UFO Controls The Strategic Weapons Of The Missile Forces - Alternative View

UFO Controls The Strategic Weapons Of The Missile Forces - Alternative View
UFO Controls The Strategic Weapons Of The Missile Forces - Alternative View

Video: UFO Controls The Strategic Weapons Of The Missile Forces - Alternative View

Video: UFO Controls The Strategic Weapons Of The Missile Forces - Alternative View
Video: What Disabled Missiles at Malmstrom Air Force Base? 2024, July

There are cases when under the influence of UFOs hovering over the positions of strategic missile forces, there was a strong magnetization of the missile guidance heads, which negatively affected their accuracy.

As a result, it was necessary to remove individual missile units from combat duty.

Interesting information about this was provided by retired colonel Sokolov, who had worked for ten years in the Section of Applied Problems (a closed division at the junction of the Ministry of Defense and the Academy of Sciences) and had access to important classified information. According to Sokolov, in 1983 he had to participate in the investigation of an incident with a UFO hovering near one of the bases of intercontinental ballistic missiles in Ukraine. The object was near the base for four hours, and all this time, lights on its main control panel were lit and the launch program was inexplicably turned on. Fortunately, none of the missiles took off.

UFOs also affect internal combustion engines, radio communications

In 1982, at a large exercise of the Pacific Fleet in the Kamchatka region, radio communication between ships and the coast was completely interrupted for half an hour, when several ships observed a passing UFO.

And in 1988, with the appearance of a huge UFO with 36 symmetrically located lights near the aircraft-carrying cruiser Novorossiysk, located near the Shikotan Island, the diesel engines immediately stopped on the ship, all electronic systems were de-energized and even the portable batteries of the radio station stopped working. After 15 minutes, the object flew away and everything worked again.

Repeated UFO flights have been observed in our country not only over missile positions, but also over cosmodromes, nuclear submarine bases, military airfields and rocket ranges.

UFOs were repeatedly observed over Baikonur, and in 1962 S. P. Korolev saw UFOs there. In 1975, a UFO hovered over the launch pad before the failed launch of the Soyuz-18-1 spacecraft.

In 1990, an unknown person hovered over the launch system every day for ten days, on which the Energia rocket and the Buran reusable spacecraft were located.

In 1989, a huge UFO landed at the Yemtsa station north of the Plesetsk cosmodrome. And in 1992, after photographing the Soyuz space launch site with the Resurs-500 spacecraft, two unknown objects in the form of washers hanging on either side of the rocket were discovered in the developed images. And in the picture taken 20 minutes later, a large gray ball was visible to the left of the rocket. All of them were not visually observed.

According to the former chief of reconnaissance of the flotilla, Captain First Rank

Berezhny, from October 1979 to April 1980, disk-shaped UFOs appeared and hovered almost every week over the base of our nuclear submarines in Zapadnaya Litsa Bay.

Complex UFO maneuvers were recorded over military airfields south of Barnaul, north of Roslavl, and others.

Colonel-General Kankov described how he and a group of officers and designers in 1979 and 1986 observed an ellipsoidal UFO at the Kapustin Yar missile range, hovering for an

hour over launch pad before missile test launches. And the officers of the test site told him that such objects are often observed there.

UFOs also appeared during some test launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Pilot-cosmonaut Serebrov said that from unofficial sources of the KGB he knows for sure: as soon as we declare some area of the ocean closed for navigation due to the entry of warheads of launched ballistic missiles there, not only American ships appear there, but also unidentified flying objects …

Above the Hungarian airfield, on which our fighter regiment was based, a UFO hovered in the form of a sphere with a diameter of about 800 meters, flights were stopped, and a fighter from a neighboring airfield was raised to intercept it. But the UFO with the approach of the aircraft instantly at a speed of about 10 thousand kilometers per hour rose to a height of 30 kilometers, inaccessible to the aircraft.

In 1978, at Baikonur, the sentries discovered an unknown luminous object hovering over one of the buildings, the guard was raised "in a gun" and opened fire on the object. In response to this, the UFO made it so that the lights at the cosmodrome were completely turned off and all means of communication stopped working.

In 1967, two Cuban MiG-21 fighters were sent to intercept an unknown spheroidal object approaching the island and were ordered to shoot it down. But the radars and missiles were out of order. Then the pilot of the second plane reported that the leader's plane exploded without flame and smoke.

In 1974, over Tokyo, a disc-shaped UFO itself rushed towards the Japanese fighter sent to intercept it and, after making several turns around it, crashed into the plane, which fell and crashed. No UFO wreckage was found.

There are also known cases when fighters sent to intercept UFOs disappeared without a trace when they encountered objects. This usually happened in the following way: on the radar screens it was seen how the mark from> the plane merged with the mark from the UFO, after which the general mark either disappeared or was removed at high speed, and no traces of the plane were found.

For example, in 1992 in the Far East, a mark from the newest SU-27 fighter that was in the air suddenly disappeared on the radar screens, and the air defense headquarters noticed that at the time of the disappearance of the aircraft there was an unidentified flying object in this area. Intensive searches for the SU-27 by airplanes, helicopters and ground search teams, carried out over a month, were unsuccessful.

The issue of intercepting UFOs in the American Air Force in different years was resolved in different ways:

at first, there was an order to shoot down UFOs, then - to open fire only in case of hostile actions on their part, and even later - to be vigilant, but not to take extreme measures.

In our armed forces, pilots were also initially ordered to chase and shoot down UFOs. In this case, in three cases, the fighters crashed and one pilot was killed. After that, the pilots were ordered to change course and move away from contact when encountering UFOs.

It should also be noted that in a number of countries it has long been forbidden not only to open fire on UFOs from any types of weapons, but also to irradiate them with anti-aircraft missile guidance stations, as well as to perform maneuvers towards objects that can be regarded as attackers.

What is known about how our Department of Defense deals with unidentified flying objects?

The extensive collection of data on UFO sightings in our armed forces has only been organized since 1980. One of the leading missile specialists, Colonel-General Maksimov, wrote in 1990 in Krasnaya Zvezda that a special directive was then sent to military units, according to which all UFO sightings should be reported to the leading institutes that were identified in all types of armed forces. The directive was accompanied by methodological instructions, composed by the author of these lines, on the organization of observations of anomalous phenomena and objects (as UFOs were then called) and their impact on the environment, living organisms and technical means.

The UFO study program in the Ministry of Defense received the code name first "Mesh MO", then "Galaxy MO" and, finally, "Horizon" and was made secret, in connection with which we have very limited information on this issue.

At the UFO symposium in the USA in the summer of 1994, it was reported about research work in Russia on the topic "Thread-3" under the rather complex title "Substantiation of the concept and forecast of the expected results of experimental and theoretical studies of the processes of functioning of unconventional engines and their interaction with the environment." This is exactly what the UFO study carried out in military unit 73790 is called purely scientifically. Here, in 1991, this report was compiled in a volume of several tens of pages.

The symposium published in the United States summarizes this report and includes a photocopy of its title page, signed by the appropriate OFFICERS.

The report outlines the history of UFO research in the USSR and the USA, contains detailed information about the classification of this problem in America, in particular, Operation Majestic12, describes the UFO crashes in 1947 near Roswell and in 1950 near the US border with Mexico. Also cited are links to UFO encounters by American and Russian cosmonauts. With regard to the numerous UFO encounters, it is said that their descriptions would span several volumes.

The report indicates that the main task of the program

Nit-Z is about conducting extensive research to discover new principles of unconventional engines and their accompanying fields and understand how such technology was developed and how technological advantages can be derived from this fact. At the same time, it is emphasized that among the observations of UFOs there are many of these, it is impossible to explain, because in them we may encounter aliens from other planets or from parallel worlds.

After reports in the press about the UFO wrecked by the American authorities, we heard rumors that our Ministry of Defense also allegedly has entire UFOs and their fragments, which are kept secret in hangars and are being investigated with the involvement of major scientists.

Asked if such rumors were true, the deputy head of the state legal department under the President of Russia, in charge of security and defense, Kotenkov, in 1992, said that "he had not heard that some> objects were stored and studied somewhere."

Colonel Sokolov also said that he had never come across any physical evidence of the existence of a UFO.