A Pensioner From The Pskov Region Created An Organization For The Study Of UFOs - Alternative View

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A Pensioner From The Pskov Region Created An Organization For The Study Of UFOs - Alternative View
A Pensioner From The Pskov Region Created An Organization For The Study Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: A Pensioner From The Pskov Region Created An Organization For The Study Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: A Pensioner From The Pskov Region Created An Organization For The Study Of UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Classified UFO report to be released to U.S. Congress 2024, September

Viktor Bobrov is considered the main specialist in the Pskov region on ghosts, parallel worlds and UFOs. For over 30 years he has been researching anomalous phenomena.

Viktor Fedorovich has two technical educations - at first he was engaged in forest restoration, then in construction. However, his main passion is associated with the study of the mysteries of the universe. From his youth, Pskovich was worried about questions that science could not answer. He collected information about the Tunguska meteorite and the Bermuda Triangle, communicated with people who encountered anomalous phenomena, and tried to learn the unknown.

Now Viktor Fedorovich urges not to be afraid of your fears. According to him, a ghost is nothing more than a thought that takes shape, fueled by human energy.

- It is customary to equate a ghost with a ghost, but this is a mistake, - the pensioner continues. “The ghost is entirely the product of our nightmares. The ghost appears if a person was in a stressful state before death. He, too, can be fueled by fears, but he exists regardless of our thoughts.

In the mid-90s, Viktor Fedorovich, together with other enthusiasts, created the public organization "MIR" (an abbreviation of the phrase "mysticism and reality"). Those who have encountered anomalous phenomena can apply here. MIR members study strange situations based on the experience of Russian and international ufological associations.

As noted by Bobrov, the Pskov region is a favorable region for research. There are many so-called anomalous zones where strange things happen all the time.

- The most famous zone is Dukhova Gora in the Opochetsky region, - says Viktor Fedorovich. - There the flows of upward and downward energy converge - from the earth to space and back. Recently, I took a group of TV people around Dukhovaya Gora, demonstrated the flows of energy with the help of frames - wires bent in the shape of the letter d. The frames spun like crazy, although I practically did not touch them.

Relatives of the Pskov "ghost hunter" are sympathetic to his hobby. The spouse does not mind when the husband spends his pension on participation in conferences of ufologists, the study of ghosts and anomalous zones. The only son helps to master the computer and the Internet.

Promotional video:

“Ghosts, ghosts, UFOs, parallel worlds are an integral part of our universe,” Victor Bobrov is sure. - The Universe is multifaceted, we just have to study some of its facets.

By the way

Not so long ago, residents of the Pskov suburb of Kresty called MIR, where a ghost appeared. A translucent man frightened drivers at night at the intersection of Leningradskoye and Krestovskoye highways. Everyone who encountered him experienced panic and tried to leave as soon as possible.

Local residents suggested that this is the ghost of a motorcyclist who died in an accident. It is possible that this is so, says Viktor Bobrov. In his opinion, the inhabitants of Kresty faced the energy of the astral subtle plane, which manifests itself if a person was in a stressful state before death.

- How long the essence will be in our world depends on how long the stress state lasted before death, how strong it was. If a person, for example, was tortured for several hours, his energy is firmly fixed, and this state can last for hundreds of years, explains Bobrov. - If the death occurred quickly and unexpectedly, the transfer will occur relatively quickly. Considering that reports about the motorcyclist quickly stopped, it can be assumed that his energy is already where it should be.

The president of the Pskov motorcycle club "Positive Mechanics" Alexei Alekseev was surprised by the message about the ghost racer. He says there have been no accidents in this area for a long time. But he admitted that among motorcyclists there are also legends with a touch of mysticism:

“For example, there is a popular story about the 'motorcycle with 13 crosses', which killed 13 people at different times. The motorcycle itself allegedly remained unscathed and is now being sold cheaply. It looks like not folklore, but it cannot be denied that the bike may be true."