Lasers, Microchips, Fiber-optic Communications - Made On The Basis Of UFO Debris - Alternative View

Lasers, Microchips, Fiber-optic Communications - Made On The Basis Of UFO Debris - Alternative View
Lasers, Microchips, Fiber-optic Communications - Made On The Basis Of UFO Debris - Alternative View

Video: Lasers, Microchips, Fiber-optic Communications - Made On The Basis Of UFO Debris - Alternative View

Video: Lasers, Microchips, Fiber-optic Communications - Made On The Basis Of UFO Debris - Alternative View
Video: Unidentified object caught on camera flying close to SpaceX capsule l GMA 2024, June

In the United States, Dr. Stephen Greer, head of the All-American Expose Project, made a sensational announcement that there is an official US government report that describes about 12,000 flying objects.

Moreover, according to Greer, many discoveries that have appeared in recent years (lasers, microchips, fiber optic communications, and others) have been made by American scientists based on the study of UFO debris. In Russia, UFO researcher Tatyana Femenskaya has been dealing with UFO problems for many years. She pays most attention to studying the traces of UFO landings, which usually do not attract the attention of journalists.

- In fact, there is something to break your head here. Almost all descriptions contain the same objects, to which UFOs clearly have a special fondness. First of all, these are … energy facilities - power transmission lines, power substations, railway junctions and the like. In addition, UFOs "love" open water bodies and are clearly drawn to all kinds of geological anomalies.

- What do you mean by anomalies?

- Places where the movement of rocks is still taking place, which is accompanied by oscillations of electromagnetic fields. Then karst voids, powerful underground water streams, deep lakes … Researchers engaged in dowsing, claim that underground voids and water are a kind of energy storage. It turns out that extraplanetary flying objects are "drawn" to all places with an unusual energy situation. By the way, a person can easily determine such abnormal territories even by eye - vegetation here often gives mutations, differs from the surrounding.

- Apparently, we are talking about the very places that the people consider "enchanted", "pernicious"? Indeed, the very place for anomalous phenomena. But what can be so abnormal in substations or conventional power lines?

- And yet. Ufologists have long noticed that the presence of energy objects in UFO landing sites is, if not mandatory, then a very common factor. For example, researchers have repeatedly noted UFO sightings in Western Siberia. And almost all of them are confined to high-voltage lines, pipelines and railways. One hundred percent hit.

An interesting case, confirming the connection of the "alien guests" with the power line, was told by geologists who had been working in the Lower Volga region for six years, 150 kilometers north of Astrakhan. Every August in the high-voltage area, which took place not far from the permanent camp of geologists, a luminous translucent humanoid silhouette appeared. He moved as if he was looking for something. Downright alien spy of some kind! And so it was for three years in a row. Then the power transmission line stopped supplying energy, the "ghost" disappeared and did not appear for two years. In the last year of work, geologists again met an "old friend". And the most curious thing is that this year the power supply to the power transmission lines has just resumed.

Promotional video:

- Well, that's easy to explain. Some kind of energy anomaly. Or a desert mirage …

- Maybe a mirage. But we are now talking about the conditions that accompany unidentified objects in the places of their appearance. What is their nature - energetic, atmospheric, biological or some other? Maybe UFOs should be accompanied by all sorts of mirages?

The location of the anomalous zones themselves is subject to a certain pattern. At one time, there was a hypothesis that our planet is a giant crystal. The authors of this theory drew the hypothetical outcrops of nodes and edges of its crystal lattice to the Earth's surface. It looks like they just coincide with our anomalous zones. So is it not reasonable to consider, continuing this thought, that the crystal lattice is simultaneously the energy-force frame of the planet? Then it turns out that "zones" are something like biologically active points of a person, but on a huge scale, on the body of an entire planet.

- And it turns out that the anomalous zones are the "bridgeheads" of the dialogue between our Earth and the Great Space? - Yes, these are points of exchange of energy and information. Open communication channels for extraterrestrial civilizations. Possibly alien spaceports. But only for "them", not for us. For us, a point of energy exchange with the Universe may look like an ordinary swamp, a patch of field, a clearing in a forest, a wasteland near a railway line. Nevertheless, this is an invisible exit to other worlds, perhaps to other dimensions. Now it is clear why if UFOs can be seen, then only in such anomalous places?

- But this is still only a hypothesis.

- And even one of many. Other explanations are also possible. For example, in the 60s of the last century, the English researcher T. Lutbridge put forward the assumption that the so-called ghosts, spirits and other unidentified objects are nothing more than a "memory of a place." That is, a kind of three-dimensional holograms recorded in the environment in the presence of special energy conditions. Or maybe for a short moment this opens a window to a hypothetical parallel world? Or maybe it is we who see ourselves as in a bottomless mirror - what we could become or someday will become?

Or maybe the zones are really an "alien cosmodrome"?

After all, this assumption is not so absurd as to dismiss it as a nightmare. Only aliens, if they are indeed highly developed beings, instead of creating their own spaceports on Earth, use natural structures without unnecessary hassle as a kind of high-speed tunnels and beacons. And then - everything can be - in the form of energy sources for their vehicles. After all, we will not direct the car through ditches and bumps if there is a highway …

In the meantime … While there are much more questions than answers. And they can be obtained only by organizing comprehensive research at a high level. Geologists will assess the geological structure of the "zones", study the features of their distribution in space. Physicists will understand the nature and features of physical fields. Doctors investigate the psychoemotional state of a person who has visited the zone … And only after that it will be possible to say what a UFO is and where they fly: in our imagination, in a parallel world or next to us, in the Earth's atmosphere.