"Stone Rocks". How Little We Know About Them. Part 1 - Alternative View

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"Stone Rocks". How Little We Know About Them. Part 1 - Alternative View
"Stone Rocks". How Little We Know About Them. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: "Stone Rocks". How Little We Know About Them. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Understanding Hamlet 33 (Act II - Scene 2 - Part 1) 2024, July

A huge and startling discovery was made at Devils Tower in Wyoming. Scientists from the Wyoming State Parks Department were taking photographic seismic measurements under the tower when they discovered an incredibly large fossilized root system under the tower. The Parks Department issued a statement saying, “We found what looks like a giant root system originating from the base of Devils Tower. The root system was measured at a depth of 4 miles and a width of 7 miles. We are currently conducting research and testing to confirm that this is actually a root system and not a coincidence. This discovery is on the verge of rewriting history and science as we know it.


And indeed, if we look at the paintings of the artists, how they painted this "table mountain", then at first the trees may seem like grass near the stump, but looking closely it may give the impression that the artist suffers from "gigantism" so to speak, having drawn a large stump.


And only after learning that this stump is a real rock, as well as adding to the research of the found root system, you begin to quite rightly rage, how did it happen that we do not know anything about the planet at all. After all, from all sides, now a school, now a heap of literature written and copied from each other, TV, media, newspapers, politicians, scientists, day after day they are trying to impose a dictatorial way, that everything in the World has been studied, they say you don't need to think about anything, and the desire to explore something is generally accepted to ridicule and consider ridiculous. Although, as for me, it's funnier to consider this rock with a root system as a volcanic formation.


And now let's count the chain reaction, what would happen if we lived in a normal World, and not in a World where swindlers rule. What is going to happen? First, thoughts, where did the official science take that the Devil's Tower is an ancient extinct volcano? It turns out that they did not even study it, but just came up with a superficial explanation? But if the Devil's Tower is not a volcano, then maybe the rest of the inconvenient mountains are not? And then what is this volcano? Maybe she is also a fictional character and a screen designed to hide the truth? But after all, volcanoes are associated with the core of the earth, like molten magma bursts from the bowels of the planet in order to pour out hot iron onto the surface, which, by the way, has never been found in any volcano.

Further deceivers to the answer. Real researchers medals. Loud statements on TV. Execution in the square of all ministers of education. One president suffocated in the toilet. The second shot himself in the kitchen, leaving a suicide note. Science is changing - swindlers are being burned at the stake, competent people are rewriting the school curriculum. The directors of the first national channels are shut down in prisons. Dark forces on the run. Light on horseback. The programmed biorobots become humans. The damage done to the planet is eliminated. The world is blooming.

Promotional video:

But is there any more information that the "trunk mountains" are hemp of the past, in truth, giant trees? It turns out there are a lot of them. Moreover, both the modern studies published above, and the attribution of different peoples. For example, the testimony of the outstanding truth seeker Julie Ryder, who lives in Montana, USA, and specializes in megaliths and Native American traditions, quote: Many American legends call this volcano the Tree of Life. Do you remember the Gospel: "In Paradise there is a tree / Tree, which they call the Tree of Life / All my trials Lord / Soon the end will be"? In fact, there were two wonderful trees in paradise, one is the Tree of Life, the other is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The latter grew an apple, which Eve crunched once - since that day, humanity is not allowed into the Garden of Eden.

Venezuela has a Wahari Kuawai or Tepuy Autana stump. Graham Russell describes it this way in the article “Is it a giant petrified tree stump? Cerro Autana in the state of Amazonas, Venezuela :

Cerro Otana plays the role of the “tree of life” in the oral history and lore of the Piaroa Indians in the region. For the Piaroa Indians, the indigenous people of the region, Otana is a sacred mountain (wahari-kuawai in Piaro language). This is Quaymayojo, the stump of the "sacred fruit tree of the world." PR mythology tells how "the top of the tree reached the height of infinity, and its branches were full of fruits that fell and gave birth to the Amazon." One day Vahari (God) and his nephew Roye, who turned into a paw (Cuniculus paca), cut down a tree to collect all the fruits at once. Roye chewed until the tree fell.


And so, summing up the above and what will be below, there is enough truthful data, both from ancient legends and from real scientists and researchers. You can find even more data yourself, there are a lot of them in the public domain. That is, the truth is in the public domain, but the information space is crammed with some kind of extraneous garbage, and instead of real research, Hollywood dogmas are being pushed onto us. Instead of real researchers, the airwaves are overwhelmed by the clergy of official science. In general, the section, to whom tops, and to whom roots. And so it would have continued that real research is in the hands of those in power, and the crowd has religious teachings that have nothing in common with the truth, if there were no alternatives. The people would still not know the truth if it were not for the Asgard website with the titanic work of the article "There are no forests on the land." Weren't there old legends? There were. Have there been studies that these are giant hemp? Naturally! And even the children, seeing these mountains many times, asked the zombie parents "and what, these mountains were cut down by giants"? In response, the parents just laugh, they say, what a naive and unreasonable child such fantasies, they say, grow up and your uncle will tell you everything from the TV on Discovery. And this naivety of the adult Mira would still suppress the ability to see the truth in children, if not for Asgard. After all, after their labor, it was society that opened its eyes so much that now we read even on the websites of America, for example, an excerpt from the article:They say you will grow up and your uncle will tell you everything from the TV on Discovery. And this naivety of the adult Mira would still suppress the ability to see the truth in children, if not for Asgard. After all, after their labor, it was society that opened its eyes so much that now we read even on the websites of America, for example, an excerpt from the article:They say you will grow up and your uncle will tell you everything from the TV on Discovery. And this naivety of the adult Mira would still suppress the ability to see the truth in children, if not for Asgard. After all, after their labor, it was society that opened its eyes so much that now we read even on the websites of America, for example, an excerpt from the article:

The video basically shows that in ancient times, there were giant trees around the Earth from 6 to 60 kilometers in height. As strange as it sounds, the video does contain some evidence of this claim. Convincing evidence, but certainly not absolute evidence. A prime example is the Devil's Tower from Wyoming, USA. It is a flat-topped mountain that looks like a giant tree stump. It is, of course, easy to dismiss as an accident, but the Russian Youtuber shows photographs of several mountains that resemble tree stumps from around the world, and other mountains that look like trees that have been destroyed in a more brutal manner. I suggest you watch the video yourself to see if you agree or not.

And further, under such publications, disputes, enthusiasm, admiration, as well as envy and hatred, ridicule and pimply school humor - well, where can we go without it, because what kind of society actually needs the steering, so it is brought up. By the way, I also asked Revolver the Pagan how they had it in Germany on this score. He says that the publications of our guys there are also gaining momentum.


They turned yellow, rusted and lost their kind of believability. And the more time passes, the more people it becomes obvious - everything that we knew about the World turns out in reality to be a fascinating performance. So why are we so indecisive? It's time to rip it all off from your mind, like a dilapidated wallpaper. Now we can say to government geologists, historians, archaeologists and other figures: “Thank you for the entertainment program and amazing somersaults. We really appreciate it. But now we will learn about the World without you."

How many small-town media at the meeting did not decide how to fool the people, what forbidden technologies not to use to manipulate the population, enough talented guys appear in Russia, whom society usually gives compliments: an amateur, an illiterate, what do you smoke author, well, and other expressions with which in a miraculous way society manages to assert itself and increase its natural, one might even say "not made by hands", self-esteem.

But there are many alternative points of view today. But how do they fit together? Or do they conflict with each other in constant "contradictions"? LET'S TAKE MOUNTAIN KAYLAS FOR EXAMPLE. Some say that this is a worked out quarry:


Others see it as a pyramid:


Still others argue that this is only the top and Kailash has an entrance to the underground city.


According to the fourth, this is a stump from a large tree of the "flint era".


Interestingly, official science does not express its version that this is an ancient extinct volcano?

The sounded versions are enough. Which ones are right? So far, the puzzles for many do not add up and different versions are engaged in martial arts, which undoubtedly pleases patients of the White House, rather than benefits society. After all, the more you and I create different sects, the more they will push us to measure whose horns are stronger. But you can't assume that everyone is right about something? It turns out quite possible. And for this it is not necessary to take a license. It is not necessary to study 11 years at school, after which they are forced to pretend that it was not for nothing that they lost time there and allegedly left there prepared for life, having mastered many craft arts, practices and theories.

To do this, it is enough to at least buy cardboard brains at a cheap sale, have the audacity, ugly appearance, face and a couple of government sources.

Ask the miners about the thickness of the mine bed. They will tell you that like a tree the mine goes -

either knocked over or vertical. But it is a rarity mostly horizon and like a tube. That is, like a round branch or trunk. Here is the name in the mine "trunk" ask where it came from.

Want to see literally what a mining mine looks like? And like this:


Now let's imagine we want to make coal. We take the whole forest and cover it, and pour earth on top so that there is no decay. And a few hundred years and coal is ready. But after all, coal layers can reach from a meter to several tens of meters! That is, trees will no more than 1 - 1.5 give the layer height if the entire forest is toppled. If you cut sequoias, it can be as thick as a tree trunk. But!.. to move such masses of earth, to fill up the forest, it only needs the strongest explosion. But here's an uncomfortable question: why are there no animal bones, fragments inside the coal, and only on the edge of the coal seam they are found? This means that homogeneity is confirmed. Otherwise, the structure of coal would contain bones, sand, clay and many other debris, and other heterogeneity.

Coal deposits are limited to local growth of large trees.


Layer selected:


Layer height and uniformity:


Here is a more detailed picture of mines from the Internet:


Judging by the slope and layers, there were several explosions with a large interval of several hundred years.


Useful link for review: "Elements of occurrence of mineral deposits".

Follow the link to study the angle of inclination. This is confirmation of the explosion. As the funnel changes its angle from the center to the edge. Judging by this, civilizations were wiped off the face of the earth several times.



First, let's read the official sources. For example, an excerpt from Wikipedia:


Amber is a fossilized fossil resin, the hardened resin of the most ancient conifers of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene periods. It is mainly used for making jewelry and haberdashery, bijouterie; in small quantities it is also used in pharmaceuticals and perfumery, in the food, chemical and electronic industries.

Already in antiquity, Aristotle, and after him Theophrastus and Pliny the Elder, assumed that the formation of this stone is associated with the resin of coniferous trees [. In the 18th century, the Swedish naturalist Karl Linnaeus and the Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov scientifically proved that amber really comes from the resin of ancient conifers. MV Lomonosov presented new arguments in favor of the organic origin of amber in his works "The First Foundations of Mining Science" and "The Word about the Birth of Metals from the Earthquake."

It has many poetic names - "tears of the sea", "gift of the sun", etc.

This is the case when they told the truth. But only this is the same official science, which, like Gerasim, always does not say something and pretends that it is not necessary to look in this vector. What is the size of modern resin wood?


Its size is barely enough for an earring. But what about amber, which is the size of a hen's egg?


Can you imagine what kind of tree it was? Try to simulate in your imagination the smala from birch with amber to roughly understand what height it is. But this is not the limit. And which amber is considered to be really the champion? On this score, search engines provide contradictory information. For example, one site writes about such a giant:

Burmese amber is also a real giant. Found in the upper part of Burma under mining conditions, the "sun" stone weighed 15.25 kg. It had a brownish-yellow color:


From another site:

A businessman from Singapore has acquired the world's largest amber found this year in Sumatra, Indonesia, in a coal mine. The mass of this amber is 50.4 kg, and it will be included in the Guinness Book of Records. Previously, the largest was amber weighing 47.5 kg, which is stored in Copenhagen (Denmark):


Amber, weighing 50 kilograms! Do your curlers on your head not twist from such a figure? Besides, where was he found? It is clear that in the coal seam, because in the second chapter we have already seen that coal is gigantic trees. And here is information on the largest amber from the third source:

When the gem was discovered, its weight at that time was about 80 kg. Today the parameters of a piece of petrified wood resin are as follows: weight - 47.5 kg; length - 57.5 cm; width - 62 cm; height - 37 cm (where the weight loss of 33 kilograms is not specified on the website) The found mineral was investigated by Austrian experts and identified as the purest amber.


Now imagine how big the birch resin will be if you put it side by side with this amber! If we take a picture, then we will not even notice the resin from the birch in the photo. If the resin from birch, in comparison with such a large piece of amber, looks like a speck of dust, then compare in the same proportions how invisible the birch will be with such a giant tree from which this amber flowed out.

The fourth source for the query "the largest amber" brought to the Baltic website:


And most sources all roam around this weight and size, which in turn confirms the previous two chapters that the trees were indeed gigantic. Why does a tree even release resin? In nature, the resin plays a very specific role, saving trees from damage in extreme situations. When the bark cracks or a tree is injured, it flows out and closes the wound, hardening over time in the air. Gum consists of a mixture of resins (rosin) and essential oils (turpentine). Since ancient times, mankind, observing the nature around it, has noticed an increased resistance of conifers compared to deciduous ones. This resistance is due to the resin content in it. Do you understand what I'm getting at? What is so huge that could damage such mega-giant trees?

It is also very curious to know how the resin turns into amber, that is, crystallizes. Crystallization is the formation of crystals from vapors, solutions, melts in special installations or during chemical reactions. Crystallization occurs at a temperature that coincides with the temperature of the board. So, in the industry, rosin is obtained by distilling turpentine from the resin at 150-170 degrees. Rosin consists of resin acids and melts in the range of 100-140 degrees. Thus, the real crystallization of resins takes place at temperatures exceeding 100 degrees, and in most modern drying installations the temperature level does not exceed 75 degrees!

This confirms that the heating was during the nuclear explosion. I know that today a lot of noise is being raised that the "nuclear explosion" is fiction. But what do we mean by the words "nuclear explosion"? This is a blast wave, high temperatures and radiation. We have repeatedly found all three of these components when considering both forbidden archeology and forbidden geology. Those who follow our publications and films will remember all these moments.

And we will end this chapter with where amber is mined, alongside coal beds of fallen giant trees. I will not argue what is the rule and what is the exception, I will say that here, in Chervonnaya Rus, amber is mined by digging out of the sand. This is exactly what will be discussed in the next chapter.


Since amber is found in sand, the nature of the origin of the sand must be associated with the giant trees of the past. According to our articles on deserts, many agreed that the sand is really dumped, and it is clear that not so long ago: "To turn our eyes away from important things, they are usually called 'empty'"

I will not be categorical in this chapter, I will tell you my opinion about the sand, that it is sawdust. And as far as I got to the point, we will consider in other chapters of the article. Although, many have already been able to notice this in our film about deserts, that this is so. And so, if the sand is waste sawdust dumped into dumps from giant forests, then one can imagine how gigantic the sawmill itself was. Let the size of the grains of sand not bother you, because the thinnest sawing of modern trees can turn sawdust into dust.

Now, with this analogy, let's catch what the so-called Odessa catacombs, Crimean and other places where the so-called shell is mined? Why the so-called, because the word shell is from the word shell, but in many cases my stay in different catacombs, I did not see the little hands - there is clean sand. So the word here is more suitable not shell, but chipboard!


What is chipboard? These are glued sawdust. And here's a picture from Odessa:


We see that the catacombs are connected by a concrete pipe, but that it is a concrete pipe can be seen only from below, from above the sawdust sand flowing down has built up a layer of chipboard. We see the same thing in other places, only here it looks more like it was plastered with sawdust, below we see masonry and the top layer is indistinguishable from the so-called shell rock:


And what does official science tell us, from what the sand could stick together?


We have all seen a huge number of "mesas", which I like to call "stem", from the word "trunk". Everyone has already heard a lot about herbs. Many have seen gigantic crystals. Coral Loan. Geodes can be added to this list. How does official science describe them? Believe it or not, it again associates it with volcanic formation. Quote:

“Among semiprecious stones, the geode stone occupies a very special place. This is the same amethyst familiar to everyone, only grown on a chalcedony or opal substrate. Amethyst geodes are of volcanic origin, over 130 million years old. Amethyst crystals grew inside a closed cavity, which was formed due to the fact that gas bubbles in the lava, rising to the surface, left behind voids. These voids in the basalt layer filled the amethyst geodes."

So what is lava in the opinion of official science! And for us, Hollywood films draw associations with molten metal, like in a blast furnace! But it turns out lava, these are rocks and crystals. I suppose it is appropriate to ask the scientists here, where did they get it? Moreover, we must ask them in petition, so that for us, commoners and rabble, they explain this in an accessible language, because their thieves theremenalogy is understood only in their celestial. What is lava? Black earth? Glass? Metal? Resin?

We read further:

“Industrial mining of geodes is carried out in Brazil, the Urals, Uruguay, Madagascar, Ceylon - on all continents. In the basalt layers, amethyst geodes are mined horizontally. When heavy equipment cannot cope, simple and hard work of the miners comes to the rescue. Having found a geode, workers determine its prospects and manually cut it off the basalt, the process is lengthy and must be worked carefully. Geodes are fragile and can collapse if not properly cut. Their weight is from one kilogram to a whole cave, where a person can freely enter. In the context of geodes, they look like slices of ripe and juicy figs."

Continued: Part 2

Author: Snowfall Bullets
