Aliens Live Among Us - Alternative View

Aliens Live Among Us - Alternative View
Aliens Live Among Us - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Live Among Us - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Live Among Us - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

Scientists have argued for decades about the existence of life outside our planet. There are a lot of versions on this score, each scientist has his own opinion and his own view on this. If earlier stories about representatives of other civilizations would have caused a huge number of judgments, now more and more often you can come across a version about finding aliens among people. It's hard to believe in it, and sometimes you don't even want to notice such people among your environment. Although it is not easy to notice them and distinguish them from an ordinary person. They settle in the human body, live in it and collect the necessary information about the life of earthlings. This information is a very valuable product for other civilizations, so they pass it on with special care to “their own”. However, the mission of aliens is not always only to collect information, they often come to Earth in order to give new knowledge to humans.

There are even forums on the Internet where such settlers communicate with each other, discuss some general issues, share information about life on the planet.

How to understand that an alien lives next to us? How is he different from a person? What should you pay attention to first of all? Scientists identify several features, drawing attention to which, one can make an assumption about the presence of an extraterrestrial being nearby.

• Head size. It is larger than that of an ordinary person and has a slightly elongated shape in the occipital region.

• Foot size. Taller than average, these creatures have small legs and narrow hips. This is striking, since such a figure looks ridiculous and not familiar to an ordinary person.

• Lack of sexual desire. If for a person sex is an integral part of his life, then the aliens have absolutely no need for it.

• Hypersensitivity to everything around. It manifests itself as an allergy to various substances, often accompanied by suffocation.

• Energy. It has such power that it makes even light bulbs burst in a room with such creatures.

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This is something that can be distinguished visually in appearance, without contacting the alien. But there are distinctive features that can only be identified with the help of special instruments. So, for example, scientists know the fact that aliens have a lower body temperature than the inhabitants of the Earth. Also, their bones are extremely durable, and wounds heal very quickly, which the body of an ordinary person is not capable of.

There are also a number of distinguishing features of aliens that distinguish them in human society. Not all traits must be present in the alien, 3-4 is enough. They have snow-white skin and large eyes; it is difficult for an ordinary person to withstand their gaze on themselves. They can talk very quickly, as if in a hurry to tell as much information as possible to the inhabitants of the Earth, or, on the contrary, they can remain silent, fearing to say something important. Small mouth, bulging forehead and long arms are also the hallmarks of the unusual "guests" of our planet. The settlers are the owners of any unusual skills. They can have the gift of clairvoyance, can achieve success in creativity, and their children are born "weird."

Another version of the presence of aliens on our planet is the appearance, especially in recent years, of a huge number of various cataclysms that are not typical for this or that region in principle. These are tornadoes, floods, the strength and scale of which are striking in their destructiveness in cities and towns. History does not remember so many natural elements since the time of man's appearance on Earth. In this way, the aliens are trying to make significant changes to the climate, which is now not suitable for their comfortable stay here. At the same time, they are fully aware that such methods can be detrimental to a large number of people. These are the methods of the "dark settlers", as they are called in scientific circles because of their methods, which are not distinguished by their humanity.

Scientists studying the life of the settlers found a lot of famous people who could well be them. So the singer Viktor Tsoi, the mathematician Grigory Perelman, and the well-known Zhanna Aguzarova were included in this list. All of these people have clear similarities to aliens. And one of the brightest settlers, according to scientists, is Hitler, only he is a representative of the "black" forces. His unreal power energy made thousands of people follow him. He gave orders to conduct experiments on living people who were in captivity, looked at their torment and did not feel a drop of compassion. This is due to the fact that, unlike earthlings, aliens are not endowed with the ability to experience pity or other similar feelings. His death also turned out to be no less mysterious, until now no one knows the whereabouts of Hitler's body. He committed suicide and disappeared.

Now the inhabitants of the Earth are experiencing a lot of difficulties. Cases of arrival of aliens on Earth are becoming more and more frequent, they want to help a person in solving problem situations and in the transition to a new stage in the development of civilization. Researchers believe that it is thanks to such visits to the Earth that great and significant discoveries in science are made by its inhabitants.

The hypothesis that humanity is under the constant supervision and control of some outside forces is increasingly heard among scientists and politicians. So far, no one dares to make an official statement on this matter, since this topic is secret. Scientists have every right to remain silent about their guesses and assumptions on this score, but they have no right to underestimate the danger of everything that happens. The fact that unknown forces have an impact on modern society is evidenced by the manifestation of great interest in cultures and religions that appeared about about a hundred years ago. The identification of cases of the impact of aliens on human life, their study and interpretation, should now be in the first place in working with this phenomenon, since the fate of humanity as a whole depends on this.