The Kyshtym Humanoid Alyoshenka May Have Been Taken By The Americans - Alternative View

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The Kyshtym Humanoid Alyoshenka May Have Been Taken By The Americans - Alternative View
The Kyshtym Humanoid Alyoshenka May Have Been Taken By The Americans - Alternative View

Video: The Kyshtym Humanoid Alyoshenka May Have Been Taken By The Americans - Alternative View

Video: The Kyshtym Humanoid Alyoshenka May Have Been Taken By The Americans - Alternative View
Video: The Americans: The Realities of Soviet Spies in the U.S. 2024, September

Our correspondent recalls the sensational story of the Ural alien, which at one time thundered not only in Russia, but throughout the world

For a long time my tongue was bound by an oath not to disclose in print that terrible incident, which was witnessed by several people. Two Japanese professors from the Tokyo Energy Institute, a film crew of the Japanese television company NTV headed by director Ogawa-san, a writer from Yekaterinburg, Viktor Myasnikov, a Moscow translator from Japanese, Natalya Erofeeva, and the author of this story. And the background is as follows: in 1997, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" published my article about the alien Aleshenka, met by earthlings in the city of Kyshtym. This Alyoshenka - let me remind the reader - lived for a couple of months at the house of citizen Prosvirina, until she lost her mind and ended up in a psycho-dispensary. Soon the humanoid himself died, turned into a mummy and was kidnapped …

After that publication, our scientists and filmmakers called me, but - for lack of money in those difficult times - none of ours could go to Kyshtym. Then all sorts of foreigners called, ready - for an excess of money - to embark on the Ural expedition. And I preferred to take the wealthiest Japanese to the Urals.


In the summer of 1998, the Japanese television company NTV flew to Moscow with its scientists. Their professors first of all wished to meet with one Moscow academician, Mark Avraamovich Milkhiker, secret in our country and well-known in the West. He is also a great hypnotist, he is also a blood relative of Sigmund Freud and twice academician Lina Stern. Under the advice, Milhiker served in highly secret laboratories (if you take his word for it) and through telepathic intelligence he repaired a tangible loss of NATO power. But with the end of the Cold War, the scientist lost his job. But because of the strong resemblance to Lenin, Milkhiker was invited to act as an actor at Mosfilm to act in some kind of porno comedy. We found him there in the dream factory. Japanese scientists, seeing their colleague - "the leader of the revolution" in a shabby jacket and boots from the market, were somewhat embarrassed and, it seems,doubted the abilities of the astro-intelligence officer. However, upon arrival in the city of Kyshtym, Mark Avraamovich showed himself to be the supreme master of his craft, which will truly be confirmed by the administration of the local madhouse.

Alyoshenka's height is 25 centimeters


Promotional video:

Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN

And the story came out like this: our whole team came to this very madhouse in order to meet with patient Tamara Vasilyevna Prosvirina, who then sheltered the alien Alyoshenka. But the mad-dom bosses behaved extremely inadequately, if not to say that - violently, rejecting certificates and even bribes: "It is impossible, and that's it!" And then Academician Milhiker got down to business. In just two minutes, he calmed and hypnotized the deputy head physician along with her retinue. He ordered to bring the sick Prosvirina, and the command was immediately executed.

It was strange to listen to how the Japanese were interviewing Tamara Prosvirina, and the deputy head physician standing next to her with dim eyes only quietly apologized that she could not allow a meeting with Tamara Prosvirina, since she was being held under some kind of special control.

Archive number of "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The first material about Alyoshenka was written by Nikolay Varsegov


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV


Tamara Prosvirina was clearly unhealthy, but calm. When asked, she muttered one thing: “Alyoshenka and I went there together. They took us away. She also tried to explain how difficult it is for her (from there!) To talk to us. Only when we finished filming and got into the car, medicine came out of hypnosis and screamed after the threat.

We, of course, wanted to take off the mummy, and the next day we gathered in Kamensk-Uralsky to see the ufologist Semenkova, who took the dried humanoid. But Academician Milhiker went into the astral plane and prophetically explained that Semenkov was far away, and the dead man was in the city … The Japanese did not heed, they decided not to change their plans. And in the evening we found the sick daughter-in-law Tamara Prosvirina, also named Tamara, who had seen Alyoshenka still alive. Daughter-in-law Tamara is a closed woman, in her entire life she has not been further from Kyshtym to Chelyabinsk. At the sight of the Japanese, she was terribly confused and answered questions scanty. True, she agreed to Milhiker's proposal to lie on the bed and enter into hypnotic intimacy with him. And already under hypnosis and a TV camera, Tamara colorfully described the alien, but, most importantly, indicated where to look for the mummy.

“I’m flying over the city,” she raved in her sleep and waved her wings like a bird.

- What is the name of the city ?! - Academician Milhiker tortured her with a cry.

- I don't know …

- Fly to the station, what is written there at the station ?!

- Oo-oo-oo, - Tamara soared blissfully, and then read with difficulty, - Eka-te-rin-burg.

- Where is the mummy ?! - shouted Milhiker.

Through long howls, indistinct words went, from which it followed that the woman saw a monument to Pushkin, next to the Christmas tree, and across the square there was a large institute with an arch, which institute she could not read. There is a secret laboratory at the institute, headed by Semenkova's acquaintance, Zavyalov. Is he studying the biochemical composition of the mummy, preparing a certificate to the Americans in order to sell Alyoshenka in the USA for thirty or three hundred something? It seems for three hundred thousand dollars.

Here Tamara Prosvirina found Alyoshenka


Photo: Alexey BULATOV


The next morning we went to Kamensk-Uralsky, and Milkhiker to Moscow - urgent shooting. Indeed, I have never seen greater surrealism than in Kamensk-Uralsky. Everything here is according to the law of the city of Zerro. As soon as we entered the city (having reeled off two hundred kilometers from Kyshtym), our path was blocked by a large funeral procession of almost a hundred buzzing cars filled with hair-cut, pumped-up guys. We shuddered, recalled Milhiker's prediction - a dead man was in the city. There was a small restaurant nearby, we decided to have a snack. As soon as we entered the empty gloomy hall, our translator, with a shout and a crash, flew to the floor, and at that very moment, a Japanese operator stumbling over her, lay on his back with a twisted face with horror, but held the camera overhead. The waiter slowly came out to the shouts and calmly explained that they had a seizure here,that's why all newcomers always fall here.

- Can't the attack be evened out ?! I asked. To which the waiter looked at me crookedly:

- You seem to be from Moscow … - and did not say another word.

Regarding the funeral, the local newspaper later explained to us that the day before yesterday the celebration was opened in the city and they gave a signal from the flare gun with just one shot. The deceased, like everyone else, raised his head in order to look at the rocket, and it fell right into his open mouth….

We came home to Semenkova. I met a youthful and sober husband, calm and indifferent, like that waiter. He explained that since Galina took the alien in Kyshtym, she had not come home for a year. Occasionally calls and asks how are you? But from where he is calling - no one knows, and what interest is he, her husband - where is his wife calling from?

On the next sultry day we showed up in Yekaterinburg. We were looking for a monument to Pushkin for a long time, drenched in sweat, carrying equipment and a lame translator with a broken knee in a restaurant. All journalists were interviewed in the House of Press. Nobody has heard of the monument. Many assured that there was never a monument to Pushkin in Yekaterinburg. Fortunately, the local writer Viktor Myasnikov, already through a survey of the ubiquitous homeless people, found out that there is a monument in a certain overgrown park! We arrived, for sure! Plaster and nondescript behind a cast-iron fence, barely visible from behind the bushes - curly Pushkin!

I was quite stunned - how was it that under hypnosis a woman who had never been to this city suddenly saw Pushkin ?! And then everything converges there: the trees, the square, opposite the mailbox of the Research Institute-tyazhmash.

Alyoshenka lived on this couch


Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN


And here we stand with the writer Myasnikov, nervously smoking, discussing the power of hypnosis. Meanwhile, Ogawa-san wanted to remove the monument to Pushkin. The slender Japanese deftly climbed into the square through the cast-iron bars of the fence. But our translator, a Russian, got stuck in half of the building, and the Japanese in a noisy crowd somehow help her. Myasnikov and I are fifteen steps away. A woman runs up to us with a three-story mat:

- You guys … what are you worth ?! There are Uzbeks … they are pulling a woman into the bushes!

“Don’t shout, then our woman!

… After that, by deceit, Myasnikov and I entered this institution and found … the head of the laboratory by the name of Zavyalov! When asked about the Kyshtym mummy, Mr. Zavyalov was seriously wary and, as it seemed to me, was already ready to repent of something, not knowing who we really are. But then the devil pulled me out of the journalist's certificate, and this very reassured our interlocutor. To all subsequent questions: "Do you know Semenkov?", "Are you studying the mummy?" - he answered mysteriously, even with a mockery: "Maybe yes, maybe not …". And soon it was completely closed.

Later, upon arrival in Moscow, responsible and very courteous comrades, during a pleasant friendly conversation, kindly, without pressure, asked me not to write about the Kyshtym affairs for at least a year, because by doing so I could harm the Motherland and stand in the way of its scientific and technological progress … And I was also asked - as far as possible, of course - in the future not to carry Japanese scientists with their unthinkable equipment to the area of the closed scientific nuclear centers of Snezhinsk and Ozersk, which are located near Kyshtym.

Since I love the Motherland, I promised not to interfere with Her development, so I kept my word. About the humanoid Alyoshenka, the comrades promised to tell the truth, but then … However, the comrades got lost, like the humanoid himself.

Milhiker then went to his daughter-in-law Tamara, flew with her to the astral plane and brought the most disappointing news: the mummy was sold to one American military laboratory "NJJ" located on the islands of New Zealand.

A certain professor Novar Khimor works with her, tall, slender, blue-eyed, born in 1947.

… Mark Avraamovich Milhiker himself died several years ago. Here's a story.


There is a version that "Alyoshenka" is now in secret US laboratories

The invasion of UFOs and all kinds of humanoids in the USSR - no matter how ridiculous this phrase may be seen - began at the height of perestroika, that is, from the end of the 80s and ended already in the CIS in the late 90s. This is confirmed in my archives until now about 300 letters from eyewitnesses and contactees from different parts of the country. Yes, there was a clouding of public consciousness in those days. And the lambs turned into goats. But I don’t know what was primary - the sick consciousness gave rise to aliens? Or did the aliens stupid public consciousness? (details)

