How Many People Actually Live On The Planet? Part 2: Strange Characters On The Streets - Alternative View

How Many People Actually Live On The Planet? Part 2: Strange Characters On The Streets - Alternative View
How Many People Actually Live On The Planet? Part 2: Strange Characters On The Streets - Alternative View

Video: How Many People Actually Live On The Planet? Part 2: Strange Characters On The Streets - Alternative View

Video: How Many People Actually Live On The Planet? Part 2: Strange Characters On The Streets - Alternative View
Video: Lil Dicky - Too High (Official Video) 2024, July

- Part 1: Network Bots -

Since the release of the film "The Matrix", which later became a cult, a real philosophical movement around this topic has appeared in the world. The essence of this philosophy boils down to the fact that in fact we do not live on a round / flat / cylindrical Earth, but in some kind of its imitation - that is, as if in the Matrix. And the official science estimates the probability of such a situation at 50%.

Although in fact the theory of simulation of external reality is as old as the world and is a kind of philosophical movement like solipism, which itself is rooted in the Upanishads, nevertheless, the Matrix is an established term and we will use it further.

In the first part of this material, we offered our readers a translation of an article from a very serious publication in which former high-ranking employees of global social networks honestly and openly admit that half of their visitors are just bots.

The fact that bots live on the Internet is nothing new and surprising, so the information was provided by us solely as a thesis to confirm all subsequent arguments. Now we want to give another thesis - the thesis about characters similar to bots in reality, which have real photographic evidence.

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Our readers, who at one age or another found themselves in the late Soviet Union, are well aware that in the 1980s something similar (and on a much larger scale!) Was not surprising.

Concentrating on the production of missiles, the Politburo of the CPSU slightly lost sight of the fact that the USSR is a northern country, cold and that people who produce missiles do not need loincloths, but at least some rags to cover their ass from the frost. Therefore, rags had to be purchased abroad, usually in Turkey, and in very large quantities. As a result, after the delivery of the next batch of jackets or pants in Moscow, millions of "twins" began to walk.

However, these photos were taken today and were not taken in the USSR, so it is very difficult to explain their appearance. The theory of probability of such coincidences does not allow, since in the frames there are not just people in the same clothes with the same bags, but also people with very similar physiognomies doing the same thing. What could be the explanation for this similarity?

Within the framework of the generally accepted world model, it can be assumed that a certain program, downloaded from a TV or from another source, is simply running in people's heads. This program makes people dress the same, do the same hairstyle and behave in a certain way the same way. That is, it turns them into a kind of biorobots.

The second explanation does not fit into the generally accepted model of the world and makes you think about the Matrix, in which glitches appear from time to time and it ceases to bother much with a believable picture, generating repeating characters around the user.

The second version, although radical in nature, and rather wild, nevertheless it explains everything well - it explains not only people in the same clothes, but also a number of other, completely inexplicable things, which we will talk about in the next parts of this material.