"Humanoid Alyoshenka" Could Have Given Birth To A Kyshtym High School Student - Alternative View

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"Humanoid Alyoshenka" Could Have Given Birth To A Kyshtym High School Student - Alternative View
"Humanoid Alyoshenka" Could Have Given Birth To A Kyshtym High School Student - Alternative View

Video: "Humanoid Alyoshenka" Could Have Given Birth To A Kyshtym High School Student - Alternative View

Video: The Terrible Toll of Russia's Secret Nuclear Accident (2001) 2024, July

The journalists of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" returned to Kyshtym in search of the mother of a strange creature. Meanwhile, the investigators made their conclusion, who is Alyoshenka

In Kyshtym, both old and young people still know the story of how in May 1996, old woman Tamara Prosvirina went to the well for water and found an unknown animal under a pine tree. I took it home and called it Alyoshenka. A month later, the orderlies took the pensioner to the hospital with "an acute form of schizophrenia."

Tellingly, she did not dream of a humanoid. Already mummified, "Aleshenka" fell into the hands of the local policeman Vladimir Bendlin. He also gave the little body to the sectarian ufologists from the "Star Academy for the Study of Frontal Problems." The guardian of law himself assures that the ufologists Alpha Centauri vowed to analyze the DNA of the mummy. Bendlin's neighbors slander that the policeman sold the humanoid at a fair price.

Now Alyoshenka's mummy has sunk into the Black Hole. Well, and we, accordingly, are looking for it (a mummy, not a Black Hole) in order to do an examination of the strange body.

Tamara Prosvirina went to the well for water and found an unknown animal under a pine tree


Photo: Personal archive of the Prosvirins family / Vladimir Bendlin

Promotional video:

INVESTIGATORS: "Alyoshenka is an unviable embryo"

And the road winds like a white ribbon. This is our "Komsomol" detachment named after Fox Mulder rushing to Kyshtym. There we will meet with an old acquaintance - the deputy head of the medical department of the local hospital Igor Uskov. As we said in the last part, in 1996 he saw with his own eyes the mummy of an alien. Bendlin showed him the mummy. Uskov then told the policeman on the forehead: "Why are you slipping a miscarriage on me?" But the guardian of law was looking at the sky and smiling mysteriously.

Policeman Bendlin looked at the sky and smiled mysteriously


Photo: Alexey BULATOV

Now Igor Gennadievich is practically a full-fledged member of our "gang". We asked Uskov to look in the hospital's archives for the medical records of the residents of Kyshtym who became pregnant in December 1995 - January 1996 (in appearance, the approximate life of a human embryo, better known as Aleshenka, is 5-6 months).

On the way, for lack of other entertainment, we study the letter that the Kyshtym Investigative Committee sent us. We asked them for the second time to start checking on the fact that the body of a newborn child was found on the outskirts of the city in May 1996. Deputy Head of Department I. A. Mitrokhin writes: “We have considered your appeal. In 1996, a miscarriage was presented, that is, an unviable human embryo. These are not the remains of an infant. Therefore, there are no grounds for conducting an inspection”.

"In 1996, a miscarriage was presented, that is, an unviable human embryo," the investigators say.


Photo: Alexey BULATOV

It seems that there is nothing to complain about in the answer. All in essence. But while there is no body, how can one declare with absolute certainty that the Kyshtym dwarf is a miscarriage. However, we at least received the first official statement of the Ural security officials regarding Alyoshenka.


Kyshtym hospital. Uskov offers to sit down. The face is focused. As if a disappointing diagnosis was about to report.

- The cards of 20-year-old patients have not been preserved in the antenatal clinic, - Igor Gennadievich shakes his head.

Igor Uskov is sure that Aleshenka's mother did not register with the antenatal clinic


Photo: Roman Lyalin

Shouldn't they be stored for 25 years?

- Accounting histories are only 5 years old, and then they are disposed of.

Our pre-New Year mood disappears in a moment. Uskov, noticing this, only smiles slyly:

- Why are you limp? "Alyoshenka's mom" did not register with us! I tell you this with 100% certainty. My wife, the head of the antenatal clinic, would be immediately informed about such fetal pathology by the staff. Why, information about such deviations would immediately go to the regional Ministry of Health.

What if the child's mutation was simply overlooked?

- It couldn't be. Look, when a pregnant woman is registered, she is immediately tested for fetal genetic mutations. With such genetic changes that "Alyoshenka" had, the expectant mother would have been persuaded to have an abortion for medical reasons. There are no options. A woman would not have given birth to such a deformed baby. Consequently, the lady was not registered and examined. Apparently, it was an asocial element with an unwanted pregnancy. The woman carried the fetus as much as she could, and then there was a miscarriage. Nature rejects what is not characteristic of her.

New Year's mood in Kyshtym is off scale


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV


Do you know why Alyoshenka was found in May and not in December? Because not a single self-respecting alien would go to the Urals in a 30-degree frost! Saying goodbye to Uskov, we decide to visit the very well, near which Tom's woman found the "humanoid". Suddenly a clue will appear, who is the parent of our little hero? But the harsh Kyshtym winter is not very conducive to hiking.

There are brick ruins 50 meters from the watering hole, which clearly survived not only our Alexei Galaktikovich, but, perhaps, the era of stagnation. The walls are decorated with fresh inscriptions: "spice", "legal" and phone numbers. Igor Uskov's words about the “asocial element” fit perfectly on the rotten mattresses that are used to cover the floor. But the frost-voivode drove all the vagabonds to hell.

Not a single self-respecting alien will go to the Urals in 30-degree frost


Photo: Ekaterina SHANGITOVA

A little further away, a sawmill hums. We go to the sound. On the left, a watchdog is poured, in which the nickname "GRAF" is diligently displayed on the kennel. Suddenly, a man appears in front of us with a working chainsaw in his hands. A black knitted hat is pulled over the forehead up to the eyes, the lower part of the face is hidden under a scarf. The Ural response to the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", without slowing down, jokes at us and hums something inarticulate.

When we are ready to dash into the kennel to the Count, the stranger pulls the scarf from his mouth:

- I say, what do you want?

Teeth chattering from cold and fear, we squeeze out of ourselves a story about the search for Alyoshenka. A stern man thaws like a Snow Maiden in the spring.

“Michael,” he holds out his hand. - Yes, here every second can be the mother of your humanoid. There is a granite processing workshop nearby. And in 1995, a car repair shop stood in its place. I was still a kid then. And the conversations that the mechanics were doing wild booze with girls there inspired me a lot (winks). And here in our carpentry workshop, they say, in those days that still [nativity scene] happened after the shift.

The sawmill is guarded by a proud watchdog with the speaking nickname Count


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV


We take a bow and leave the sawmill. An old man walks from the side of the well. Dragging a cart with 5 liter bottles of water. Barely moving our completely frozen lips, we demand to give us his mother, that is, Aleshenka's mother.

- Drug addicts have been hanging around the well for 30 years. They will take the dose there in their barracks, and then run to the watering hole. So they give birth after all this nasty Alesheneks! I have no more strength. There are solid syringes and needles near the well.

"Drug addicts will take a dose there in their barracks, and then give birth to their Alesheneks!"


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV

- Why do you take water there? - we glance at the bottles.

- Where else can we get it? - the old man sighs. - Or maybe, by the way, you don't need to look for a drug addict. In the mid-90s, there was a scandalous rumor in our district that a high school student from a local school had become pregnant. When the girl never gave birth, everyone decided that they were talking empty talk. But what if she had a miscarriage?

Is this school far away?

- Yes, there is right next to the well behind the trees …

Andrey GORBUNOV, Roman Lyalin, Saltykova Ekaterina
