Pushkin Can Be Cloned - Alternative View

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Pushkin Can Be Cloned - Alternative View
Pushkin Can Be Cloned - Alternative View

Video: Pushkin Can Be Cloned - Alternative View

Video: Pushkin Can Be Cloned - Alternative View
Video: Pushkin's Boldino Autumn - Readings in English and Russian 2024, September

DNA has survived, which means that making a copy is only a matter of time. And not so big on the scale of history - 10 years. Let's imagine that we succeeded. What's next?

For the head of the Moika 12 museum, Galina Sedova, this year was a triumph. Together with forensic experts, she proved the authenticity of the sofa on which the poet died after the duel. Experts have compared the blood on the sofa and on the dress coat of Pushkin, in which he fought with Dantes. It turned out - the same thing.

Galina Sedova, head of the memorial museum-apartment of A. S. Pushkin: “I have kept this apartment for almost 20 years, and now they say to me:“Well, you knew that the sofa was real.”I always felt that this was so - next to this sofa has a special warm and light energy”.

The conclusion of the examination confirms: the blood of a genius is not blue, but the most common is the second group, the Rh factor is positive. The sun of Russian poetry, scientists say, may rise again. Once this information is read, so is the DNA. Pushkin can be cloned.

Daniil Medvedev, futurologist: “We need three to four years for preparation, and 10 years for growing. And we'll get a little Pushkin. The chances are very high."

Modern writers believe in the possibilities of science, but they very much doubt that a copy of a poet will become a genius. Everyone who imitated Pushkin always ended badly. For example, the poet Khazin wrote his "Eugene Onegin" in 1947. The zenith of his glory is the decree on repression: he passed in one line along with Zoshchenko and Akhmatova.

Valery Popov, writer, chairman of the Writers' Union of St. Petersburg: “Such a ridiculous parody was. There Eugene Onegin tried to ride a tram in Leningrad, he was cheated there, and when he wanted to throw a glove at the offender, it turned out that it was stolen. Pushkin would be pleased!"

But the main thing is that according to the writers, it is not yet a fact that Pushkin will be in demand today. Readers' tastes change. It is enough to look at the Internet. One of the most popular poems - Alexandra? Gorokhov. The same as Pushkin's melodiousness of the language, only with a poor lexicon.

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However, even if technologies reach such heights that a second Pushkin appears, he will not necessarily write poetry. Talent is not transmitted by blood, so there are no exact copies. Therefore, the second Pushkin can be anyone, even a miner, even an astronaut, even a football player.