A Radio Telescope In Australia Received Strange Signals - Alternative View

A Radio Telescope In Australia Received Strange Signals - Alternative View
A Radio Telescope In Australia Received Strange Signals - Alternative View

Video: A Radio Telescope In Australia Received Strange Signals - Alternative View

Video: A Radio Telescope In Australia Received Strange Signals - Alternative View
Video: Strange Signals Captured From Space Scared Astronomers 2024, September

For more than a decade, experts have been trying to find out whether extraterrestrial life forms exist. This question has been plaguing scientists for more than one year, they are studying distant planets in search of intelligent beings.

Parks Radio Telescope, Australia


The researchers' work is aimed at capturing the signals that aliens can give us.

And now another interesting statement appeared on the network that perhaps we are not alone in the universe. It was made by a representative of the Swinburne University of Technology, which is located in the Australian city of Melbourne.

Astronomer Emily Petroff published a post on her Twitter page that the powerful Parkes radio telescope has caught several strange signals that are originating in some unknown place.

At the moment, scientists are trying to figure out what or who is sending these mysterious signals to humanity.

Emily writes that radio waves may come from one of the distant planets. Experts believe that these signals are emitted by an object that is several billion light-years away from the galaxy in which the solar system is located.

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As Mrs. Petroff writes, the University's specialists have no idea what is happening, but they are sure that this is certainly something strange and incomprehensible to modern science.

To unravel the phenomenon of these short and sharp bursts recorded by the radio telescope, scientists will continue to conduct observations and research. They hope this will help provide a scientific explanation for the unique phenomenon.