Gifts Of Unearthly Origin - Alternative View

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Gifts Of Unearthly Origin - Alternative View
Gifts Of Unearthly Origin - Alternative View

Video: Gifts Of Unearthly Origin - Alternative View

Video: Gifts Of Unearthly Origin - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Confirm the Oak Island Mystery Is Solved (2020) 2024, September

In the summer of 1953, in the east of Hungary, 70 kilometers from the city of Debrecen, two peasants from the village of Tishacege were spilling sugar beets into the field. The grandson of one of them, five-year-old Laszlo Bako, was playing nearby. Suddenly the boy saw a strange creature, similar to a man of small stature, heading in his direction.

Laszlo's first contact

The man had no clothes on, his body was covered with smooth gray skin. He came close to Laszlo and stopped. For a minute they stood motionless, looking at each other. Laszlo remembers that he did not feel fear, rather the opposite - he developed sympathy for the stranger and a sense of security. The creature smiled, and then the boy realized that this mysterious man spoke to him, although he did not move his lips or make sounds. Several minutes passed, then the little man turned and walked away with a strange sliding gait. After taking a dozen steps, he suddenly disappeared from sight.

This was the first "contact of the third kind" with an unearthly creature in Laszlo Bako's life.

Alien Present

More than 20 years have passed. Laszlo lived in Debrecen and worked as a driver at the Volan Vallalat car service. At the end of August 1974, he was resting in a country house in the vicinity of Debrecen and one evening, at about 11:00 pm, lying on a bed on the veranda, he turned the knobs of the radio receiver. Suddenly he was overcome by a terrible sleepiness, and he fell asleep.

Promotional video:

Laszlo woke up in a brightly lit room, reclining in a device that looked like a dentist's chair. In front of him stood the semblance of a table with a striped gray-black board tilted towards him. And to the right of Laszlo was a creature, like two drops of water, similar to the little man he had met in childhood. In its hand, the creature was holding a round rod about 40 centimeters long, drawing something with it on the board of the table and at the same time speaking, addressing Laszlo. He well remembered the phrase: "We have just left the Earth." Then came reports of distances, speeds, and some terms unfamiliar to Laszlo. Soon he felt bad, stopped understanding anything and remembered nothing more of what the little man said.

When Laszlo regained consciousness, he found that he was still lying in the house on the veranda. The Space Traveler was still feeling physically ill and at the same time somewhat emotionally uplifted. On the side of the bed, Laszlo saw a case made of a material similar to thick paper, from the inside of which a beam of green light was beaming. Light came from the end of a rod in the case. Laszlo immediately remembered that such a rod was in the hands of a man standing in a brightly lit room and drawing something on a tilted table.

Why the Others (as the aliens are called) left him a “souvenir”, Laszlo did not know, but he understood that this item was unique and therefore of great value. And he also understood that something very important had happened in his life now.

Laszlo brought the rod to his city apartment, wrapped it in a piece of cloth, put it in a piece of metal pipe and buried it in the garden near the house. A year later, he buried it in a new place, which was better viewed from the window of the apartment.

Mysterious dance of ZIL

Two more years passed, and a new incident happened to Laszlo.

One night at the end of May 1976, at about 2.00 am, Laszlo was driving a ZIL dump truck, which was the last in a convoy of five vehicles carrying rubble from the quarry to the construction site. Suddenly, something went wrong with his ZIL: he began to drive now to the right, then to the left, as if on ice. So 15-20 seconds passed, and then the dump truck seemed to jump, took off from the ground, flew up and immediately fell back onto the road. Laszlo was stunned, but most of all he was struck by the fact that after the fall, the car remained intact, and when it hit the ground, the rubble was not thrown out of the body. True, a little rubble nevertheless spilled out onto the road, but all of it, in some incomprehensible way, gathered in a smooth, neat pyramid. After "landing" the ZIL engine stalled, although the headlights continued to shine. Because the cab doors are jammed; Laszlo climbed out through the side window. He carefully examined the car, but found nothing to explain what had happened. The cars in front also stopped: the drivers watched in amazement in their mirrors what was happening to their comrade's dump truck.

After conferring, the drivers called the police and technical assistance. Laszlo's car was towed to the firm's garage. The investigation was unsuccessful: no reasons for this mysterious case could be established. It all ended with the drawing up of a formal protocol at the police station.

Demonstration of an artifact

Over the next 16 years, nothing strange happened in Laszlo's life. Over the years, he did not say a word to anyone either about his contacts with the Others, or about the gift he received from them. However, in the spring of 1991, Laszlo finally decided to tell everyone about the Debrecen-based branch of HUFON - the Hungarian National UFO Research Network - and show them the rod. Unfortunately, before that, for some incomprehensible (and it seems, for himself) reason, Laszlo sawed the rod into three parts, after which it probably lost some of its unique properties.

HUFON employees persuaded Laszlo not only to allow them to cut two pieces from the rod for research, but also to demonstrate the "souvenir" at the International Ufological Congress, held in Debrecen in early October 1994. More than 600 delegates from many countries of the world came to the forum.

In addition to the fact that all the ufologists gathered in Debrecen had the opportunity to examine and touch each of the three scraps of the first artifact of unearthly origin that was shown publicly, the results of studies of its chemical composition and properties were reported to the congress participants.

Research results

In the report, drawn up on the basis of the results of the research, it was reported that their object was a cylindrical rod 360 long and 18 millimeters in diameter, sawn into three parts of almost the same length. The silvery-gray surface of the shaft is smooth and shiny. The ends of the bar are rounded. From both ends of the middle part of the rod, one sample was cut in the form of circles 10 millimeters thick.

On the surface of the rod, near one of the ends, there is a triangular-shaped relief protrusion about two millimeters high. The ledge is made of gold with a colored insert in the middle. From the ledge, there is a glow of different colors: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, pink and dark blue. What is the nature of this glow and what is its generator, it was not possible to establish (there is information that a year after the Congress, the mentioned part of the rod was examined using X-rays. It was found that inside it there is a crystal of a substance that does not transmit X-rays).

On the same part of the rod, there are nine hemispherical gold "buttons" with a diameter of four millimeters. One of the corners of the triangular projection is directed to the third "button" from the beginning. Perhaps this is how Others designated the Earth - the third planet from the Sun in the solar system.

Near the opposite end of the rod, there is also a trapezoidal protrusion, about 10 mm high and about two millimeters thick, which glows with a pale green light of a luminescent nature. The chemical composition of the luminous material has not been established.

Analysis of the rod material showed that it was made of the purest magnesium. A three-fold check confirmed that the magnesium content is 100% in the absence of any impurities, which is impossible to achieve under terrestrial conditions.

All the above studies were carried out by highly qualified specialists using the latest laboratory technology and the most modern equipment. All this gives grounds to assert that the rod, which was in the possession of Laszlo Bako, really has an unearthly origin.

Another "their" gift

Among ufologists, another case of transferring an artifact of unearthly origin to earthlings is quite widely known, which took place in Romania, neighboring Hungary. In the summer of 1974, in the north of the country, in Transylvania, many local residents encountered creatures from the UFO crew - tall humanoids of both sexes, very similar to humans, with long blond hair. One of the enelonauts presented a small casket to an earthling she liked, in which there were 64 leaves of gold foil. But soon this case became known to the securitate - one of the most active and brutal security services in the entire socialist camp. Service officers confiscated the box with gold leaflets, and its owner was arrested. Many of those who had contact with the blond energy and energy women were also arrested or "severely warned". What happened to the box and the leaves is unknown. According to one version, the leadership of the securitate handed them over to “senior comrades” from the KGB of the USSR. If so, then perhaps the wonderful artifact is still kept in some archives of this organization.

Vadim Ilyin. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 16 2011