Does The "stargate" Exist? - Alternative View

Does The "stargate" Exist? - Alternative View
Does The "stargate" Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Does The "stargate" Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Does The
Video: 10 Stargate Storylines That Were Never Resolved 2024, July

Sci-fi works often describe some kind of device that allows a person to instantly get into another dimension of space and time. An example of this is the famous movie Stargate. But is this pure fiction? It turns out that, purely theoretically, the creation of such a machine for traveling the worlds is quite possible!

The great Einstein also said that space can bend under the influence of mass and energy, forming gravitational holes through which you can get from one point to another millions of times faster than usual. This idea was immediately taken up by science fiction writers.

For the first time the idea of "wormholes" or "wormholes", allowing you to instantly find yourself at the other end of the universe, was put forward by the American astronomer and writer Carl Sagan in the novel "Contact". Later, two astrophysicists - the American Kip Thorne and his Russian colleague I. D. Novikov - suggested that we are talking about black holes.

Senior Researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after PK Sternberg (GAISh), candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Vladimir Georgievich Surdin, believes that some of the black holes can indeed serve as such "portals", but it is not so easy to distinguish them from ordinary ones.

“It seems to me that the launch of several powerful observatories into Earth's orbit with a resolution exceeding the capabilities of the human eye by more than 10 million times can help in solving this problem,” says the scientist. - The first, Radiotron, will be launched at the end of 2011, the second, Millimetron, in 2016. With their help, it will be possible to look inside the nearest black holes and find out if they are "wormholes". And if the "wormholes" are still found, then the dreams of humanity about teleportation can come true."

There is one more nuance. "Wormholes" theoretically allow not only to instantly move from one point in space to another, but also travel in time! From the point of view of Einstein's theory of relativity, there is nothing unrealistic in this: the speed of time is directly related to the speed of movement of the object itself. Thus, if an object can reach the speed of light, then time will practically stop for it …

As an illustrative example, Einstein cites the twins paradox, which was later exploited by many science fiction writers. One twin goes into space, the other remains on Earth. Many years later, the twin astronaut returns to Earth, where he finds his brother greatly aged, while he himself is still young - thanks to the fact that his ship moved at the speed of light.

Modern technologies do not yet allow such an experiment. But the following experiment was carried out. The researchers took a pair of high-precision nuclear clocks that time out to one millionth of a second. After careful synchronization, one chronometer was placed on a liner flying around the world, while the other remained at the airport at that time. When the plane landed, it turned out that the difference in readings was one millionth of a second. If the clock were on a ship soaring in outer space, the difference would undoubtedly increase even more.

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It turns out that time for astronauts in orbit goes a little slower than on Earth, but neither they, nor we practically do not notice this. The time difference will only become during a long journey. In fact, this is moving into the future.

“There are many practical problems and theoretical paradoxes associated with time travel,” says Vladimir Surdin. - But, nevertheless, time travel is possible. If so, why not hope that someday scientific technology will allow us to meet guests from the future or the past? And the same "wormholes" can become one of the variants of the time machine.

According to experts, if ever a flight of people to distant stars is carried out, then this will happen no earlier than in centuries. And if the possibility of "passage" through "wormholes" is open?

First, it is not known how safe such a transition is for humans. It is possible that when passing through a black hole, which is identified with a "wormhole", the matter of which the astronaut is composed, under the influence of colossal gravity, will simply be decomposed into molecules … Even if, for example, the experiment with passing inanimate objects through the portals passes successfully, it cannot be guaranteed that everything will be as well with people.

Secondly, how ready are we for what awaits us at the other end of the “transition”, outside our space-time? What conditions will we get into? What forms of life live there, and can we peacefully coexist with them?

Perhaps, before stepping into the "stargate", if they exist at all, we need to think carefully. And maybe postpone this step …

Irina Shlionskaya
