In Turkey, The UFO Epidemic - Alternative View

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In Turkey, The UFO Epidemic - Alternative View
In Turkey, The UFO Epidemic - Alternative View

Video: In Turkey, The UFO Epidemic - Alternative View

Video: In Turkey, The UFO Epidemic - Alternative View
Video: NASA now investigating Navy's UFO videos: 'There is something there' 2024, September

Museums of unidentified flying objects have recently opened in many cities in Turkey. They are popular and generate solid profits. Someone calls an unhealthy interest in UFOs psychosis. Others are seriously talking about the danger of contact with extraterrestrial civilization

One of the most visited UFO museums, which opened in the Asian part of Istanbul, was created at the initiative of the Sirius Center, which recently even held an international congress on unidentified flying objects. The exposition of the museum is full of mystery and mystery. Among the exhibits are numerous photographs of UFOs, models of "flying saucers", objects of "extraterrestrial origin". One of the exhibits is a video recording made in May 2008 at 3 a.m. by the watchman Yalcin Yalmanin one of the holiday villages in the suburbs of Antalya. The twenty-minute clip clearly shows the shiny metal surface of the "flying saucer". The video is accompanied by Yalman's comments: “It moves very, very slowly. Doesn't go anywhere. Hanging in the sky, right above the sea. Exactly the same as last year. Here, look, look. Someone is walking inside. Allah, Allah! What is it? There is definitely someone inside. Damn lost! Where did he go?"

The head of the Sirius UFO Research Center, Khaktan Akdogan, is confident that it was a UFO.

- Humanity does not know the origin of these objects. Our level of knowledge does not allow us to do this. One thing is clear - this is not a hallucination, but a material, physical object that has a certain shape - a prism, a circle, a triangle. They move in space, turn, make maneuvers. We cannot say why they are arriving. Are we being watched? Do they want meetings? One thing is clear: all such objects use completely different types of energy, - says Haktan Akdogan.

Similar museums operate in dozens of Turkish cities, even in the smallest provincial ones. They are very popular with schoolchildren and foreign tourists and bring in substantial profits. Ufologists, i.e. UFO researchers, funded by private sponsors, receiving help from businesses, organizing conferences, and selling special literature. Judging by the number of ufological messages coming from Turkey, the interest of aliens in this country is very high. UFOs are observed by schoolchildren, pilots, tourists, peasants. Moreover, several objects simultaneously and at once. Each such "contact" is marked on the map, which was made by Khaktan Akdogan.

- In 1985, a real flying saucer crashed in Istanbul's Laleli shopping district. Hundreds of people have seen this rather large streamlined object. According to eyewitnesses, police and gendarmes arrived at the UFO landing site and took it away, forbidding journalists to cover this event. In the summer of the same year, an aircraft was observed in the Sea of Marmara. The UFO hovered directly over the yacht. Its owner did not manage to take decent pictures. He claimed that at that moment all the equipment on the yacht went out of order, the electronics flew. This case was widely reported in the newspapers. Turkish Air Force pilots on a training flight over the Aegean Sea claimed that an unidentified aircraft pursued them and maneuvered around the fighter for half an hour. Between 2002 and 2004, there was a particular activity of UFO sightings in Turkey, says Haktan Akdogan.

In the southeast of Turkey, the "flying alien" was observed by a villager Fevzi Kam, who, together with his wife, was driving a tractor to a tobacco field. According to the farmer, the newcomer was about one meter tall with a wide round head and big eyes. “He wore a luminous yellow veil, like a pilgrim, he did not have wings, but he flew. My wife was afraid that he would damage our crop, she began to throw stones at him, like a scarecrow or a bird. The mysterious creature gained altitude and flew away. We still did not understand who it was,”said the farmer.

Adherents of the UFO theory believe that the appearance of aliens in a strange way coincides with various natural disasters: environmental disasters, solar eclipses, magnetic storms. The local population, on the other hand, has a lot of earthly questions to the specialists on aliens. How many years do aliens live? Are they dying or have the secret of eternal youth? Can Earthlings have sexual relations with aliens? A lively dialogue on these topics is taking place on the pages of ufological Internet sites. One of the most asked questions: "Do aliens believe in Allah?" Ufologist Haktan Akdogan knows the answers to some of these questions:

- Aliens move with unknown energy. They are like people and cannot help but believe in the strength of the spirit of the founder. Most often, it is difficult to separate them according to gender. Most likely, their reproduction is proceeding in a different way, unknown to mankind …

Such an unhealthy interest in unidentified flying objects in Turkey, some scientists call a real psychosis. The head of the Turkish National Observatory, Zeki Aslan, called for people who earn money from speculation around UFOs to be sent to a mental hospital or imprisoned. "The presence of intelligent beings outside our planet has not yet been proven by science," he said.

Meanwhile, some of the Turkish ufologists warn compatriots, any meeting with representatives of alien civilizations will not bring earthlings anything good. In the opinion of these ufologists, most often “warriors and hunters” go on a long journey. A similar scenario, when a more technologically advanced human civilization destroys another planet in search of resources for their own survival, is shown in the acclaimed film "Avatar". “The same will happen to us. Those who expand their zone of influence are in most cases conquerors who rely on the power of arms. People are unlikely to be of any value to the invaders and can easily be destroyed as a hindrance in their path,”writes the leading Turkish newspaper Milliyet.