"In The Next 40 Years, We Will Meet Aliens" - Alternative View

"In The Next 40 Years, We Will Meet Aliens" - Alternative View
"In The Next 40 Years, We Will Meet Aliens" - Alternative View

Video: "In The Next 40 Years, We Will Meet Aliens" - Alternative View

Video: Вебинар: "Коррекция татуажа бровей, век и губ" LIVE 2024, September

The development of science in the coming decades will allow scientists to "consider" distant planets and by 2025, perhaps, determine whether they are inhabited. "Aliens" may already be "right in front of us", but in such a form that a person is not able to recognize them.

Earthlings will learn about the existence of aliens in the next forty years, says British astrophysicist Martin Rees. And we are talking not so much about extraterrestrial life within the solar system, but about exoplanets.

In particular, the rapid development of science in the coming decades will allow scientists to "examine" distant planets by 2025 and, possibly, determine whether they are inhabited, The Daily Mail retells his words.

Now we know that stars have a "suite" of planets, like our Sun, and the main information about this has been obtained mainly over the past ten years, said the former president of the Royal Society of London.

"The origin of life, its place of existence and the question of the existence of aliens will be key in the next 40 years," Rees said at the presentation of a new series of television programs by one of the greatest scientists of our time, his colleague Stephen Hawking. Unlike Hawking, who claims that "science can explain the universe without the help of God," Lord Rhys admits that some scientific mysteries are beyond human comprehension and that we may even need the help of extraterrestrial beings to find out more.

In this sense, he compared humans to chimpanzees, who, no matter how much they look like humans, will never understand quantum theory. Martin Rees also believes that man is far from the pinnacle of evolution.

He does not rule out that there will be a posthuman era; then, perhaps, the answers to the questions that seem insoluble now will be received. As the newspaper notes, last year Lord Rees said that "strangers" may already be "right in front of us", but in such a form that a person is not able to recognize them.

“The problem is that we are looking for our own kind, assuming that they have at least something similar to our 'mathematics' and 'technology,' he commented. And he added: "I suspect there may be life and intelligence out there that we are unable to comprehend."

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Hawking also believes that biological life exists in many parts of the universe, but warns against contact with it. “Certain forms of conscious life can pose a tremendous danger to us. I do not exclude that our planet can be conquered and plundered by aliens, - he said in one of his programs two years ago.

As an argument, the scientist suggested looking at the experience of humanity itself. “If aliens ever visit us, I think the result will be much the same as the result of the Columbus expedition for the indigenous people of America - its development ended not very favorable for them,” Hawking said.

Russian astronomers also give forecasts about finding friends or enemies in the Universe. Last year, the chairman of the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Andrei Finkelstein, said: "Now we can say with absolute certainty that life, mind is an ordinary thing in the Universe, and in the coming decades, scientists will discover places in our galaxy where this life is."

At the same time, the Russian scientist suggested that “this life will be strikingly similar to the one we imagine here.” Aliens will differ from earthlings only in skin color. According to him, Russian astronomers expect to find signs of extraterrestrial life within the next 25 years.
