War And UFOs - Alternative View

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War And UFOs - Alternative View
War And UFOs - Alternative View

Video: War And UFOs - Alternative View

Video: War And UFOs - Alternative View
Video: "Tic Tac" UFO Sighting Update | Corroboration for Cmdr. David Fravor 2024, September

These three materials, which appeared in the media in approximately the same period (spring-summer 2008), are united not only by time, but also by the place of events - South of Russia (Sochi), North Ossetia, Adjara. That is practically the place where the war is going on now. Any independently thinking person immediately has a question: are these events somehow connected - the UFO sightings and the war that soon followed?

MIKOP, June 7, 2008. In Adygeya, on a wheat field belonging to the Kuban agricultural enterprise, traces were found that, according to local ufologists, could have been left by a UFO. According to the agronomist of the enterprise, who found strange marks, the wheat was laid strictly clockwise in a circle with a diameter of about 20 m. “The circle is bordered by another circle, and in the center there is a hole about 5 cm in diameter and about 10-15 cm deep. sprinkled with silver powder. Further into the depths of the field, one after the other, there are four more similar circles,”said one of the eyewitnesses. rosbalt.ru

A flying saucer visited one of the high-mountain villages of North Ossetia. In any case, this is what a local resident Aznaur Kozaev says, who saw glowing balls in the sky. True, the aksakal also has another version - it could have been some kind of heavenly sign. The glowing balls appeared unexpectedly, says eyewitness Aznaur Kozaev. They hung over the mountains, circled, and just as quickly disappeared. But traces of their presence - two scorched spherical spots on the hill - remained. That these were aliens, Aznaur has no doubts. But he sees in this a special sign, a sign. April 2008. mirtv.ru

A strange and incomprehensible object flashed in the sky when viewed on the monitor turned out to be a classic UFO resembling a large whirligig. Focusing on the clouds, you can approximately describe the height at which the object was, its size and speed. According to our, possibly erroneous, estimates, the size of the UFO is about five hundred meters in diameter. It was observed from a distance of about 5-7 kilometers and moved at a hypersonic speed - about two tens of thousands of kilometers per hour. The calculation is made from an approximate estimate of the flight of a similar distance by an airplane. The plane would have crossed this space in 20-30 seconds. It is precisely because of the tremendous speed with an ordinary glance, without video recording, that it is difficult to even figure out what it was on May 26, 2008. ariru.info

These three materials, which appeared in the media in approximately the same period (spring-summer 2008), are united not only by time, but also by the place of events - South of Russia (Sochi), North Ossetia, Adjara. That is practically the place where the war is going on now. Any independently thinking person immediately has a question: are these events somehow connected - the UFO sightings and the war that soon followed? A pertinent question, by the way, because UFOs were seen over Chernobyl just on the eve of the disaster, and they flew over the Baltic states on the eve of its separation from the USSR, and there are many other similar "coincidences", ranging from UFOs over the Kursk Bulge and ending with UFOs over the regions where a little later, natural disasters happened.

We are quite far from ufology people and therefore have a poor idea of what a UFO is. Perhaps these are spaceships of some other races, perhaps - machines of creatures from other dimensions (if any), perhaps - vehicles for time travelers. We do not exclude other versions of the explanation of the phenomenon, up to linking it to places of anomalous geomagnetic activity or recognizing it as an unusual atmospheric phenomenon. As analysts, the nature of UFOs is of secondary concern to us. It is important to record the fact first. It's like with gravity and electricity: no one knows exactly what it is, but we all actively use electricity, and remember about gravity, we even do some calculations.

It seems that it would be quite natural to transfer a similar principle to UFO observations - it does not matter what it is, the main thing is that with the help of this phenomenon it is possible to assume certain events. The principle of assumptions is simple: if in a particular region of the world people suddenly began to observe "plates" and other incomprehensible objects en masse, then something must be expected in this region. What to expect is a separate question, but we also think that as information accumulates, it will be possible to draw some conclusions and make certain forecasts.

With all the simplicity and obviousness of this approach, no one has ever applied it anywhere (at least officially). On the contrary, any information about UFOs is hidden in every possible way, and if it is impossible to hide it, then it is ridiculed or diluted with schizophrenic delirium. Why is this happening? How should people behave in this situation? These questions have long required an answer. But first of all, the question should be answered: why did Russian nationalists suddenly decide to talk about UFOs, astrology, occultism and so on? We answer.


In May of this year, the Russian Information Agency, which positions itself as a Russian national resource, published a small piece about UFOs. To our deep regret, the topic did not find the, at first glance, expected understanding among the comrades-in-arms and letters and posts with reproaches fell on ARI - they say, what does UFO have to do with Russian nationalism? Then you are hitting mysticism, now there are more "plates". There were many such questions, surprisingly many, so we want to remind our readers of several basic, fundamental truths of the national struggle.

Promotional video:

Russians in the Russian Federation are an oppressed people. The government here consists of anyone - but not of Russians (if they are Russians by origin, then these people do not have Russian identity - Ivans do not remember their kinship), money and power here is with anyone - but not with Russians, laws here protect anyone anything - but not Russians. We don't have an army. We do not have any serious public organizations (at the very beginning of their formation they are declared “fascist” and banned). We do not have powerful publicly known and publicly available media. We have, by and large, nothing. But we still have something that no one can take away from us. This something is KNOWLEDGE. And the more forbidden this knowledge, the more, apparently, this knowledge is more dangerous for the authorities.

One of the types of such forbidden knowledge is occultism, moreover, in its most diverse applications: predictions, magic, the imposition of curses, and so on. Have you heard a lot about this on TV? Have you read it in the newspapers? In serious newspapers, in official ones, like federal publications? Who can show messages like that they say so and so - the president consulted with magicians and Kremlin astrologers, looked what the prophecies say about it - and did this and that? Who has read in the historical literature, in the generals' memoirs, that, for example, having learned about the impending Citadel operation, Soviet military leaders brought a crowd of Tuvan shamans to Moscow and began to send damage to Hitler?

They don't write about it anywhere. Only in the "yellow press", ridiculed in every way by "experts" and official publications. But when Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin suddenly postpones the 1996 elections from Sunday to Wednesday - the only auspicious day for his undertakings, when Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin chooses a "successor" that clearly fits into the prophecies of the monk Abel, when World War II begins on the day of the opening of Tamerlane's tomb (and the mystics warned that it would be so) and when, before the battle near Moscow, this tomb is urgently sealed (with all the magical rituals relying on) - then, excuse me, there is no laughing matter. But this is only a drop in the sea of facts that say: power, serious power, uses occult knowledge to its fullest. It uses - and at the same time spends nightmarish resources to cut off its subjects from the occult in every possible way. Part of the work is done by priests, promising hellish torment to the occultists, part of the work is done by the media, portraying magicians as almost clowns.

Now, if it is clear with mysticism, we return to the topic of UFOs - a phenomenon that is still obscure, but a phenomenon that is hidden in every possible way. Even those crumbs of information that become public knowledge (eyewitness accounts, "crop circles", etc.) are the subject of defamation by the official (read - government-dependent) science, at the same time it is even difficult to imagine the scale of knowledge about UFOs. accumulated over decades of studying this phenomenon. This is at least thousands of messages from the military, cosmonauts and astronomers, as a maximum - the possession of certain artifacts (for example, the wreckage of a UFO crash). There is, after all, all of this, absolutely certainly there is, but the same Vladimir Vladimirovich at a meeting with the people talked about Cthulhu and about combat robots - and no one ever talks about UFOs. It's strange, it is not clearbut the fact of hiding information is obvious. And if so, then we will talk, all the more there is something to say.


For a long time and intensively we have raised in publications the topic of astrology, occultism, prophecy and similar anomalous phenomena. Alas, we do not always meet the full understanding of the readers. For example, when we wrote not so long ago that after the solar eclipse on August 1, some events should be expected - few people took our warning seriously. And then there it turned: the eclipse of 1999 - and immediately the war in Dagestan, the eclipse of 2008 - and immediately the war in South Ossetia. Coincidence?

There have been many such "coincidences" in human history. So much so that the ancient Romans, Egyptians, Persians, Sumerians and Chinese took them very seriously, therefore, after the eclipses, they immediately brought the troops to full readiness and what we today call the Ministry of Emergency Situations (the service was especially well developed in China), expecting everything - from revolutions and invading invaders to droughts, floods and earthquakes.

Observation of a UFO is not a solar eclipse, these are events of a slightly different kind, however, as can be seen from the text fragments given at the beginning of the material, UFOs are also "broadcasting" about something. The main thing is to make out these messages. Perhaps the information is hidden in the giant pictograms left by UFOs, traditionally called "crop circles", perhaps in the shape, number and principle of construction of the observed objects. The latter approach has nothing to do with augurs (ancient Roman fortune-tellers on the flight of birds) and is explained quite naturally scientifically.

Suppose the most common version is correct that UFOs are some kind of aliens, the level of technology of which is incomparable with the technology of humanity, which aliens are watching (and perhaps not only). We do not know how they observe, on what principles they act, but we can apply the standard principle of analogy to these observations. For example, you are standing in a field and you see an agricultural aircraft (such as a "maize"), you see a strategic bomber, you see a military transport aircraft, or you see a flight of attack aircraft. Depending on what you see, events will develop as follows: fertilizers will pour from the sky, bombs, parachutists or air-to-ground missiles will begin to fall from the sky. That is, all four events are different. And each of them is directly related to what you see above your head.

Approximately the same scheme should work in the case of UFOs - it is obvious that the technical means of remote observation and remote exposure somehow differ from each other.


In May of this year, we got our hands on a video, where a large group of UFOs was registered with a clarity rare for such frames. They form a certain figure in the air (the camera saw only a part of it), which became visible when flying past another very large object.

A computer model of what was filmed with a camcorder looks approximately as shown in the figure at the beginning of the material. The model depicts a kind of "flying saucers system" when looking at it from below, while a similar grouping (laid out on the video) was filmed from below and from the side (only five "saucers" are clearly visible in the frame).

The computer model with a group of UFOs was not built by us and not based on observations in Sochi, but on the basis of a drawing by Ricky Sorrels, a resident of Stephenville, Texas, who, along with at least a hundred other witnesses, looked at the sky on January 8. What he saw there is described in detail here - drawings of Mr. Sorrels, his photos and videos (about which it is quite possible to judge the adequacy of this person), as well as some computer graphics, created on the basis of both the story of Mr. Sorrels, and on the basis of stories the rest of the eyewitnesses (including one policeman and one military pilot, that is, people who are clearly mentally healthy).

Let's be honest: Mr. Sorrels' messages and his drawings aroused 10,000 times more interest from the Americans than from the Russians - but over the Black Sea, on video and in real time. A couple of ufologists of some kind wrote emails - and that's it, although the incident over Stephenville has already been recognized as the largest UFO episode in the last 10 years (after the so-called "UFO over Phoenix"). The interest of the US society in him is so great that Larry King himself, the most famous TV presenter in the USA, took over 40,000 interviews in 50 years of work (including Vladimir Vladimirovich, whom he asked about the Kursk). Videos with programs can be viewed here:





Why the picture is slightly different from the video should be clear: we are talking about different cases. However, as it is easy to see, comparing the video with Sorrels's story, the cases are different, but the situation is similar, the same. It's like in Texas they saw a Boeing-747 surrounded by a flight of F-15 fighters - and in Sochi they saw a transport Ruslan surrounded by a flight of Su-27. And maybe there are even fewer differences, because no one can distinguish the “brand” of UFOs with certainty. They are very roughly differentiated by their shape and, based on their size, by their intended use (large objects are considered mother transport ships, very small (less than three meters) are something like observation probes, and medium ones are some kind of multifunctional devices).

Thus (although what people saw in Texas and what they saw over the Black Sea is not entirely clear), it should be obvious that both there and there the picture was approximately the same: a group of objects hung over the Black Sea, arranged in a checkerboard pattern - and above A group of objects hung in Texas, arranged in a checkerboard pattern; something very large flew over the Black Sea and illuminated the formation of smaller objects - and something very large flew over Texas and highlighted the formation of smaller objects. The analogy is already striking. But let's not forget that not far from the town of Stephenville is one of the residences of the President of the United States, just as not far from Sochi is one of the residences of the President of the Russian Federation. It’s all strange, especially after the UFOs flew away (or are they hanging like that?) - and a war began very close.

We watched UFO events (for example, listened to secret negotiations in residences) or somehow influenced them - we do not know, as we do not know yet the results of the UFO appearance over Texas (apparently they are on the way), but now I would like to talk about something else. The fact that in the USA the events in Stephenville were also tried to be hushed up, and in the Russian federation no one showed any official interest in UFOs over the Black Sea. Why?


Why are they silent in the United States (at the official level, Mr. Sorres was explained that he saw a cloud through the telescopic sight)? Why are they silent in the Russian Federation? The case over the Black Sea is sensational, it is more powerful than in Texas. But the media interest is almost zero. Or does this information frighten someone?

The interest in UFOs of Mr. King is also not very clear, because after all - he has an audience of about 150 million people. When a journalist suddenly starts broadcasting to such a mass of people what is, as it were, a military secret of the United States, the journalist will probably be given to understand that freedom of speech has some limits. And here, apparently, some other task for Mr. King, he is not very much noticed in his love for ufology. It looks like some kind of conflict at the very top of the United States, because the people who allowed (or even advised) to make Mr. King a broadcast about Stephenville are people who are not inferior in power to the supreme gentlemen from the Pentagon who are trying to hide from the public some very strange things in the sky over the planet.

With some unexpected even for professional ufologists facts, voiced by King, our readers can get acquainted with these reprints (part one, part two). As it is easy to see, the US government was faced with very, very serious events around the air defense system and the country's nuclear facilities. And nobody said anything to anyone. On the contrary, millions, if not billions of dollars were spent on hiding, ridiculing and blurring the topic. But you must admit that there are two big differences when a housewife from Amsterdam tells reporters about the visits of the "plates", and when the astronauts and the military say the same thing. Note - they say OPEN. And they say what some of our skeptical readers did not really believe when we talked about it. That is, that UFOs are not only present on the planet (and, apparently, for a long time),but they also tightly control weapons of mass destruction, which most likely precludes their use. And if so, then the modern official geopolitical system is completely collapsing, then in the world, it turns out, there are no "nuclear powers".

We do not know what caused such "leaks" of information. We do not know whether there is a conflict within the elites in the United States or not, but the authorities of the Russian Federation are clearly unanimous in their opinion on the subject of information about UFOs: do not let it go! Occasionally something gets into the media - but this way, either on trifles, or with a farcical presentation. What caused this position is difficult to say.

So, as we have already noted above, today it is no longer a secret for anyone to activate a UFO at that time and in those places of the planet where one or another major historical event is to take place. For example, even in the days of the NKVD of the USSR, information was circulated on the fronts that they "saw some things" over Kursk, when there was a famous tank battle. Similar "things", already called "plates" by that time, were seen by tens of thousands of people over Tehran on the eve of the 1978 revolution, they were seen over Chernobyl just before the catastrophe, they were seen en masse throughout the USSR before the collapse of this USSR, they were seen over Iraq and during the first war. and during the second, let alone the interest of UFOs in spaceports and military bases is a separate topic altogether. Hence, there is some suspicion that the UFO groups either somehow provoke certain events, or track them. This suspicion is so natural and obvious that the logic of the authorities immediately becomes clear, because once people find out that over Moscow, for example, a UFO squadron was hanging all night, people will already be waiting for some events in Moscow!

The question is: Do the Russian authorities (as well as their allies in Washington) need such awareness of the population? Need not. The less people know, the more soundly those sitting on their necks sleep. Hence, what then should be the tactics of the people? The tactics of the people should be reversed. That is, if they are hiding IT, then we will talk about IT. Actually, ARI has long chosen this position for itself.
