The Legacy Of The Priests Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

The Legacy Of The Priests Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
The Legacy Of The Priests Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: The Legacy Of The Priests Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: The Legacy Of The Priests Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Video: Temples and Priests of Ancient Egypt (Cinematic) 2024, October

The priests of Egypt were the main keepers of the sacred secrets, traditions and culture of Ancient Egypt, they possessed ancient, secret, powerful knowledge in the field of astronomy, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine. The priests headed the schools they owned in Memphis, Sais, Thebes and Heliopolis. Possessing secret knowledge, they initiated only their students into them. This knowledge was not available to the common people. The study for obtaining the priestly dignity was difficult, the training began when the future priest was not four years old, but ended by the age of twenty. The priests of the highest dignities were honored with the title of Ur - "high, exalted", The most famous priest of Maa - Imhotep, the builder of the step pyramid of Djoser. He was the chief seer and held the supreme title of Ur Maa.

A special role was played by the priests of Ur Heku - "the owner of sacred powers." They were the keepers of Divine Power and could transfer it to objects - “sanctify”, and also help the sick in healing. The priests of Kher Cheb performed the duties of temple scribes and were the custodians of the sacred books. They were responsible for copying and preserving the scrolls of the temple library and were revered as custodians of "words of power" - sacred words with special powers.

The priests chose a favorable time for sowing and harvesting, they determined the exact time of the flood of the Nile. In making forecasts, data from temple libraries were used, where detailed observations of astronomical phenomena were kept. The ancient Egyptians were skilled physicians and the healthiest people in the ancient world. However, medicine was not just a profession for them, but a sacred science. The Egyptians believed that the patient's recovery depends not only on medical skills, but also on the divine will, Therefore, the healers of Ancient Egypt were not only doctors, but also priests, in addition to the wisdom of treatment, they studied sacred texts.

The priests possessed ritual funeral magic and served the necropolises and tombs. The ancient Egyptians believed that after the death of the physical body of a person - Kat, his name remains to live - Ren, the soul - Ba (eternal life) and the energy double of man - Ka (astral plane). Ka goes, like the Sun, into the land of darkness to the west - Duat (the afterlife), where the souls of all the dead dwell. It was believed that the priests could influence the posthumous existence of Ka with secret mystical spells and ritual magic. They knew how to mummify the bodies of the deceased, put special figurines near them - "ushebta", depicting a person who protected Ka in the afterlife.

The priests used secret mystical psychotechnics of spells and witchcraft. There was a culture of amulets, potions, magical images and conspiracies that protect against various diseases. The treatment was carried out taking into account astronomical factors - the location of the stars, constellations, the Sun, Moon and planets. Ancient Egyptian priests mastered the art of divination, magical weather control and astronomical phenomena.

The first priests of Egypt were the Atlanteans, who could communicate with the Spiritual Cosmic Intelligence - God, and it was they who built the pyramids of Chephren, Cheops and Mikkerin, in which they laid the knowledge of the ancient Atlanteans. The priests used the pyramids for the mysteries, which are still being secretly performed today. The priests of Atlantis lived up to 500 years, they knew that God is one and passed on to the Egyptians the knowledge about the travels of the soul in the other world, setting them out in the Egyptian "Book of the Dead".

The pyramids of Giza, built by the Atlantean priests, act as the guardians of the Earth, they are like antennas, receive and transmit the energies of the Cosmos.

The pyramids fulfill God's purpose. They enable a person to think about the meaning of life, feeling the greatness and mystery of extraordinary structures. They contain encrypted knowledge that will be revealed to people as they grow spiritually. Inside the Cheops pyramid there is a capsule containing documents confirming that the pyramids were built according to the drawings of the Atlantean priests, and when this knowledge is revealed to people, a new stage in the development of civilization on Earth will begin.

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The Egyptian pyramids keep many secrets and mysteries; they serve as the most important source of information about events that took place in the distant past. The Great Pyramid of Cheops is oriented so that on the days of the spring (20-21 March) and autumn (22-23 September) equinoxes, the sun at noon would appear at the top of the pyramid, as if crowning a huge Temple. In the Great Pyramid, the Egyptian priests conducted the mysteries of Osiris and Isis.

The dedication of the disciples took place in underground rooms that were located under the pyramid. After the adept mastered a certain amount of knowledge, he was tested in underground labyrinths. Then the disciple, chosen by the priests, ended up in a secret sanctuary, where, on pain of death, he vowed never to share his knowledge with the uninitiated. Only then did the priests reveal to him the main secrets, the first of which was the dogma of one God. In addition, the priests taught the newly initiated to predict the future from the stars and to make contact with cosmic forces.

Drunvalo Melchizedek, scientist, ecologist, esotericist, writes in the book "The Secret Egyptian Mystery"; “The ancient Egyptian mysteries teach that divine energies radiate to the top of the Great Pyramid, which is likened to an inverted tree with a crown below and roots above. From this inverted tree, divine wisdom spreads down the sloping sides and spreads throughout the world. The triangular shape of the pyramid is similar to the posture of the human body, which it takes during traditional meditations. The great pyramid, as conceived by the priests, was likened to the Universe, its top - to a man reaching out to God. Initiates passed through the mystical corridors and chambers of the Great Pyramid, they entered as people, and left as Gods. Some researchers of the Egyptian pyramids believe that the priests used,his ability to predict the future for the sake of not only his contemporaries, but also future descendants. And in order to convey important information to us, they used the pyramids. As proof of such a theory, scientists cite the results of comparing the sizes, proportions and location of secret internal rooms in the pyramids, the fact of the orientation of the pyramids relative to the cardinal points, the pattern in the coincidence of their numerical designations with known dates in the history of human development.the regularity in the coincidence of their numerical designations with known dates in the history of human development.the regularity in the coincidence of their numerical designations with known dates in the history of human development.

Based on this, the researchers concluded about the true purpose of the pyramids, which, in their opinion, lies in the desire to warn mankind about impending cataclysms and is associated with the prophetic predictions of the Egyptian priests, as well as with messages encrypted not only in the letters, but also in the very proportions of the pyramids and their orientation to the cardinal points. Keeping in touch with the Cosmos, the Egyptian priests were able to calculate the upcoming events for many millennia before their completion.

What did the Egyptian priests, the Atlanteans, leave us with? The Egyptologist Basil Davidson was able to decipher the text of the Coptic manuscript, in which the ancient builders of the Great Pyramid conveyed information received from the priests about the achievements of science, the position of the stars and the events that took place in Egypt. The information contained in the manuscript coincides with the information obtained by comparing the proportions of the pyramids.

John Taylor, the founder of the science of pyramidology, “realized in 1859 that the architect of the Great Pyramid was not an Egyptian, but an Israelite who acted according to divine command. Perhaps it was Noah himself. The one who built the Ark was the most competent person to lead the construction of the Great Pyramid. In 1864, the famous astronomer Charles Piazzi Smith put forward the idea that the Great Pyramid holds the secrets of understanding biblical prophecy from the beginning of time until the second coming of Christ.

In 1993, Belgian scientist Robert Bauvel made a startling discovery. He noticed that the location of the three pyramids of Giza corresponds to the position of the three main stars in Orion's belt, which are above the horizon only when they cross the Giza meridian. Computer analysis by Bauwell showed that the placement of Giza's monuments matched the map of the sky as it appeared around 10450 BC. e. This allowed scientists to conclude that it was then that the pyramids were erected. The famous soothsayer Edgar Cayce claimed that the Sphinx was built at about the same time as the Pyramid of Cheops. “The Sphinx is facing exactly that point in the sky, he said, where, around 10450 BC, three stars from Orion's belt shone in a strictly defined place above the horizon. The Sphinx is a pronounced "additional marker"pointing to this point ". Edgar Cayce wrote: “The most important information for modern mankind should be found at the base of the left front paw of the Sphinx, but not in the underground tunnels below it. Information is in the cornerstone of the foundation of this paw. The tunnels under the Sphinx, not yet known to you, also carry an information load in their configurations. However, the capsule with the message to the descendants is under the left front paw …”. However, the capsule with the message to the descendants is under the left front paw …”. However, the capsule with the message to the descendants is under the left front paw …”.

The tunnels under the Sphinx have indeed been found. Using seismic equipment, the researchers found a chamber under the front paws of the Sphinx, from which the tunnel exited; in one of the wells at a depth of 32 meters, an entrance to the tunnel was found. There was a black granite sarcophagus. However, nothing is known about the "capsule with a message to descendants" so far. Atlantean priests left many unsolved secrets and mysteries to mankind, encrypting them in the most ancient structures - the pyramids.

Humanity repeats the path of an adept seeking initiation into the mysteries of the Egyptian mysteries. At the same time, the path for the adept and for humanity is the same, it is encrypted in the architecture of the Great Pyramid. The difference is only in one thing, the path that the adept passes in the space of the Pyramid, humanity passes in Time.