soil and plants suddenly increases sharply, and this is a clear anomaly! But in the depression left by the impact of the dead cow on the ground, under the animal and directly around it, the charges were zero !, or close to zero! This is another unexplained anomaly. Levengood himself says that he has never encountered anything like this.

It turns out that when the cow carcass was dropped, it changed the electrical state of the soil. In ordinary soils of the sandy type, small granules and crystals of sand are negatively charged. In Montana, apparently, the heavy falling carcass of a cow somehow neutralized the eicient charge of the soil to almost zero. The electric charge of plants in close proximity to the animal was also abnormally low. According to Levengood, this explains the surprisingly clear directionality of the stacked oat stalks (north-south). Usually they lie around the animal in circles.


To test this hypothesis, Levengood used special pendulums with a load at the end and containers with soil on which he struck in his laboratory. The hypothesis was confirmed.

It is possible that the cow was held for some time with an energy beam, when descending it moved towards the ground at an angle, then was thrown off. Hence such a difference in energy at a distance of 60 meters. Although, as Levengood says, we have no way to pinpoint the direction of energy movement or its source.

However, if there are no obvious signs that the animal was thrown from a height, then the energy fields will be located differently - in a circle, with the animal in the center, and the highest charges will be six meters from the center of this circle. Apparently, the circle is created by the outer border of the ray with which the animal was transported. In the specific case of the Peterson cow, it was this ray that apparently laid the oats stalks under the animal from north to south, when the fallen carcass ricocheted in the direction from south to north.

Well, what does the skeptic farmer John Peterson say? Even he admits the idea that aliens can be criminals. “I’m not saying that they are. But I don’t say no.


In general, in 2005 and 2006 there were many mysterious cases of mutilation and extermination of livestock. For example, on January 13, 2006, it was reported that there was already the 31st such case at the same ranch in California. Farmers lament that a lot of cows simply disappear without a trace. On their website "Alien Abduction of Cows," they list the total number of animals killed and maimed by unknown intruders: 10,949.

But the business is not limited to cattle. For example, on February 2, 2006, someone killed six goats in Washington state. Farmers are losing horses, buffaloes, sheep, llamas … In several US states and provinces of Canada, cats are found in large quantities, cut into halves, decapitated dogs, rabbits and other animals.

In just one day - October 27, 2005 - in the state of Colorado, 22 dead horses and one donkey were found. In France, cut and killed horses were found, in Switzerland - a variety of animals, in Australia - decapitated kangaroos. Many such emergencies were noted in Canada, as well as in Argentina and other Latin American countries. On June 23, 2005, local media reported that more than 3,000 unusual deaths of a wide variety of animals have been recorded since 2002 in Argentina and Chile alone.

A terrifying photo archive has already been collected (partly shown here), there are videos from the scene. Recorded eyewitness accounts of how UFOs lift into the air large domestic and wild animals weighing hundreds of kilograms each. And there seems to be no end in sight to this horrific "harvest" (as Linda Howe put it). “We don't know why, but mutilation of cows is part of a script written by aliens,” says ufologist Peter Robins.


There are, of course, a lot of them. Katarina Wilson, who has been abducted by aliens more than once, in her new book puts forward four reasons why creatures with UFOs can abduct terrestrial animals:

1. They just love animals.

2. They care about the conservation of terrestrial species.

3. They use the image of different animals as their own camouflage.

4. They use animals for all kinds of experiments, including genetic engineering.

If the first and the second are true, then, as they say, wherever it went. Perhaps herds of cows really graze on distant planets. Wilson cites many quotes from a variety of sources, including from the stories of abductants: someone saw luxurious aquariums and aviaries, someone saw veterinary clinics for the adaptation of terrestrial animals, to someone the aliens read lectures that it is not good to snare birds, etc. However, I must say, in earthly conditions, the love of newcomers to animals is manifested more than strange.

The second and third versions are much worse

Ufologists know that aliens often resort to screening human memory, pretending to be harmless animals - this, apparently, should reassure the earthling. It is clear that it is more pleasant to see a deer or even an owl than an inhuman face. But worst of all is their genetic experiments, the purpose of which we still do not understand.

The fifth point should be added to this - about the use of pure hemoglobin by aliens. Why they need it in such an amount is also incomprehensible, just as it is incomprehensible why they take precisely the eyes, ears, tongue, genitals from animals. If, suppose, aliens cut out the genitals of animals for the same purposes for which they take them: sperm and eggs from humans, then it is difficult to even imagine what kind of monsters they can raise …

Svetlana ANINA