Alien From The Atacama Desert - Alternative View

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Alien From The Atacama Desert - Alternative View
Alien From The Atacama Desert - Alternative View

Video: Alien From The Atacama Desert - Alternative View

Video: Alien From The Atacama Desert - Alternative View
Video: What Is Hiding Under The World Famous Nazca Lines In Peru | Blowing Up History 2024, June

There are a lot of photographs and videos on the Internet showing the alleged bodies of dead aliens. Experts of all stripes have argued for years about the reliability of these materials, and whether they are not a hoax. But there are several cases when there is no controversy about "was there a body?" are not conducted because the presence of the body of an unknown humanoid is established as a fact.

Strange hobby

Chilean Oscar Muñoz had an unusual hobby - he drove around abandoned houses and villages in search of artifacts. You never know what you will find in an abandoned house: an object abandoned for uselessness becomes antiques in 50 years, you just have to pick it up and then sell it profitably. In October 2003, he decided to visit the ghost mining village of La Noria in the Atacama Desert. Here he was to make the brightest find in his life.

On October 19, he reached the appointed place. While on the road, he heard plenty of stories that the inhabitants of the city cemetery walk at night along La Noria. The village was indeed a gloomy place, but that only added to the spice of his journey.

Finding the artifact lover

An experienced artifact seeker, he knew that anything could be a surprise. Therefore, when not far from the church he saw a rag bundle lying on the ground, he was not too lazy, did not disdain, picked it up and opened it.

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An already mummified body was wrapped in a piece of cloth … who? The 15-centimeter creature possessed a disproportionately large bulging head and hard teeth. Oscar smelled money.


Muñoz sold the find for $ 60. Further, Ramon Navia Osorio, an employee of the Spanish Institute of Exobiological Research, became interested in the find. He acquired a mummy and tried to attract authoritative scientists to study it. And then he had problems.

The luminaries with world names, only having got acquainted with Ata (such a "name" was received by the foundling from Atacama), refused to study it, and those who agreed - to give a written opinion. And they had reasons for this.


Strange Ata

First of all, the creature had 9 pairs of ribs. For those who do not know, we inform that a person has 12 of them. This inexplicable fact alone puzzled specialists. There cannot be a person with 18 ribs! There should only be 24!


The version that Ata is an aborted human fetus has not been confirmed. Doctors unanimously stated that the tissue density of the creature did not correspond to the characteristics of a 20-22 week old human fetus, the calcium concentration in the bones was many times higher than the norm even for a newborn. Where have you seen a baby with teeth?


After a 6-month study, staff at Stanford University, California, gave a conclusion about the age of Ata: 6-8 years. After conducting tomography, scientists concluded that the creature had lungs and a heart. Undoubtedly, Ata breathed, ate earthly food and digested it.

University professor Harry Nolan said that the skeleton is several decades old and is clearly not a monkey. To persistent questions from journalists "so who is Ata?" the professor replied that "we are probably dealing with" a very interesting human mutation. " At the same time, he could not explain numerous anthropological inconsistencies of the type of 9 pairs of ribs.

Osteopathic physician Dr. Stephen Greer was more outspoken: "This is not a monkey, this is a humanoid and at the same time, it is not a human."

Relatives of Ata

After the story went public, a 20-year-old publication by the Flying Saucer Review surfaced about the discovery of a similar corpse in the vicinity of Salinas, Puerto Rico. A similar creature, moreover, alive (!) Was found in Russia, far from Chile. For almost a month the "Kyshtym dwarf" lived with a resident of the city of Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region.

As scientists say, one case - it can be anything, two cases - can be attributed to a coincidence, but three is already a pattern. So is there a connection between all these "dwarfs"? Are they relatives? And won't Ata's fourth "twin brother" emerge someday and somewhere?

Official science tries to stay away from this topic. It is generally accepted that the Atacama Boy is a human mutant.

But there are more than enough reasons to doubt this.

Klim Podkova