A UFO Drags Off A Cow With A Tractor Beam - Alternative View

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A UFO Drags Off A Cow With A Tractor Beam - Alternative View
A UFO Drags Off A Cow With A Tractor Beam - Alternative View

Video: A UFO Drags Off A Cow With A Tractor Beam - Alternative View

Video: A UFO Drags Off A Cow With A Tractor Beam - Alternative View
Video: UFO caught on camera: Pentagon confirms leaked images and video are real | 7NEWS 2024, September

Shocking footage of aliens' favorite trick inspired earth scientists

In science fiction books and films, aliens and advanced earthlings of some XXXI century necessarily release either ghostly or bright rays from their flying vehicles and drag them into anything. A Tractor beam is called an attracting beam, capable of such miracles.

The video, which has been circulating on the Internet for a long time, testifies that the tractor beam really works. At least he has the strength to raise a cow. The cattle, which had just grazed among other concerns, did not know, very nimbly soars towards some disk shining in the clouds - to a "flying saucer", one must assume.

The footage seems to have been made back in 1983 in Argentina, in Puerto Gaboto, Argentina, which seems to have been visited by aliens. Who filmed it is not known. As well as the further fate of the cow. But it is possible that it was this video, which captured how aliens steal cattle, and inspired earth scientists to begin research aimed at implementing the idea with a tractor beam.

UFO drags off a cow with a tractor beam

Already in 2011, Chinese scientists - Yun Chen from Fudan University in Shanghai with colleagues from Hong Kong, Denmark, Singapore and the United States - proved that the "alien trick" is by no means absolutely supernatural. And with a beam - specifically a laser - you can really attract objects to the source of the beam. That is, to the laser.

According to scientists, the opposite effect to the well-known effect occurs - the pressure of light, on the basis of which solar sails operate.

To pull in, however, requires a special laser - Bessel, which creates, respectively, Bessel beams. They have a special structure of peaks and troughs. And in cross-section, such a ray resembles concentric circles. And most importantly: the photons in it move at an angle to the direction of the beam itself.

Promotional video:

Scientists have come to the conclusion: if a specially organized Bessel beam is directed at an angle to the object, then a force will appear directed in the opposite direction. And the object will begin to move towards the radiation source.

Yun Chen admits that it is still a long way from moving large objects - just like with aliens. And today we are only talking about manipulating objects with a size of a fraction of a millimeter.

In 2012, Professors David Ruffner and David Greyer of New York University launched their tractor beam. What they reported in Physical Review Letters in Optical Conveyors: A Class of Active Tractor Beams. The Americans also used Bessel beams, but according to a different scheme - simpler, as it seems to them. Rafner and Grier applied two beams, superimposing them on each other, changing the strength and phases. Similarly, according to the professors, you can not only grab objects, but also move them in any desired direction.

Will it ever come to moving large objects? So straight, like aliens? The Americans do not deny this perspective. But they emphasize that it will take a lot of energy.

“We were contacted by NASA,” Ruffner said. - We wondered if it was possible to place a device with a tractor beam on board a spacecraft in order to obtain, for example, comet particles. We answered that it is possible, but not soon.

By the way, NASA has other ideas about the use of attractive rays. For example, some enthusiasts suggest using them to clean space from space debris. Or pick up astronauts who have flown away from space stations.

Professor Ortwin Hess from Imperial College London, commenting on the work of his Chinese and American colleagues, expressed himself diplomatically about them. But on the whole it is approving. Like, if there are no theoretical arguments that some action is impossible in principle for such and such reasons, then it is, in principle, possible.

In 2013, Czechs from the Institute of Scientific Instruments took up the baton. Using two laser beams and a system of mirrors, the researchers manipulated already very large objects - plastic balls. It was possible to lift them, hold them in the air and move them in different directions.

And last year, researchers from the universities of Bristol and Sussex surpassed the aliens in some way - they made the attracting beam not light, but sound. In a word, the work is in full swing. A little more and you can start moving the cows.

Aliens also abduct people with their attraction beams. They are dragged straight from the beds.



Mikhail Gershtein: "The carcasses were found among the branches"

Trapped cows usually face a terrible end. Their kidnappers kill them.

At the end of the 20th century, several waves of mysterious extermination of domestic animals swept the world. Mysterious "predators" ripped open the carcasses, cut out part of the organs. And no one could stop the attacks: dead cattle were found even in zoos.

The massacre peaked between 1975 and 1976. And they were especially bloodthirsty in the USA. The number of victims was in the thousands. In Colorado alone, an average of three cows per day were killed. Gov. Richard Lamm said at the time: “Killing livestock is one of the greatest challenges in the history of Western pastoralism. It has already suffered a heavy economic blow. From the point of view of humanity, we cannot allow this atrocity to continue further. " But the mysterious rippers did not ask him for permission … Once they even attacked the seemingly impregnable fortress - Cheyenne Mountain. In its depths is the US air defense center. Thousands of soldiers patrolling the "zone" did not stop the killing of buffalo in the protected area. The bloodless carcasses remained a challenge that the Americans could not answer.

In 2009, the cattle slayers returned to Colorado. On March 8, herder Mike Durand found a dead cow in a pasture near the Purgator River.

“It's an old cow, and I thought it might have fallen,” Duran said. - She was lying on her side and looked strange. Looked closer and saw that the udder was cut out. The incision is clean, no blood on or about the carcass - a perfect circle, like a laser that cuts and cauterizes the wound at the same time.

Two weeks later, Jim Garren of Walsenburg also found a dead cow. And also without an udder.

“We searched everything, but found no blood on the ground or on the cow,” the farmer said. “I just don’t understand how someone could cut out a part of an animal without spilling a drop. If people did it, how did they not leave footprints or signs of a struggle?

Lack of blood is one of the characteristic signs of an attack by unknown forces. At autopsy, veterinarians find that there is not a drop in the carcass. It is very difficult to exsanguinate the animal: if the arteries are opened, the veins will close, retaining some of the blood. You can pump brine under pressure through the vessels to flush out the blood, but this is difficult to do in the field.

Farmer Tom Miller found the dead calf near the trough, where the herd is fed twice a day. I examined the body and could not believe my eyes.

“This is the strangest thing I've ever seen,” Miller said. - Skinned, and the hind legs just fell off. All the bones inside are broken.

This happens when a slaughtered animal is dumped from somewhere above. More than once, surprised farmers have found carcasses among tree branches, on power lines, or simply in places where the cow herself cannot climb. Tracks of animals, clearly visible in the snow or mud, suddenly broke off, as if they were being lifted into the air, and no tracks led to the carcasses themselves. For some reason, coyotes and vultures did not approach the corpses, leaving them untouched.

Miller found one of the cows dead 10 years ago. Her ears, eyes, tongue and genitals were cut out.

“I don’t know who did it,” he threw up his hands. - I think UFOs are to blame. Judging by the circumstances of the death of animals, it is very similar.

On the night Miller lost his calf, a triangular UFO flew over the state.

Once in the United States, a whale was found two kilometers from the coast. Probably the aliens moved their attracting beams. Not otherwise.


Animals also died in Argentina - most often near the city of Puelche in the province of La Palma. Farmers have seen UFOs over the pastures and then stumbled upon ominous finds.

Veterinarian Alejandro Napuri commented on one of the sensational cases in the province of Buenos Aires: “There is not a drop of blood at the scene. The tongue is cut so that the bone is exposed, and this is not so easy to do. The incisions have nothing to do with rat or predator bites."

The owner of one of the ranches said that for several nights in a row people saw "strange lights flying all over the area." A farmer from Embaiador in broad daylight caught panic in the herd: a UFO flew over the animals "in the form of two soup bowls folded at the edges", sending a bright beam to the ground.