Echo Of Roswell. Forgotten Technologies - Alternative View

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Echo Of Roswell. Forgotten Technologies - Alternative View
Echo Of Roswell. Forgotten Technologies - Alternative View

Video: Echo Of Roswell. Forgotten Technologies - Alternative View

Video: Echo Of Roswell. Forgotten Technologies - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Lost Technologies That Could Have Changed Our Lives | Edureka 2024, September

More recently, we wrote about the Roswell UFO mystery. This time we offer another version of the origin of these strange flying objects.

Trophy "Hanebu"

Many years have passed since the fall on the night of July 3 to 4, 1947 near the American town of Roswell, a supposedly alien "flying saucer", but the old ufological history gives rise to more and more new versions and interpretations. Sometimes quite unexpected. For example, the American ufologist Gary Hyland linked the Roswell story with Nazi disc-shaped aircraft.

His version looks like a very peculiar and unexpected continuation of the history of Nazi UFOs. It is stated in the work "Lost Secrets of Nazi Technologies", not so long ago translated into Russian. The ufologist believes that the highly classified technical documentation on the Nazi "flying saucers" came to the British, and those. after the United States did not want to share the secrets of the atomic bomb with them, it entered into a secret conspiracy with the Canadians. Since back in 1944, Britain and Canada at the highest level reached an agreement on joint work in the field of aeronautics, mastering the secrets of German UFOs was framed as their logical continuation.

In the vastness of Canada, there were already several secret British objects. Such, for example, were the National Aviation Institute, built on the site of the former village of Turley, as well as the huge air force base at Arnprior near Ottawa. However, for such unusual works as "plate", it was decided to build a new facility. It was built in the province of British Columbia, in the forested mountains. Despite its proximity to a ski resort in Calgary and a major motorway, the site was virtually inaccessible to casual bystanders.

According to Highland. the Anglo-Canadian group already in 1946 made a flying prototype - a copy of the Nazi "Hanebu". In 1947, they were already thinking about their serial production, albeit limited. At the same time, the vehicles began reconnaissance flights over US territory. They probably could not reach the Soviet Union at that time yet, and since the relationship between the British lion and Uncle Sam was then far from cloudless, they decided to use them against the States.

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What now seems like fantasy

Actually, at present the very possibility of serious contradictions between the United States and Great Britain seems to be something fantastic, but the post-war realities looked somewhat different. It is known, for example. that in January 1947 the Chief of the British General Staff, Field Marshal Bernard Lowe Montgomery, visited Moscow. He met with Stalin, with whom he discussed the creation of a military alliance between the two countries - the USSR and England. The leader of the USSR reacted to this idea with approval. Soon Stalin exchanged letters with British Foreign Secretary E. Bevin. They discussed the possibility of extending the agreement between the USSR and Great Britain on alliance in the war and on cooperation and mutual assistance after the war.

It is very noteworthy that Article 4 of this treaty provided that if one of the contracting parties "in the post-war period again becomes involved in hostilities with Germany or any other state," then the other party "will immediately provide … all military and other assistance and assistance." … Not hard to guess. that in the first post-war years the only state that could pose a serious military threat to England or the USSR. were the United States. Which, in fact, under the pretext of "flirting" the newly elected Labor cabinet with the Land of the Soviets and refused to hand over materials on the atomic bomb to Great Britain. As for the fears of the USSR and Britain. then they were associated with the desire of the forces, which are usually called the American political behind the scenes,take advantage of the post-war devastation in Europe and impose on the whole world his hegemony in the form of a One World Government.

Humanoid dolls

And in July 1947 Roswell burst out. The story is well-known for lovers of UFOlogy, but Hyland drew attention to a fact overlooked by many. Not far from this town there was an airfield on which the 509th Aviation Regiment was based, which at that time was the only bomber unit in the world armed with atomic bombs. A very attractive object for foreign reconnaissance aircraft.

One of the still technically imperfect British "Hanebu" fell and crashed during a reconnaissance operation. The Americans decided to get their dividends from this and started a cunning game. They remembered well the powerful effect of the 1938 radio show by Orson Welles based on the novel War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells. She provoked a real panic in the States. Hearing the "news" about an alien invasion, several people committed suicide, and dozens of madmen armed themselves with double-barreled guns and prepared for defense. So in Roswell, the cunning Yankees threw humanoid dolls into the wreckage of the UFO, filmed, let in more mystery … Since then, according to Hyland, the myth of the alien presence has gone around the world, constantly fueled by new scary secret "facts" and "testimonies ". In fact, this myth is a well-planned misinformation, a psychological "cover operation". By the way, it was the dolls used in the disinformation operation that could later be in demand when making films about the autopsy of the "alien".

It would also be appropriate to add that, for example, according to the reports of ufologists von Kevitzky and Hood, in 1947, near the city of Phoenix, Arizona, another disc-shaped UFO crashed. In March and July 1948, two more UFO crashes were reported: near Aztec, New Mexico, and in the Mojave Desert, California. It is characteristic that all cases occur on the territory of the United States, and that "alien" vehicles beat with a frequency more inherent in structurally still unfinished flying vehicles of completely terrestrial origin, and not the miracles of ultra-high technologies that came from the universal abyss.

To the secrets of gravity

And in 1948, the Americans threatened the British with an international scandal, entered into secret negotiations and won their participation in the "plate" development. An Anglo-American-Canadian Tripartite Group was created, which continued to improve disc-shaped aircraft. Soon they began to be used for reconnaissance flights over the territory of the third world countries, as well as the USSR and its allies. At first, they were disk-shaped vehicles with aerodynamic principles of support, but over time, according to Highland, the three-sided group mastered the secrets of gravity.

Initially, the group allegedly used discs built at the Anglo-Canadian complex and captured German Hanebu. Based on their most viable elements, a standard model was developed under the somewhat automotive name "Jeep". Several modifications were made with a diameter of 10 to 20 meters. Probably, they were the ones seen by numerous witnesses of the "alien invasion" in the fifties.

In 1960, according to Hyland, a new model of the Jeep was created within the framework of the Alpha project, which had only one significant flaw: the jet engines standing on it did not give it the opportunity to overcome the gravity of the Earth and go into outer space. To change the situation, it was necessary to take a new revolutionary decision - to ride the force of gravity, according to a new project called "Winter Harbor". For the implementation of the project, the so-called Tesla coils were used, placed in hermetically sealed compartments of the "plate", filled with an inert gas. In 1966, ufologist Donald Keehou, at a government hearing on the UFO problem, which was held in the Arms Committee, said that 46 different design organizations in the United States are engaged in gravity problems, 33 of which operate under the auspices of the Air Force and 25 are secret. Of coursesooner or later, such a force had to comprehend the secrets of gravity.

So it can be considered very likely that all kinds of "plates", "saucers", "cigars", "triangles" and so on that appear in the sky over different regions of the world, arrive there not from other planets, but from some top-secret NATO bases. They are being built not by "little green men", but by quite earthly people who have signed a nondisclosure agreement. And the beginning of everything in many ways was already fairly forgotten Roswell.

Pavel Bukin. Secrets of the XX century magazine