A Resident Of Arizona Photographed A Green UFO At Sunset - Alternative View

A Resident Of Arizona Photographed A Green UFO At Sunset - Alternative View
A Resident Of Arizona Photographed A Green UFO At Sunset - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Arizona Photographed A Green UFO At Sunset - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Arizona Photographed A Green UFO At Sunset - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, September

A resident of the city of Saddlebrook, located in Arizona, USA, on March 7, 2017, reported to the World UFO Network (MUFON) that she had caught a green UFO on camera.

“I photographed the sunset from different places and was surprised to see a green glow in some of the images,” the woman wrote in her report to MUFON.

The two pictures taken at about 6 p.m. showed a luminous green sphere, which, according to a local resident, was not visible with normal vision.

Looking at the first photo, where only the upper part of the sphere was shining low above the ground, the woman thought it was an electric car with burning lights on the territory of the golf club, but looking closely, she realized that she was mistaken.

After zooming in on the image, it turned out that the luminous UFO was surrounded by a transparent green halo, and on its surface there were light spots in several rows.

“I called my husband and told him that I had photographed a flying saucer. And in response he sent me a video newsletter from a London newspaper, in which six UFOs flew past the ISS on air,”added a local resident, who hopes she did the right thing by contacting UFO experts.

Voronina Svetlana