An Unusual Find Was Discovered By A Man From America - Alternative View

An Unusual Find Was Discovered By A Man From America - Alternative View
An Unusual Find Was Discovered By A Man From America - Alternative View

Video: An Unusual Find Was Discovered By A Man From America - Alternative View

Video: An Unusual Find Was Discovered By A Man From America - Alternative View
Video: 5 People Who Claim to be Time Travelers 2024, September

The story begins in 1985, when Bob was driving to Las Vegas with his longtime friend. At night, they noticed a strange glow in the sky and decided to stop to take a closer look.

Several small lights appeared in the sky, flying near a larger and brighter object. For some time they flew chaotically without any clearly defined purpose, and after that all objects merged into one and disappeared from sight in a matter of seconds.

After their disappearance, an incomprehensible orange object remained in the sky, which was rapidly approaching the earth. Bob and his friend quickly got into the car and followed him. Ultimately, they managed to find him.

After landing on the ground, the object turned into such an artifact.


Soon, Bob publicly announced his find.


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A few days later, photographs of Bob with his extraterrestrial artifact were on the main pages of many popular newspapers. He managed to generate widespread interest in his unusual find.

Official scientists have also expressed interest in the subject, so many laboratories have offered to help study it.

The offers were lucrative, and Bob agreed to donate his treasure for full scientific research. However, soon the joy of the discovery was replaced by deep disappointment.

Scientists have found no unknown elements or any unusual properties in the alloy. As it turned out, it consisted mainly of aluminum, iron and silicon in a percentage of 85, 2 and 9%.

And in 1996, they took up the find at the national institute.

True, the result did not differ from research in other laboratories.


However, even after so many failures, Bob did not lose faith in the authenticity of his find. He appeared on several TV shows and even passed a lie-detector test twice.

After that, he tried to organize a museum with his artifact and even sell it at auction. Both ventures have failed.

The last time Bob wanted to raise money for new research on the Internet, there is no information about this story.