Soviet And Russian Military And UFOs - Alternative View

Soviet And Russian Military And UFOs - Alternative View
Soviet And Russian Military And UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Soviet And Russian Military And UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Soviet And Russian Military And UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Mikhail Gorbachev: World in ‘colossal danger’ - BBC News 2024, September

“I know that neither Russia nor the United States possesses anything that even comes close to them (UFOs) in terms of flight speed and maneuverability. Senior military officials are seriously concerned about UFOs. At the same time, many citizens are convinced by official secrecy and ridicule that UFOs are nonsense."

It is known that I. V. Stalin in 1947 commissioned several prominent scientists to express and give their opinion and opinion about UFOs.

This was reported by V. Burdakov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, who worked for S. P. Korolyov, and Korolyov himself and one of his closest associates M. Tikhonravov told him about this.

On Stalin's instructions, Korolev was then instructed to sort out the obtained foreign materials on UFOs within three days and express his opinion on this issue. Several translators were assigned to help him, and he had to work in specially designated apartments.

According to Korolev himself, Kurchatov, Keldysh, Topchiev received a similar assignment then separately.

Summoned to Stalin, Korolyov reported that, in his personal opinion, the UFO phenomenon apparently exists and needs to be studied, and this is not a weapon of a potential enemy and does not pose a serious threat to our country. Thanking Korolyov, Stalin told him that other prominent scientists and specialists he asked had similar opinions.

The fact that I. V. Stalin took very seriously not only the problem of UFOs, but also controlled through his close associates the work related to atomic weapons, and for the uninitiated, say, the work carried out with the topology of space-time and occult research - characterizes him as intelligent, competent and visionary leader of his country.

The very first serious incident, which forced the military to treat the UFO problem with full responsibility, was perhaps the Rybinsk incident, which was directly related to the defense capability of the anti-missile shield in Moscow. The incident reported that the guided missile had been set on fire and destroyed by a giant UFO. The event took place in the summer of 1961 over Rybinsk, approximately 150 km from Moscow. The missile was part of a new defense system set up around Moscow. According to military testimony, a giant disc-shaped UFO appeared at an altitude of approximately 20 km, along with several smaller UFOs. A missile salvo was fired. All the missiles exploded before reaching the target approximately 3 km. Before the missiles could take off, the smaller UFO modules neutralized the electronics of their control and guidance systems. Control was restored again when the "small" UFOs withdrew. The reports of the Rybinsk incident contain information similar to the famous incident in the United States, when a new Atlas rocket was destroyed by an UFO that appeared.

An earlier UFO case is also interesting. In September 1950, two Soviet fighter jets in the airspace of the Sea of Japan attempted to attack a UFO in full view of the crew of a Japanese merchant ship. One of the fighters, futilely firing all its ammunition at a UFO, went to a dangerous approach to the object, but before reaching it, it suddenly vibrated and crumbled into small fragments from the effect of an unknown protective field from the object.

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It is known that since 1976 at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, work on the study of UFOs began to unfold in secret. This is confirmed by two interesting documents:

And the second document, published in 1997 and having the most direct relation to the Armed Forces of the USSR. This is a letter printed on the letterhead of the General Staff of the Navy of the USSR dated January 20, 1978 N 739-105.

“Deputy Chairman of the Oceanographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The main headquarters of the Navy received a developed under the leadership of Ph. D. V. G. Azhazhi "Draft instructions for observing UFOs" (your ref. N 13037-b-SPI from 15.07.77). This project was used in the organization of observation of UFO ships and vessels of the Navy. Given the urgency and importance of the scientific and technical solution to this problem, I express my gratitude for the assistance provided and hope for further cooperation in this matter. Deputy Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, Vice Admiral Yu. V. Ivanov ".

The UFO problem was then assigned to the Deputy Chief of the Main Staff of the USSR Navy K. V. Ivanov, who was also the chief of intelligence of the entire fleet.

The Petrozavodsk case, which occurred on September 20, 1977, and was considered in detail in the manuscript of the pioneer of Soviet ufology F. Yu. Siegel (actually - L. M. Gindilis. Approx. M. T.)

Not everyone knows, however, that this event was preceded by the following interesting UFO sighting made from a submarine in the Barents Sea returning to Severodvinsk from factory tests.

On September 20, 1977, a nuclear submarine (Project 705) sailed across the White Sea in the direction of Severodvinsk. The watch officer noticed a bright star moving rapidly across the sky. She moved from the north, from the Arctic, to the south, towards Petrozavodsk and Leningrad. The officer of the watch noted that a cylinder was passing over him, at one end of which the symmetry was clearly broken. Objects suddenly appeared from the cylinder, resembling small peas in the distance. The angular dimensions were difficult to estimate because the object's flight altitude was very high. Peas did not follow him, but flew in different directions. The watch officer recorded an unusual phenomenon in the submarine's logbook.

It is easy to see that the officer of the watch described a classic case in ufology, when the basic uterus module (in this case, the cylinder) released smaller reconnaissance modules, which usually go along straight lines in different directions (orthotenia), where they are engaged in reconnaissance and monitoring activities, with the subsequent fence by the main module of reconnaissance vehicles after a while at a certain conditional gathering point.

So, already in the 70s, our military was seriously interested in the topic of UFOs. This is then, several years later, there will be secret projects for collecting and analyzing information on UFOs projects such as "Horizon MO", "Grid MO", "Galaxy MO", "Nit-1", "Nit-2", "Nit-3" … Soon a number of academic institutes of the USSR will be connected to these projects with the replacement of the MO abbreviation by the Academy of Sciences, which will collect information on UFOs in their regions and work out various aspects of the genesis of UFOs with the subsequent collection of information at the head institute IZMIRAN, in Moscow.

For the first time it became officially known that the Ministry of Defense (MO) of the USSR was somehow engaged in the UFO problem, from the response of Academician A. Shchukin to a letter from a group of leading aircraft designers to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. N. Kosygin in 1968. In this answer, Shchukin said that “the question of the nature of the so-called UFOs was considered with the involvement of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Main Directorate of the Hydrometeorological Service, the Ministry of Defense, and other organizations. the purpose of their identification”.

In his article "The Russian Army Against UFOs," the famous Russian UFO researcher Colonel G. K. Kolchin writes:

“A wide collection of data on UFO sightings in the armed forces of the USSR was organized only in 1980. One of the leading missile specialists, Colonel-General A. Maksimov, wrote in 1990 on the pages of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper that a special directive was then sent to all military units, according to which UFO sightings were to be reported to the leading institutes created in all types of the Armed forces. The directive was accompanied by guidelines for organizing observations of anomalous phenomena (AE) (so-called UFOs) and their impact on the environment, living organisms and technical means.

These instructions said that the AH objects have the form of spheres, cylinders, disks with one or two domes and such details as windows, hatches, that objects can emit light rays, are capable of being divided into parts, followed by the flight of each part separately. It was noted that they move at high speeds along unusual trajectories, make sharp maneuvers, hover, and are able to move from air to water and back.

It was recommended to pay special attention to the effect they have on weapons, turning off or turning on electrical networks, stopping radio communications or setting up radio interference, stopping internal combustion engines, disrupting the operation of compasses, electrical and mechanical clocks, as well as cases of impact on living organisms. The presence of physical traces, the defeat of personnel and the failure of equipment under the influence of an anomalous phenomenon was ordered to immediately report by telegraph.

The methodological instructions emphasized that this problem deserves serious research and is directly related to the tasks of further study and practical development of the Earth's atmosphere and outer space.

Forms of information sheets were attached to the instructions, in which the results of the observations were to be entered.

The program for studying the AY (or, in other words, UFO) received the code name "Mesh MO", and then "Galaxy MO" and was classified, so we have very limited information.

On October 7, 1977, First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral N. Smirnov said that 9 unknown spherical objects circled over the masts over the masts of the Volga submarines located in the Barents Sea for 18 minutes, but the base commander could not report this to the headquarters of the Northern Fleet, tk. radio communication with their appearance completely ceased. When the objects flew away, the connection was restored.

In the report of the head of reconnaissance of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral V. A. Domyslovsky, in the 70s, it was reported that our naval sailors observed an unknown cylindrical object 800-900 meters long in remote areas of the Pacific Ocean, hovering above the water. From one end of this cylinder, small objects flew out and fell into the water, and after a while they returned to a large UFO.

In April 1990, the chief of the General Staff of the Air Defense Forces, Colonel-General of Aviation I. Maltsev, in an interview with the Rabochaya Tribuna newspaper, reported that in March 1990, in the area of the cities of Pereslavl-Zalessky, Zagorsk, Fryazino, Kirzhach, north of Moscow, flights of an unknown object, for the identification of which fighters were raised. According to eyewitnesses, this UFO was a disc with a diameter of 100-200 meters, on the sides of which there were two pulsating lights. The object rotated around its axis, and its trajectory in the horizontal and vertical planes was sometimes zigzag. From time to time it hovered, and then continued to move at a speed two to three times faster than that of a modern fighter. Its flight altitude ranged from 1000 to 7000 m.

Maltsev also stated that the flights of these objects are not accompanied by any sounds and are distinguished by amazing maneuverability, and it seems that they are completely devoid of inertia. In his opinion, earthly mechanical devices today do not have such capabilities.

An attempt to hide from the public that the military was engaged in UFOs was also the official response of the representative of the Ministry of Defense to a letter from the Leningrad ufologist N. Lebedev to the Minister of Defense Marshal DT Yazov with a proposal to make public information material on UFOs collected by the Ministry of Defense in Mytishchi. This response, signed by Colonel Sysoev in September 1989 and published in the newspaper Komsomolets Kirghizii, stated that the Ministry of Defense was not involved in this issue and did not have any materials on UFOs.

Also of interest are statements about the possibility of using weapons against UFOs made in 1990 by General of the Army I. Tretyak, who was then the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces.

In an interview with Literaturnaya Gazeta, Tretyak admitted that there really are some phenomena that appear to us in the form of UFOs, the nature of which we do not know. He stated: “If we take seriously the hypothesis of the existence of a UFO as a product of a highly organized mind, much more developed than our civilization, then any struggle with such objects and their crews until their intentions are clarified will be ineffectual, and, moreover, may lead to an unpredictable response . Therefore, Tretyak considered it premature to use existing or create special means of combating UFOs until science has determined the degree of threat posed by them. “Incomprehensible phenomena should be studied, not knocked down,” he said.

General Tretyak also argued that we do not have instructions specifically stipulating air defense actions when meeting with alien ships. However, there are instructions that regulate the behavior of certain services when detecting flying objects, whose purpose and intentions are unclear, with an indication even of which weapons should be used if necessary. And some measures to improve our technology will at the same time contribute to a more effective UFO detection.

In the face of increased publicity after August 1991, many important data about our latest weapons were declassified, but representatives of the Ministry of Defense remained reticent about UFOs. This is evidenced by the vague and vague statements of various officials made in 1992-1993.

In 1992, General E. Tarasov, Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Air Defense Forces, confirmed that the Air Defense Forces were interested in information about UFOs and even recorded cases when aircraft were raised after these objects. However, when asked what is being done with such information, he confined himself to a vague statement that we are dealing with it … "responsibly." Tarasov also said that he was not aware of any cases of UFO aggressiveness towards pilots or air defense objects, although one of the pilots' messages contained a "curious nuance", but he was not authorized to disclose this information, since it was classified as "secret". At the same time, he stressed that we recommend our pilots to behave "peacefully towards UFOs."

In the same year, the new chief of the General Staff of the Air Defense Forces, Colonel-General V. Sinitsyn, approved the publication of a special issue of the Vestnik Air Defense magazine devoted to UFOs, and said that he was ready to talk about this topic when the time came, because considerations.

Of undoubted interest is also the statement about UFOs by the commander of the military space forces, Colonel-General V. Ivanov, who said that at one time he had met in Plesetsk with a general who came there, the head of a military institute specially created for studying UFOs.

General Ivanov also reported that about five years ago, a little to the side of Baikonur, three objects passed at high altitude, which were clearly visible on the radar screen. "What it was, we still do not know," said Ivanov, "but we know for sure that these were not planes."

Former commander of the Air Defense Forces of the Far East, currently holding the post of head of the Higher Command Academy of the Air Defense Forces named after V. I. Marshal Zhukov, Colonel General Gennady Reshetnikov, in an interview, said that he faced the UFO problem in 1976. So he said:

Aviation Major General V. A. says about similar things in UFO radar observations. Alekseev, employee of the Center for Space Communications:

In 1997, the same Major General V. A. Alekseev made one interesting statement:

It has been noticed that UFOs appear most often where new military equipment was tested, exercises with the use of new means of engaging the enemy, and the transportation of "special cargo". The military argue that the appearance of a UFO can be caused "artificially" - it is enough to simulate the transportation of new military equipment, as UFOs immediately appear in order to monitor these "cargo".

In this context, the following cases from the UFO archives are of interest.

This incident was told by Nikolai Sadkov, who served in the 70s as a minder on a torpedo boat of the Black Sea Fleet. The usual task of the boat was as follows: when somewhere there were exercises for practicing firing from training torpedoes, the torpedoes fired at the target did not explode, but for some time kept afloat, after which they sank. The time of keeping the rocket afloat reached several days. While floating, the rocket had a radio beacon, and being guided by it, the boat detected it in the direction finding square and lifted the torpedo aboard, after which it returned to the base. During one of its exits, the boat, where N. Sadkov served, was supposed to discover a new secret torpedo of the Dolphin brand being tested. The ship went to sea. Two hours later, we found the torpedo and moved to the desired square of the serif. The torpedo was barely visible from under the water. The commander of the ship gave the order to bring the boat to the torpedo, and the crew of sailors prepared to capture the torpedo and lift it aboard the ship.

Sadkov N. describes the subsequent events as follows:

“And suddenly a huge bell-shaped spaceship hung from under the clouds above the torpedo! Its diameter reached 15-20 meters. The "bell" slowly lowered over it (with a torpedo) and hovered at a height of 5 meters. From somewhere under the skies, we heard a voice that said in purely Russian: “We will not do anything bad to you. Everyone to stay put. A round platform descended from under the bottom of the spacecraft, which slowly drew a torpedo to itself like a magnet. At this time, our acoustician ran out with a camera to take pictures. But a thin bright red ray appeared from the ship and rested its end right on his head! The speaker fell.

An unusual, imperative and at the same time gentle voice repeated: “Everyone, stay where you are. We will not do anything bad to you. " The alien from space disappeared along with the torpedo as suddenly as it appeared. But I noticed that he did not disappear, but simply flew away with great speed. Two hours later he reappeared and hovered over the deck of the ship. And we all saw how hatches in the bottom of the "bell" opened and the torpedo slowly lowered onto our deck. The ship disappeared, and at the base, in a special department, they took us a nondisclosure agreement."

The intelligence officer told the ufologist Yuri Stroganov more striking information:

“On March 15, 1994, at 14.00, a department officer at one of the air defense bases reported to the unit on duty that some thing that looked like a flying saucer was sitting on the parade ground right in front of the building … At 14.05, all servicemen who were not on alert, who had been alerted, surrounded the parade ground. The parade ground itself had a size of 200 m by 200 m. The "Plate" sat in the center of the parade ground on three supports, so all observations were made from a distance of approximately 100-150 m. According to the description of the officer, who was also in the cordon, the UFO looked like a disk with a dome at the top, and below - three hemispheres and three landing supports. The diameter of the disk was 23-24 m, the height of the dome was 6-7 m, and the hemisphere was 4-5 m. The center of the unidentified object was silvery, with a bluish tint, capable of mirror reflection.

At 14.10, in accordance with the methodological instructions of the USSR Ministry of Defense from 1980, the officer on duty reported the appearance of a UFO to the higher command of the unit. Above received a categorical order not to approach the UFO in any way and generally stop any movement of both personnel and equipment, in order to avoid unforeseen actions from the UFO (which also corresponds to the above-mentioned MO instructions, indicating that some actions once took place). An order was given to organize the reception of a laboratory aircraft, accompanied by a group of military fighters.

On approaching the parade ground, the UFO was photographed and videotaped by this group. Then specially trained specialists, divided into three groups of five, from three sides in shiny sealed suits and with some devices in their hands, began to approach the UFO. As soon as they had to reach the UFO of 5-6 meters, the UFO (or the air around it) "became covered with ripples", a hissing whistle was heard and a slight trembling of the soil began. Following this, the object began to slowly rise and at the same time "pull" the asphalt from the parade ground. The "contraction" took place from the curbs to the center, forming a small crater in the very center, right under the UFO. Having risen to a height of 12-15 m, the UFO stopped, removed the supports and, with a loop-like turn, disappeared in a flash of bright light. After himself, he left the asphalt pulled to the center of the parade ground by about 0.5 m along the entire outer perimeter and a crater 0.3 m deep. A group of military men examined this parade ground for a whole day."

There are also more serious UFO incidents. This was told to us by the Leningrad ufologist Igor Baturin, who tried to investigate this case. So, the floor is given to Baturin.

“I had no luck for the last two years - UFOs either slipped away, or left no traces, or the testimony of eyewitnesses could not be considered valid. Now there was everything: an object of the "Belgian Triangle" type, and traces, and documents, and serious witnesses - officers of the long-range radar detection station of the Volga-Ural Military District.

On September 13, at the beginning of the first night, the station duty shift registered the approach of a large object. The brightness of the mark on the screen was as if a strategic bomber was flying. But your own or someone else's? At the command of Major A. Tuplin, the shift supervisor of combat duty, the operators turned on the automatic identification system. The system, "grasping" the response signal, failed.

Senior Lieutenant V. Tolit testifies:

The officers left the bunker. And then, literally over their heads, a black triangle flew by. The bottom was smooth, but not mirrored, it seemed to have a layer of soot on it. No one noticed any holes, landing devices, or windows. Upward, the object sent three light blue beams.

Lance corporal S. Dudnik testifies:

Captain P. Lazeiko testifies:

Private P. Besmetov testifies:

The mysterious triangle, meanwhile, sat not far from the station, on a vegetable plantation. He was there for an hour and a half and two. During this time, the sentries disappeared from their posts: corporal A. Blazhis and private A. Varenitsa.

From the report of the chief of the guard, senior lieutenant B. Gorin:

From the report of Private P. Besmetov:

The same story happened with Private A. Varennitsa. Blazhis's wristwatch is 1 hour 57 minutes behind, Varennitsa's - 1 hour 40 minutes. Corporal Blazhis's numbers on the machine gun and the bayonet-knife also disappeared. The blued metal in these places is clean and smooth, like a factory. Both of the missing, and Varenitsa and Blazhis, are convinced that they were at their posts and regularly served.

Journalist Captain Rudzit from the newspaper of the Volga-Ural Military District "For the Motherland" was the first military newspaperman to visit the scene of the incident:

Let us note further that this case was simply hushed up by the Ministry of Defense and did not make it public. Operative duty officer V. Kostychev, soon speaking in print, refused to confirm the message of Captain Rudzit and did not even name the location of this military unit.

Now we will cite the testimony of the air defense and air force officers, who are often UFO observers in view of their professional activities:

- “four years ago, in one of the military units in Vainod, personnel and local residents witnessed the landing of a“huge metal stump with a multi-storey building”;

- “the object“liked”to hover over the runway, and the phenomenon was recorded not only by all colleagues, but also by the equipment”;

- “other officers gave examples when UFOs appeared over airfields before the start of the exercises, and the missilemen had“objects”hovering over the mines before launching, and sometimes after such“visits”the missile launch support system did not work.”

And there are many such examples in any military unit. Therefore, once again I would like to emphasize that UFOs are a serious phenomenon and require careful and thorough study, especially since due to these objects (UFOs), the Third World War almost broke out several times.

On October 5, 1960, an early warning radar station in Tula, located in Greenland, recorded a whole formation of UFOs rapidly moving from the USSR towards the United States. The warning system went off immediately, and all American nuclear forces were prepared to launch a nuclear strike against the USSR. adopted a formation of flying UFOs for the launch of ballistic nuclear missiles from the USSR to the United States. Moreover, the US main headquarters could not communicate by radio with the headquarters in Tula.

And only the miracle that the observed UFOs deviated sharply from the course and disappeared from the radar screens saved the world from nuclear war that day. Only after a sharp deflection of the observed objects did the Americans realize that they had mistaken the UFO for a missile launch.

A similar incident occurred in February 1961, when NATO radar systems in Europe detected several aircraft approaching from the USSR. After a while they were already in the heart of Europe. On command, fighters were raised, but at this time the mysterious UFOs disappeared from the radar screens. After some time, from the analysis of the obtained parameters of the objects, the NATO command realized that these were UFOs.

So because of the frivolous attitude towards UFOs of state structures, the world has visited twice on the brink of a new World War. Therefore, in 1961, NATO Air Marshal Sir Thomas Pike ordered the creation of a secret team to study the nature of UFOs and assess their potential threat. It was only later, many years later, that the nuclear powers agreed to notify each other about massive UFO flights in the direction from "their territories" towards a potential enemy, if any.
