The Secret Side Of America. What Is Not Customary To Write And Talk About - Alternative View

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The Secret Side Of America. What Is Not Customary To Write And Talk About - Alternative View
The Secret Side Of America. What Is Not Customary To Write And Talk About - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Side Of America. What Is Not Customary To Write And Talk About - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Side Of America. What Is Not Customary To Write And Talk About - Alternative View
Video: What Trump Revealed About America l FiveThirtyEight 2024, October

At the very beginning of 2009, an unobtrusive topic about UFOs and space aliens began to appear on the Internet, in the media. The topic itself is, of course, not new. From time to time, it rolled in a wave into all types of mass media on our planet, and then, under persistent pressure from governments, retreated into oblivion

New political fashion or reality?

Television commentators were skeptical to convince viewers that an ordinary weather balloon was mistaken for a UFO or something like that. As a result, even the most believers in other civilizations took their eyes off the sky, lowered their heads and, for a long time forgetting about what they had seen or read, continued to live earthly life. The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants did not believe that there might be someone else besides us - earthlings. They are right in their own way. We are the navel of the universe, period. Why bother with unnecessary aliens. After all, even if they are, they do not make contact. And what is the likelihood of meeting them?

A little more than a hundred years have passed since, in our memory, newspapers and magazines began to write about the possibility of the existence of other civilizations, whose representatives have repeatedly visited the Earth and, allegedly, met with one of us. But why did no one see them. Why has it never happened that a "plate" hung, say, over the central square and everyone looked up and said to each other: "Oh! Look - UFO! " Some people talk about how they were abducted by aliens from space, flew to other galaxies and so on. However, their stories sound "blurry" and vaguely, they say, they broke their will, took away their memory, came to their senses on a deserted country road. Nobody remembers what the ship looks like from the inside. Some aliens are big and beautiful, others are small and scary, and still others claim that everything was like a fog.

Personally, I always wondered why not a single journalist or writer covered the topic of how the abducted, who returned to Earth after a year or four years, would go through the red tape of explanations about the reason for their four-year absence from work, through the bureaucratic meat grinder of restoring expired driving license or passport. Is it really not a sensation when a husband, who was considered missing, returns to his family four years later and explains to his wife and children? Is it not interesting for scientists to examine such a person on the subject, even if he has aged during his travels or not? A reality show could be filmed on this topic, not like writing a series of articles with interviews.

Speaking of the new wave of UFO-themed feeds, it's hard to say when and where it started. After all, in each country it is different. At the beginning of the century, a series of Russian documentaries about UFOs was released, based on declassified materials from the KGB, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR. In the United States, this topic rose en masse in the mid-90s, but somehow unexpectedly quickly faded away. In particular, in Nevada - the world center for all fears about strange flying objects - TV reports ended with the disappearance of the leading journalist KLAS-TV. A solemn funeral memorial took place, but the bodies of the missing have not been found to this day.

This time, in early 2009, things started differently. Despite the fact that this time the UFO topic was literally injected into the general flow of information in small doses and began, for the most part, with interviews of previously abducted persons of very alcoholic appearance (possibly on the basis of post-dramatic syndrome), with reading the first articles and watching new video materials for the first time appeared feeling that now this topic is for a long time, if not forever. I noticed that the speakers remembered details and details. It turned out that some of the abducted had gone through, so to speak, a course of education from aliens and passed on to the US UFO departments information about the species, types and races of inhabitants of distant planets, as well as the basic principles of the interplanetary policy of our Galaxy.

February was coming to an end. I was completely absorbed in the topic of the modified bird flu vaccine and simultaneously banged my head against the “brick wall” of several metropolitan publications, trying to prove that terrorism is pure provocation of the American financial elite. So, not yet taking the UFO topic seriously, I asked myself: “Why? To distract the public from the threat of depopulation of the planet with a "bacteriological vaccine", from the crisis, or introduce a new form of mass intimidation? " … After all, it was clear that terrorism was living out its "last days" and it had to be replaced with something. I shared my assumptions with colleagues, like-minded people, and even called my ufologist friend in Carson City. All without saying a word came to the conclusion that the latest version, just as opportune, they say we have defeated terrorism, now donate money for the defense of the planet, as we are waiting for an alien attack. The crisis is in full swing. The previous one was won by mass production and sale of high technologies, as well as by the fact that America by hook or by crook rushed with its goods into the hungry post-Soviet market. Well, we will bring this crisis under ourselves by the construction of interplanetary ships and super-modern space weapons. One could add the possibility of developing nanotechnology. But, I think, humanity is not yet fully ripe for this. For the rest,economically and politically, everything came together like two and two.

According to the above, there are a number of questions that should, however, worry the progressive minds of mankind, and the main one: who, above all, gets the maximum benefit from victory over every crisis? The answer is known - the United States. But today most countries are already questioning whether it is worth leaving the world political and financial leadership to the United States of America. The decision of countries, especially investors in American business stocks, will come naturally if America is unable to hold on to the dollar and swap it for a new currency. Then why does America need a new "trick" called "the threat of the planet's takeover by aliens"? Is it really to convince the world community that the leadership should still be left to the United States?

There is someone stronger than us

Before moving on to setting out the numerous facts, let's consider another possible reason why America started talking about the alien threat, and why by the end of 2009 this topic, both in the press and in the electronic media world, gained a very high rate of spread. But what if the threat of coming is real, and not a new type of American propaganda ?!

Maybe we brought our planet to such a state that we were strictly, the last time warned ?! Below we learn that such warnings in the recent history of the Earth have already been sent to at least two largest countries in the world. For now, let's touch on recent events.

Coincidentally or naturally, the Vatican hosted a worldwide closed conference on life on other planets, which ended on November 10, 2009. It was attended by 30 scientists from different countries. The results of the five-day conference were presented to reporters by the director of the observatory, priest Jose Funes, together with fellow scientists from Italy, France and the United States.

"The question of the origin of life and the question of whether life exists elsewhere in the universe is very interesting and deserves serious study," Funes explained at a press conference. For centuries, the Vatican has dealt with UFOs, aliens, and contact with them. For this purpose, there has been a special department in it for more than 600 years, whose servants travel around the world in order to collect information and artifacts. The materials are kept in the Vatican Library.

Chris Impey, professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona, who attended the conference, said in an interview with a group of American journalists: “Whether life exists anywhere else in the universe is no longer a question, but a statement. But a lot depends on the way life originated on Earth and the appearance of Homo sapiens in it”. Impi also recalled that in recent years, scientists have discovered hundreds of planets outside the solar system, similar to Earth. According to the professor, we can be separated from the discovery of extraterrestrial life "only a few years." Did Professor Impi mean the approach of the planet Nibiruor acquaintance with aliens on some other planet, it's hard to say. However, if we take seriously the recent announcement of American astronaut Neil Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 spacecraft, he and his partner Edwin Aldrin discovered extraterrestrial life back in July 1969. This fact is also confirmed by the former head of the Communications Department at the Space Flight Control Center, Maurice Chatelain, who received a radio report from Armstrong about the presence of one UFO and a huge space station on the edge of a lunar crater in the shadow part of the Moon, invisible from Earth.

You can go further, back to 1947, in the small town of Roswell, New Mexico, where a UFO crashed with, presumably, 4 humanoids on board. And in 1953, according to numerous, but only indirectly verified statements of eyewitnesses, military officials, ufologists, President Harry Truman met and talked with one of the surviving humanoids at the secret military base "Wright Patterson" in Ohio. One of the witnesses who told the world about this meeting is Colonel Phillip J. Corso, former deputy chief of the Pentagon's Secret Intelligence Department. He also confirmed that he had received a report from Neil Armstrong about the presence of an alien space station on the Moon (see the book "The Day After Roswell", p. 145).

Let's stop and talk in more detail about the two previous paragraphs. At the time of the television interview, Neil Armstrong is 79th year old. He explained to reporters that he would not want to take with him to the grave what all Americans should know. On the other hand, according to him, at this age it is no longer scary to divulge secrets, especially 40 years ago.

After all, all these years of silence, the Apollo 11 crew members experienced something that other astronauts and cosmonauts of our planet did not experience. From the moment they returned to Earth, Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin understood perfectly well that in the coming decades, and maybe centuries, neither the Americans nor the Russians would fly to the moon, because we humans were not the strongest, smartest and most developed even within our little solar system. We were unequivocally, from a position of impressive strength, hinted that we had nothing to do on the moon. In the person of the three crew members of the American spacecraft, humanity was forced to endure its first planet-wide humiliation, intertwined with a number of technical failures and human errors in the calculations for lunar landing. The mission to stay on the moon had to be reduced to a minimum. The Apollo modular capsule was forced to leave the planet ahead of time, without waiting for the desired position of the Moon, which is why it went to dock with the main Apollo rocket along a long trajectory. There was barely enough fuel. Literally a few seconds separated the crew of the module from death. In the official documentary version, on the contrary, it is about an unexpectedly long trajectory of the module landing on the moon:

When we contradicted Aviation Consistency with Astronomy data appeared Diego, California.

Forty years have passed since the last flight to the moon. The development of high technologies and computer technology has made an incredible leap forward. Somewhere in the depths of the most secret laboratories there are ready-made samples of the unprecedented power of laser and electric pulse weapons, and in the space of Zone 51, in southeastern Nevada, "saucers", "obelisks" and other "bagels" of American production fly. We, the society, did not know about humiliation on the Moon, and the Pentagon, NASA and the White House knew and remember this to this day. Then in 1969, in addition to a bitter sense of humiliation, America experienced fear not only of an unknown civilization, but also of Russia, which could continue flights to the moon, the first to establish friendly contact with humanoids and get technology unknown to earthlings.

Flights to the moon stopped, but no one gave up plans to continue research. Back in 1965, the Pentagon prepared a secret project "Horizon". There is no documentary or other evidence that it was implemented, but the original plan for this project was to launch a cargo rocket from Brazil with equipment for a lunar station and a crew of nine. The project was planned to be kept in strict confidence. The race for the primacy of the exploration of the moon continues to this day. In this regard, I recalled the bombing of the moon on October 9, 2009. Did the Americans really look for water? Maybe it was a long-awaited revenge on those who, 40 years ago, were the first to claim their rights to the moon? But it is quite possible that America nevertheless completed Project Horizon and decided to get rid of the 44-year-old material evidence.
