The United States Sent A Delegation To The Humanoid Planet Serpo: NASA Has Long Been Collaborating With Aliens - Alternative View

The United States Sent A Delegation To The Humanoid Planet Serpo: NASA Has Long Been Collaborating With Aliens - Alternative View
The United States Sent A Delegation To The Humanoid Planet Serpo: NASA Has Long Been Collaborating With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The United States Sent A Delegation To The Humanoid Planet Serpo: NASA Has Long Been Collaborating With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The United States Sent A Delegation To The Humanoid Planet Serpo: NASA Has Long Been Collaborating With Aliens - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, June

There are many different reports about the possible sighting of aliens in certain places. Some ufologists claim that all this is real, aliens will certainly visit our planet, as well as the moon, Venus, Mars, the asteroid Ceres and many other objects in the solar system. Others, such as, for example, a specialist from Alaska Edison Wright, admit the possibility of some anomaly in about 10-11 cases, but emphasize that there may be other explanations. You need to check everything with radars, spectrometers, request information from airline employees, and so on.


Third experts do not at all believe that aliens were approaching our planet. These scientists believe that the probability of the very existence of an intelligent extraterrestrial race is fifty-fifty. That is, it cannot be denied that such can take place somewhere in the depths of outer space, since even the existence of a planet similar to Earth is allowed, and, therefore, the development of at least similar forms of life. However, there is no certainty that hypothetical aliens, firstly, if they did take place, were not destroyed by some local cataclysm for a long time, and, secondly, they were adapted to such conditions as ours.


However, despite this, the topic of UFOs, how exactly objects of alien artificial origin, has been alive for more than a dozen years. This area has a certain base of information, as well as its own articles, which are regarded by other specialists in very two ways. For example, a very skeptical attitude towards a certain SERPO project - what some ufologists consider to be evidence of clear contact with aliens, and other experts prove its similarity exclusively with the urban legend genre.

How do alien specialists themselves say about the project? A certain Richard Doty, who positioned himself as a sergeant in the US Air Force, around the 1980s, told the story of SERPO to UFO journalist Linda Moulton Howe. There was a description of the project, and after that some anonymous witnesses gradually began to tell about new facts. Related to this was Victor Martinez, who, with the development of technologies and the possibility of publishing on the Internet, later began to publish such on the Web. Ufologists were shocked by the data sent to them, which indicated that the American authorities are closely cooperating with the inhabitants of the planet Serpo, located in a binary star system? Reticuli is 59 light years from Earth.


The inhabitants of this world came to us back in 1947, and the story with Roswell, when a UFO crashed over a town in the United States, is related to them. One alien survived, he was kept at the secret American base "Area 51", and later the alien contacted the rest of the inhabitants of his planet. As a result, the best terrestrial military at the disposal of the Pentagon went to Serpo: ten men and two women. After special training, they were supposed to visit an alien planet for 10 years, but in fact they were there for a longer period of time. At the same time, the humanoid from Serpo remained on Earth as a diplomat. Gradually, such information began to be classified as secret as possible, and then completely deleted.

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Meanwhile, the military later, in the late seventies, returned to Earth, although not all - two died earlier, and two more remained on Serpo. The employees reported for this expedition, told everything, and then tried to lead their usual life, but died early. The strong radiation affected Serpo, as well as the inability to adapt quickly to local conditions. However, judging by the records left from them, the alien civilization has been for 10 thousand years, it is friendly and very intelligent. In the future, information appeared that in general there could be two expeditions, just the first mission was not successful.

In addition, they clarified that the aliens were "gray" - according to the testimony of the spouses Hill and Robert Lazar, whom, as they themselves said, were abducted by aliens. The aliens told about their planet through holograms. Alien developments helped the Americans create their own space fleet, which is still classified, but research is being carried out on different planets of the solar system. Aliens, however, freely ply over our planet after this incident, and they come not only not from Serpo, but, apparently, from other planets, where people are perceived completely unfriendly and even kidnap them for slaveholding purposes. In addition, it is precisely because of aliens that mutants arise - it's all about the experiments that representatives of other races conduct on humans.

So, this was the version of the ufologists. How do other experts assess this story? First of all, as mentioned above, the SERPO project is considered among them more than something like an "urban legend", a story from science fiction. Many experts even conducted investigations, trying to understand what was the matter.


In particular, a certain Stephen Broadbent, together with the RealityUncovered team, found out that interest in the story from Richard Doty began to increase after in 2006 this specialist, together with a certain Robert Collins, published the opus The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure. Skeptics admitted that, perhaps, all this time, all these many years, the SERPO project was deliberately drawn attention to so that people read the book. That is, something akin to the Apocalypse of David Mead, where it was also more about commerce than the real knowledge of a numerologist. Purely for the sake of profit, but nothing scientific.


In addition, Richard Doughty was only a security guard associated with the Air Force Special Investigations Directorate only in that capacity. He could not know anything about any projects of "Area 51", especially secret and related to aliens, even if they did take place. Also, experts emphasize that this story is not possible from the point of view of the theory of relativity, the speed of communication of an alien with his fellows, complete non-proof of "wormholes" and other physical laws.

Irina Letinskaya
