"Kyshtym Alyoshenka" Sectarians Could Neither Burn Nor Drown - Alternative View

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"Kyshtym Alyoshenka" Sectarians Could Neither Burn Nor Drown - Alternative View
"Kyshtym Alyoshenka" Sectarians Could Neither Burn Nor Drown - Alternative View

Video: "Kyshtym Alyoshenka" Sectarians Could Neither Burn Nor Drown - Alternative View

Video: Kyshtym Disaster - Biggest Nuclear Disaster Before Chernobyl 2024, September

Journalists of "KP" infiltrated the mysterious organization to find out where its members put the mummy of a strange creature

This story began like a fairy tale. Or like a series from "X-Files" (which is actually almost the same thing). 20 years ago, in the Ural town of Kyshtym (11 kilometers from the Mayak chemical plant, where a workshop with radioactive waste exploded in 57) old woman Tamara Prosvirina went on the water, and returned home with … No, not with a goldfish, but much cooler. An alien lay on the ground under a pine tree near the well and squeaked piteously. Baba Toma took pity and sheltered a guest from other worlds. Alyoshenka lived for a month (these are the terrestrial nicknames given to aliens in the Urals) at Prosvirina's, he ate condensed milk, and dabbled in cottage cheese. And then the neighbors took Tamara Vasilievna to a mental hospital. My grandmother was diagnosed with exacerbation of schizophrenia.

Without a nurse, our Kyshtym humanoid quickly stretched out its legs. And already in mummified form, Alyoshenka ended up in the hands of the senior investigator of the Kyshtym police Vladimir Bendlin. At first, the detective behaved like a true agent Mulder - he showed the little body to a pathologist he knew (she said that it was an extraterrestrial being) and was going to start a criminal case. But, according to Bendlin, neither his boss nor the head of the local branch of the FSB wanted to set in motion such a strange story. And this, in principle, also very much fits with the logic of the X-Files. But what does not at all combine with Fox Mulder's thirst for truth (and in general goes against common sense) is that Bendlin gave Alyoshenka to the sectarians from the dubious organization "Star Academy of Frontal Problems". Allegedly, a friend of his found an ad in the newspaper,that these "academics" have long been in contact with little green men. So why not give the most important piece of evidence, that is, the mummy, to these charlatans? As a result, a whole detachment of fighters with "frontal problems", led by a certain 40-year-old lady Galina Semenkova, came for Alexei Alfa-Centavrovich. And the "academicians" took Alyoshenka away to distant lands …

Aleshenka was given to the sectarians by local investigator Vladimir Bendlin


Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN / kp.ru

And the truth-tellers from KP-Yekaterinburg are now following their trail. Surprisingly, in 2016, the organization that practices communication with aliens is still afloat. And this despite the fact that the reference book "Religions and Sects of Russia" says: "The Star Academy of Frontal Problems" is a dangerous organization of the occult direction, the leaders of which practice active experiments with the psyche of people "…

Promotional video:


In the last part of our search for Alyoshenka, we told how we got the phone number of Galina Semenkova, a loyal supporter of the Star Academy, and asked investigator Bendlin to ask her directly where she was doing the mummy. It didn't work out. Ural Mulder successfully leaked this conversation. Unfortunately for the humanoid kidnappers, this was not our only trump card.

We write on social networks to our informant, who shared Semenkova's phone number. Let's call her Alisa Selezneva (the woman is categorically against our disclosing her name).

- Galina Ivanovna did not split you? - Alice was not nearly surprised. - Okay, come to Omsk. I myself will tell you what happened to Alyoshenka.

- Why Omsk? - we were a little taken aback. - Maybe it's better by phone or right here on Vkontakte?

“Better at a personal meeting,” Selezneva caught up with the fog. - And to Omsk, because we are all going to Omsk. There Galina Semenkova conducts classes. We will be in contact with outer space under her leadership. We will open information that you do not even know about. This is perhaps the last opportunity to see Galina Ivanovna in Russia in 2016. At the end of May, she leaves for Moldova. She has seminars on energy management there. And in the fall, Semenkova will be in Spain. She has planned a hike with followers to places of power.

- Dark or light? - we could not resist. When the Star Wars joke did not find its grateful listener, a reasonable question arose:

- Alice, why are you helping us?

- “Komsomolskaya Pravda” once helped my family. My dad was unfairly fired from his job. Reduced three months before retirement. He contacted the editorial office. And as soon as the journalist called the plant, the father was restored on the same day. They said that there was a mistake … See you in Omsk.

Galina Semenkova in 1996 took Aleshenka away from Kyshtym


Photo: vk.com

Since it’s all the same to go 900 kilometers from Yekaterinburg, why don’t we ourselves try to pass for novice "star academicians"? We also want to merge with the universe and get in touch with Master Yoda! Therefore, we tearfully ask Alisa Selezneva to help us penetrate the "Star Mass".

After much persuasion, the woman agrees - she gives us the phone number of Evgenia's contact. In their terminology, Zhenya is a "brownie", that is, a person who is responsible for the venue of the meeting and draws up the lists of participants. It turned out to be nowhere easier to pass for our own (at least by phone), it was only necessary to praise the teachings of the "Academy" in superlatives and admit that through space we learn the truth. "Brownie" in response, summed up approvingly:

- It's nice to talk to our people! We are waiting for you on May 6 at 10 pm on Omskaya Street, 106a.

The instinct of self-preservation treacherously whispered: "Isn't it a bit cognitive - at 10 pm?" But we immediately asked him to leave. Maybe we'll look at the stars there?

- Yes. Admission to our meeting is paid - 1600 rubles per person, - brought Eugene out of her reverie.

- For the glory of space, nothing is spared! - we assured.

Alyoshenka's height is only 25 centimeters


Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN


The members of the "Star Academy of Frontal Problems" are divided into two types. Beginners are called "hamsters" behind the backs of the eye, but experienced adherents call themselves "ferrets." On May 6, three Ural hamsters unloaded onto the sun-drenched platform of the Omsk railway station. First of all, before it got dark, we decided to look at the place where citizen Semyonkova would give her death. Outline the escape routes there, open a window into which it will be possible to whisk unnoticed in the midst of an intergalactic battle. While driving to the destination, the taxi driver never ceased to be surprised:

- Why did the tourists come to Omskaya Street? There is nothing interesting there!

- We are on business.

- On business? To the psychiatric hospital or what? - Grunting at his joke, the driver smiled.

- Didn't understand, - hamsters frowned.

- Well, opposite Omsk, 106 there is a psychiatric dispensary.

- Yes, we are exactly at the address, - the hamsters squeaked doomedly.

This unremarkable barracks in Omsk hosted the "Star Mass" of the Academy of Frontal Problems


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV

Omskaya 106a turned out to be an old one-story red brick building. Tellingly, on all windows without exception there are bars (so open the window for you). The front door creaked heartbreakingly and ran out from there … a horde of little boys. Behind them came a 30-year-old guy in a tracksuit.

- What do you want? - asked "adidas" with a challenge.

- We have here at 10 pm an event with Galina Semenkova, - we began cautiously. - Here we have arrived to see where the lesson will be. And then suddenly we won't find it in the dark.

- Ahh. You are one of these, - the guy smiled maliciously and nodded his head in understanding.

- What are you from?

- Yes, I have a section for children in hand-to-hand combat. And in the evening I rent a room. Well, good luck to you, - "Adidas" under the creaky accompaniment of the front door disappeared into the opening.


At 8 pm (2 hours before the start of the academic lesson) we have an appointment with Alisa Selezneva. We meet at the Irtysh embankment. Alice is sad but talkative.

“The Star Academy of Frontal Problems” was created by our architect Boris Zolotov (he died at the end of last year). And Galina Semenkova is his follower, Selezneva explains to us the basics of her teaching. - We practice technologies on the verge of science and magic. Communication with space is one of the tools for masking the real scientific component. At our meetings, information is transmitted through theatrical, mystical performances, jokes and laughter.

- Why do you need Alyoshenka?

- At the end of the 90s I did not study yet. But senior comrades said that Galina Semenkova handed over the body of Alyoshenka Zolotov in order to strengthen the energy at the seminars. This mummy was often used during the practice. Whole theatrical performances were staged around Aleshenka. And at the end of the lesson, everyone could touch the humanoid.

- Will we see Alyoshenka today ?! - We almost screamed at the whole Irtyshskaya.

- What are you? He was buried in 2005 on the banks of Evpatoria.

"Academics" used the poor mummy in their seminars


Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN / kp.ru

- What for?

- Only Semenkova knows the reason. Before that, she had a secret conversation with Boris Zolotov. Boris Evgenievich first ordered to drown the mummy in the sea. But she didn't sink. Then they tried to burn Alyoshenka. Imagine - they brought a burning torch, but the body did not burn! And then the humanoid was buried with honors on the beach. And the next morning a dolphin threw himself ashore …

- You yourself saw all this?

- No, but I was told by people who definitely will not lie!

- Can you tell them their telephones?

- Is it worth …

We themselves did not expect, but Selezneva eventually gave several numbers. Meanwhile, the clock is already the beginning of the tenth. It's time for all "academicians" to go into orbit. We part with Alice in different directions - it's not like going to Omsk together.

Archive number of "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The first material about Alyoshenka was written by Nikolay Varsegov


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV / kp.ru

In the taxi we dial the cell phones that our interlocutor shared.

Just a few quotes.

Lyudmila (St. Petersburg):

- Yes, there was this mummy at one seminar. But I don't remember very well. I delete from my memory the things that are unpleasant to me. And a dead humanoid is not a shrine. It's just a dead humanoid.

Anna (Chelyabinsk):

- Are you a hamster or a member of a new team? Why are you asking such strange questions ?!

Olga (Murmansk):

- I was not at the funeral of Alyoshenka in Evpatoria. But Boris Zolotov filmed a film about this ceremony. Later I saw the recording.

Alexander (Novosibirsk):

- At first I saw this dwarf at the seminar. And then I watched the film that Boris Evgenievich was filming - about how this creature was buried. But I don't have this movie. Where can I get it? Semyonkova definitely has it.

Fine! We are just going to her.

Star Academy has existed since the early 90s


Photo: vk.com


We cross the threshold of the barrack. Three middle-aged men are covering the windows with plastic bags. “They carry corpses in such bodies,” the instinct of self-preservation gives voice again. And for some time we begin to listen to him. Only now there is nowhere to go. As they say on the Internet: that feeling when a hamster went for a walk and fell into a mousetrap.

- Oh, Cyril, Lera, Semyon - is that you?

A clear voice is heard from behind. This is Evgeny's "brownie". And "Cyril, Valeria and Semyon" are our military aliases, respectively.

A boy of about eight years old runs around Evgenia.

- This is my. There was no one to leave at home with, - the "brownie" answers our dumb question.

Before the start of the "seminar", all the windows in the hall were covered with black film


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV

And people are all catching up. And the kids' gym starts to turn into God knows what. A table is brought in. They put a laptop and speakers on it. Two table lamps, wrapped in foil, appear on the floor. Right there the child rushes about and laughs wildly. For the most part, the audience are ladies of Balzac age. They walk steadily back and forth with mysterious smiles on their faces.

- And where is Galina Ivanovna? - we throw impatiently, once again looking around.

- Delays. But she should soon drive up, - says the "brownie" Evgeny and with notes of a senior accountant (as it turned out later, in everyday life she is really an accountant) demands: - Your payment, guys.

Where to go, we part with our blood rubles. And then there is an explosion of three hamster brains …

We were ready for everything in the world - that we would be sacrificed to Darth Vader, that we would be put in a flying saucer and taken to the Black Hole, or that we would simply be zombified with some spinning disk with a spiral in the middle. But for SUCH horror flying on the wings of the night ?!

Timati suddenly comes from the speakers: “When we are in the club, the chicks are dancing. The whole city knows how we party. " Our new friends "academicians" immediately liven up, go out to the center of the hall and let's dance.

Academy adepts have started syncing


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV / kp.ru

- Excuse me, but when are dialogues expected? - we are somewhat discouraged.

- Soon. And this is a warm-up. So that our bodies tune to the same frequency and move synchronously,”expertly declares a man in a T-shirt with the inscription“One for all. And all for one and, dancing, takes our Leroux to dance (she is Ekaterina, according to her passport).

We do not have time to wish Katya good luck, as two madamas take us under the whitish little hands and also drag us to the dance floor, where Timati has already been replaced by Ivan Dorn.

In such cases, it is customary to say: what happens in Omsk remains in Omsk. Between the strange gestures and the mother, take me home thinking, my head turns toward the doorway. And in it there is Galina Semenkova in person! The woman frowns, looking at the "warm-up", and with quick steps disappears into the side room. A small nuance: the common room and the side room are connected by a giant window. Alas, we do not see what is happening inside. On the outside, the glass is covered with an impenetrable tint.

We pretend that we did not notice the kidnapper Alyoshenka, and continue to make strange gestures for the glory of synchronization. So we lay on our backs and rotate our legs, and here we march one after another to the Dog Waltz. Here, out of the corner of our eye, we fix that the "brownie" Evgenia purposefully walked around all the men in the hall and whispered something in their ear. Those one after the other in single file are drawn into the side room. The instinct of self-preservation is eloquently silent this time.

The male part of the "academicians" soon returns and without further ado surrounds us.

- You ruined our whole evening! - Evgenia squeezes through strong male backs.

- In terms of? - we babble.

- Don't make fools of us! - the voice of the "brownie" rises by half a tone. - Andrey, Katya and Roman, you upset Galina Ivanovna! She knows who you are! Leave immediately.

How were we identified? It was actually not difficult. Maybe Semenkova broke through on social networks the names of journalists who started a new investigation about Alyoshenka. Maybe she saw our video trailer for the humanoid investigation. Or maybe Alisa Selezneva betrayed us. For some reason she never made it to the seminar. And he no longer picks up the phone …

Galina Semenkova teaches her adepts to communicate with space. Orange to help her


Photo: vk.com

- We want to talk with Galina Semenkova !!! Was humanoid Alyoshenka really buried in Evpatoria? - meanwhile we shout.

Instead of answering "brownie" Evgenia returns the money to us. And under the watchful eye of strong "academicians" we are escorted out into the street.


Hamsters pretend that the disgraced go into the night. And then, in accordance with the day's reconnaissance plan, they go around the perimeter, climb over the fence and find themselves in the rear of the "academicians" - on the back side of the barracks. All windows are covered with black foil. But there is a gap in one. We look in. Yes, this is the same room with a view of the gym, where Semenkova slipped half an hour ago! And you know what's the funniest thing. Now the "academicians" do not see us (they have toning), but part of the action opens up to us.

Here it is just right to repeat the mantra about "What is happening in Omsk …" again. Because we see how a man with a naked torso in a wizard's hat is covered with foil. People with false ears of aliens are circling around him. We see lamps blinking, and our new acquaintances, lying on the floor, "communicate" with space.

When the session finally comes to an end at three in the morning, we are still standing at the barracks. We are waiting for Semenkov. Having grown bolder, we no longer hide, but are on duty at the central entrance. Galina Ivanovna is taken out like a real pop star - with impromptu security on the sides. Semenkova wears a hood and dark glasses. Seeing us, she quickly climbs into an SUV that has pulled up, and it takes off.

By the way, we still managed to talk heart to heart with this elusive woman. True, already on the phone. What question did we start the dialogue with? Of course: WHERE IS ALYOSHENKA NOW ?!

To be continued…

In May 2016, it was 20 years since the humanoid Aleshenka was found in the Ural town of Kyshtym


Photo: Alexey BULATOV / kp.ru

Expert commentary


- The Academy of Frontal Problems is one of the first Russian psycho-cults. A psychocult is a sect that operates through trainings and seminars, explains Alexander Dvorkin, a researcher of modern sectarianism. “I've heard little about them lately. But what happened in the 90s was monstrous. People were locked up for several days, sometimes even weeks, in small rooms. Often everything ended in a dumping sin with all sorts of perversions, over which Boris Zolotov presided. He simply broke people, they fell into complete dependence on him. Zolotov forced rows of people to get up on all fours, each thrust his head in front of the person standing between his legs, and they all crawled like a caterpillar. It all started with imitation of copulation and turned into reality. In recent years, I have no data on the victims of the "Academy",but in the 90s the victims were in the hundreds. This sect was extremely dangerous. Then the organization was not shut down, because in those days no one was shut down at all. To do this, it was necessary, at least, to arrange a terrorist attack in the subway. Zolotov died last year. Very often sects end their existence after the death of the leader. But if the "Academy" can be reorganized, then it will have a new spurt of activity. We need to see if Galina Semenkova will manage to keep the sect afloat. As far as I heard, she was Boris Zolotov's right hand. I think the seminars of the Academy of Frontal Problems are extremely dangerous. They are designed to destroy the human mind, to turn them into an obedient instrument in the hands of a leader.because in those days no one was closed at all. To do this, it was necessary, at least, to arrange a terrorist attack in the subway. Zolotov died last year. Very often sects end their existence after the death of the leader. But if the "Academy" can be reorganized, then it will have a new spurt of activity. We need to see if Galina Semenkova will manage to keep the sect afloat. As far as I heard, she was Boris Zolotov's right hand. I think the seminars of the Academy of Frontal Problems are extremely dangerous. They are designed to destroy the human mind, to turn them into an obedient instrument in the hands of a leader.because in those days no one was closed at all. To do this, it was necessary, at least, to arrange a terrorist attack in the subway. Zolotov died last year. Very often sects end their existence after the death of the leader. But if the "Academy" can be reorganized, then it will have a new spurt of activity. We need to see if Galina Semenkova will manage to keep the sect afloat. As far as I heard, she was Boris Zolotov's right hand. I think the seminars of the Academy of Frontal Problems are extremely dangerous. They are designed to destroy the human mind, to turn them into an obedient instrument in the hands of a leader. We need to see if Galina Semenkova will manage to keep the sect afloat. As far as I heard, she was Boris Zolotov's right hand. I think the seminars of the Academy of Frontal Problems are extremely dangerous. They are designed to destroy the human mind, to turn them into an obedient instrument in the hands of a leader. We need to see if Galina Semenkova will manage to keep the sect afloat. As far as I heard, she was Boris Zolotov's right hand. I think the seminars of the Academy of Frontal Problems are extremely dangerous. They are designed to destroy the human mind, to turn them into an obedient instrument in the hands of a leader.

Galina Semenkova (right) was the right hand of the founder of the "Star Academy" Boris Zolotov. Now she teaches young adepts to communicate with space


Photo: Facebook

Andrey GORBUNOV, Roman Lyalin, Saltykova Ekaterina

If you have a photo or video from the funeral of Aleshenka in Evpatoria or any other information about the Kyshtym humanoid, write to us by mail: [email protected]
