Syktyvkar Residents Were Struck By Glowing Balls In The Sky - Alternative View

Syktyvkar Residents Were Struck By Glowing Balls In The Sky - Alternative View
Syktyvkar Residents Were Struck By Glowing Balls In The Sky - Alternative View

Video: Syktyvkar Residents Were Struck By Glowing Balls In The Sky - Alternative View

Video: Syktyvkar Residents Were Struck By Glowing Balls In The Sky - Alternative View
Video: Russia: Mysterious glowing ball flying through sky stuns locals in Siberia 2024, September

Residents of the capital of Komi could not find an explanation

Yesterday, March 29, residents of Syktyvkar saw two luminous balls in the sky, which no one could find an explanation for. Some called them meteorites, others UFOs.

Recently, residents of Komi have increasingly noticed inexplicable balloons and flying objects in the sky. Some of them were bright stars, which was confirmed by astrologers. But yesterday, March 29, at about 20:30 pm, residents of Syktyvkar watched for several minutes "catching up" with two glowing balls:

- Do you know what was flying over Syktyvkar today? Two objects, as if one was chasing the other. The front was with four even stripes, the campaign, fuel, and the rear was paddle-shaped. And they glowed. The rear one then dropped exactly vertically, and the front one still flew to the horizon and seemed to explode. Maybe, who else saw, many filmed it, - said Sergey Chuprov.

And indeed, at least five messages came to the editorial board of the portal that incomprehensible balloons were flying over Syktyvkar.

We tried to find a logical explanation for this. So, the assumption arose that it was a rocket. At 20:38 pm, the Soyuz-2.1V space rocket launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region. This was reported by the federal media: "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" and "TASS".

Photo by Sergey Chuprov
Photo by Sergey Chuprov

Photo by Sergey Chuprov.

Photo by Irina Filonenko
Photo by Irina Filonenko

Photo by Irina Filonenko.

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