Five UFOs Were Seen At A Halloween Party In Nashville - Alternative View

Five UFOs Were Seen At A Halloween Party In Nashville - Alternative View
Five UFOs Were Seen At A Halloween Party In Nashville - Alternative View

Video: Five UFOs Were Seen At A Halloween Party In Nashville - Alternative View

Video: Five UFOs Were Seen At A Halloween Party In Nashville - Alternative View
Video: Bright lights in Nashville sky creates confusion 2024, October

On the evening of October 30, 2016, UFOs were observed at a Halloween party in Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, USA. About 25 people witnessed the appearance of five objects, synchronously moving from the south to the north.

One of the participants in the party noticed how three white balls appeared in the east above the Green Hills shopping center, which lined up in the form of a triangle. Moreover, two of them were especially striking. A little later, two more similar objects arose next to them.

“It was a warm night and we were all outside,” an eyewitness wrote in a statement to the World UFO Network (MUFON) that night. "I showed the five balloons in the sky to all my friends, but some were dismissive of the idea that it was a UFO, others doubted or said it was Chinese lanterns."

An eyewitness reported that the party took place in the Hillsborough Drive area, near the International Airport, but he is sure that these were not airplanes, as the lights in the sky were much larger and brighter.

Eventually, after a few minutes, the balls began to disappear one by one at intervals of less than a minute.

“It was pretty cool! I have never had such a feeling of distortion of time and space, added a local resident. "Unfortunately, photography cannot truly convey the brightness of these balls and their horizontal movement."

Voronina Svetlana