On The Night Before A Large-scale Military Operation, A Married Couple Saw 40 Ships Of Humanoids - Alternative View

On The Night Before A Large-scale Military Operation, A Married Couple Saw 40 Ships Of Humanoids - Alternative View
On The Night Before A Large-scale Military Operation, A Married Couple Saw 40 Ships Of Humanoids - Alternative View

Video: On The Night Before A Large-scale Military Operation, A Married Couple Saw 40 Ships Of Humanoids - Alternative View

Video: On The Night Before A Large-scale Military Operation, A Married Couple Saw 40 Ships Of Humanoids - Alternative View
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The authorities of all countries continue to hide the existence of aliens, but ordinary people learned the truth a long time ago.

A new book by paranormal researcher Paul Sinclair tells a startling story that is not fictional - it actually happened. It is about an elderly couple who in 2009 noticed almost fifty UFOs in the sky. The appearance of the starships of alien civilizations provoked the emergence of a major military operation, called the British Roswell.

The incident took place in the tiny village of Wilsthorpe, located in West Yorkshire. At about 11 pm, the couple, who live in a 30-apartment building, decided to go to bed. The woman put out the light and saw that a dazzling glow appeared on the street.

She opened the door and fell into shock: a huge ship in the form of a boomerang hung over the sea, and 30-40 rounded UFOs hovered under it. Her husband, Ron, was so scared that he locked himself in the bedroom and tucked his head under the pillow.

However, his wife realized that she would never be able to see anything like it, so she stood in the street and watched what was happening until the last pair of flying saucers rushed over the horizon. The next day, the beach was flooded with military, who flew here in two Chinook helicopters.

Paul Sinclair learned of this precedent from the owner of a fishing shop. When he appealed to the UK Department of Defense with a request to explain the presence of the military, its representatives got off with banal phrases like "On the beach, ordinary exercises were carried out in order to increase the country's defense."