Forgotten Technologies. Beginning - Alternative View

Forgotten Technologies. Beginning - Alternative View
Forgotten Technologies. Beginning - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Technologies. Beginning - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Technologies. Beginning - Alternative View
Video: Career Change: The Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Now | Laura Sheehan | TEDxHanoi 2024, July

Togliatti city, summer, Sunday, our office. Our client named Sergei could not cope with the surprise caused by the appearance of humanoids that appeared in his mind's eye during a regressive trance session - immersion in one of his past incarnations.

Once again, I will say that it is not so important whether these events happened to be exactly what Sergey remembered them. It is important that he could not find out some details of this event here and now for several reasons. One such detail is the subtle glow that the alien skin gave off. I have already mentioned that it was possible to find a mention of such an effect only in the non-canon Book of Enoch.

Originally, the entire body of biblical texts contained many more texts than there are now in the Bible. Many of the texts were incomplete, contained gaps, or were simply difficult to understand. Some of them contained information that seemed incredible and out of the frame of the worldview that was established and accessible to the minds of that era. Therefore, in the 4th century AD, the entire body of biblical texts was edited (so-called canonization). The book of Enoch was not included in the European version of the Bible, although texts from it are mentioned by ancient writers - Tertullian, Origen and others. The Abyssinian branch of the Christian Church left the Book of Enoch among the canonical ones, so it survived in Ethiopia, where it was discovered in the first half of the 18th century by the Scottish traveler James Bruce.

The Book of Enoch is one of the Apocrypha
The Book of Enoch is one of the Apocrypha

The Book of Enoch is one of the Apocrypha

The texts of the Book of Enoch were translated into English by Professor Richard Lawrence, then the German orientalist August Dielmann translated the scrolls into German. Then the Slavic version of the Book of Enoch appeared. And in it there is this curious statement made on behalf of Enoch himself:

“And the Lord said to Michael:“Go and take from Enoch his earthly garment, and anoint him with my divine ointment, and clothe him in my divine garment.” And Michael did as the Lord told him. He smeared me and dressed me, and that ointment seemed to emit light, it looked like divine dew, and smelled like myrrh, emitting sunlight, and I looked at myself, and I felt so good and blissful."

By the way, such features as in Sergey's story give reason to believe that this vision (with an emphasis on the first syllable) is real, and not a person's fantasy, and its content is not due to a set of stereotypes drawn from life, religion and books, but completely another layer of personal experience that was once and somehow received by this particular person. No matter how strange and impossible it may seem to us now …

By the way, some technical details are mentioned by different people in relation to different situations that (which we can only guess about) happened in different places and at different times. For example, I will give excerpts from the dialogues.

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The first dialogue took place with our operator with a recipient named Tatiana, who described everyday life once in the unimaginably distant past and somewhere unimaginably far in space.

“Tatiana: There are no multi-storey buildings, there is individual housing. The house is exclusively my home, it is adapted for me, it is not overloaded with anything, it is just for relaxation, for comfort.

Operator: How do you enter this house?

Tatiana: Interestingly, the door does not open, but seems to disappear. That is, I click on some place, a section of this door, and simply enter the resulting opening. The place where you need to click, it is somewhat different from the wall. The wall is made of artificial material, its color is dark milky. My house is slightly elevated above the ground. There are supports, but I can't see the structure very well. Inside, we only sleep and rest. Not like in our apartments, where everything is overloaded with furniture, information, books, dishes - everything that is connected with the soul, heart and head is there - everything is done in some other place, and the house is exclusively for recreation. Although I know that it is from home that there is very easy access to information. He is generally intelligent, something like that … It is very light inside, as if he lets light through. Very large windows. That's interesting - outside it seems to be opaque,and you go inside and see a hefty window, which is completely transparent. The feeling of complete security, everything is completely comfortable and familiar."

The operator conducted the second dialogue with the aforementioned Sergei, who could not in any way correlate in his mind that the outside of the disc-shaped aircraft was completely opaque, and from the inside, part of it was transparent and allowed to see the surrounding space: “… everything is visible around. There are no windows, but you can see everything around."

Another curious coincidence of technologies. From a dialogue with Sergei: “Now I realized how they travel! The pilot gives the command to the ship, and the ship simply moves there. There are no stellar trails."

The same principle of movement was used by quasi-living vehicles, which made it possible to almost instantly move over huge distances, the technology of using which was described by another regressant - Eugene. In his case, we found something else interesting.

“Eugene: Huge cocoons, egg-shaped (approx. - he talked about some aircraft that arrived on the ancient Earth). They descend from the sky to the center of the planet, that is, to the pole. All this looks very interesting below. A round island … And it feels like the canal around it is as big as the sea. Many kilometers wide. It's just that you can clearly see from above that this island is round, and beyond the channel there are four continents. And three egg-like aggregates land on this central island. They feel alive, these units themselves …

Egg-shaped UFOs are still found today, for example, this one was photographed in the sky over New Mexico in 2010
Egg-shaped UFOs are still found today, for example, this one was photographed in the sky over New Mexico in 2010

Egg-shaped UFOs are still found today, for example, this one was photographed in the sky over New Mexico in 2010

Operator: What function do they have?

Evgeniy: Devices for traveling between worlds. I can see how it all happens."

Evgeny, as it turned out, was once among the passengers of these cocoon-like vehicles. It was a kind of inspection. The arriving delegation had to determine whether everything was prepared on Earth for accepting immigrants - fugitives from another planet, whose population was struck by a strange and terrible disease, the result of which was the loss of telepathic abilities. They discussed the technical details of resettlement, issues of accommodation of the resettlers, issues of their protection. Just like it is now. With a difference of only thousands of years and millions of kilometers.

During the regression session, Eugene was surprised to enumerate the features of the place where they were going to move. It was a round island at the pole of the planet, on which there was a constant day, and the reverse side of the planet, according to his feelings, was almost entirely covered with snow and ice. It is not enough to say that the description of Hyperborea in the literature was unfamiliar to him. But his memories have one significant difference from the famous historical descriptions of this legendary place. It is known from history that it was day in Hyperborea for half a year, and night for half a year, which is quite consistent with the current state of the circumpolar region. Eugene described the place with a constant day. His memories testified that in those immemorial times our planet was constantly turned to the Sun by one side, as the Moon is now in relation to the Earth. Moreover,This was done artificially by changing the inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation and stabilizing the new position through the placement of massive cone-shaped complexes at the poles. One of these complexes was used for living, the second was simply a technical structure that stabilized the tilt of the planet.

The astroengineering technology described by Eugene, which makes it possible to regulate the rotation of the planets so that they are turned to the main cosmic body by only one side, exists. Two such examples are already known - the Moon near the Earth and Phobos near Mars. By the way, the artificial origin of both celestial bodies is quite admissible even by overly cautious academic science. And if this is so, then it cannot be excluded that in some past a similar technology could be applied to other celestial bodies - and to the Earth itself, in particular.

We only see this side of the moon all the time
We only see this side of the moon all the time

We only see this side of the moon all the time

By the way, when Eugene tried to formulate an idea of just such an arrangement of the Earth and the Sun, he found it difficult to find comparisons, tried to draw something, because it was extremely difficult for him to explain the mechanism and meaning of the picture he saw - he is very far from astronomy in current life.

Here's another interesting thing. From the dialogue, the total duration of which was about ten hours, it turned out to be easy to isolate the idea of the moral standards of the migrants. These moral norms would not raise doubts among modern humanity - they are very similar to the modern morality of the European part of humanity. And the representatives of our present culture probably approved of their way of thinking and behavior.

But this is what made us think. The operator asked Eugene a question if before the time of migration there was life on this planet, where they moved (that is, on Earth). He replied that there was ("Just the current ancestors of the Indians lived, that is, the Indians are already a mixture of our newcomers and the local race"). However, the aliens found it possible to change the inclination of the planet's axis so that one of the hemispheres was completely in an unilluminated zone, as a result of which it was covered with ice, becoming unsuitable for life. Was it good for the aborigines? The answer to this question is unequivocal - it was not. Did any of the settlers worry about this? Unlikely, otherwise they would not have done so.

And one more episode from Evgeny's memoirs: "The stabilizing pyramid at the South Pole was destroyed by wanderers." But the "strangers" were ruthlessly destroyed - immediately and without hesitation.

It turns out that those whom Yevgeny's fellow tribesmen called "wanderers" and considered inferior and infectious patients (since they did not possess the telepathic abilities inherent in the relatives of our regressant), went against the order of things convenient for the bulk of the immigrants. The rotation of the planet returned to its usual type, and the sun began to heat not only the part of the planet intended "for the elite", but also the entire surface of the planet. Can such an action be considered to have a positive effect on life on the planet? We think so. The reaction to this action was lightning fast - to destroy! Here is an example of the relativity of moral norms.

Whether the events described on Earth actually took place in some time immemorial, it does not matter. And while it does not matter who made them - someday we will still find out. And what is important is that in the subconscious of a certain number of earthlings there is, let's say, a psychological tolerance for adjusting living conditions to their own needs, even if such an adjustment would adversely affect many other forms of life. And the admission to the use of force against "dissidents".

Naive humanity sends images with spacecraft that tell about it and show it, and thinks that its revelations will be perceived exactly as it understands them.

A message to extraterrestrial civilizations sent in 1972 on the Pioneer 10 spacecraft
A message to extraterrestrial civilizations sent in 1972 on the Pioneer 10 spacecraft

A message to extraterrestrial civilizations sent in 1972 on the Pioneer 10 spacecraft

But for some reason we don’t think that other rational beings may have different ways of perception and different morality. If the loss of telepathic abilities by representatives of the race to which Yevgeny once belonged was perceived as a terrible disease, from which you need to run, wherever you look, then what should be expected in case of contact between such a race and, say, our present one? Could it be that they will perceive us as inferior, crippled, subject to destruction? Or, at least, they will try to remake it "for themselves"? But this, in fact, happens in cases of contacts between a person and UFO people, when people are imposed ideas about some kind of "cosmic morality" under the pretext that people have no such high morality at all. In this case, it will be very difficult to prove something to each other.

Another interesting thing is this. The mythology of many peoples has retained the elements of worship of the so-called World Tree - the axis of the Universe, or, in other versions of belief, the World Mountain named Meru, which is often associated with the location of Hyperborea at the North Pole. If we take into account the memories of Eugene, it becomes clear that such beliefs are based solely on facts - the axis of the world really existed, and it was created on purpose. After all, no one thought of worshiping, say, the equatorial meridian, because it had no meaning for our ancestors. And the axis around which the world revolves had (as, for example, the ecliptic is the visible path of the Sun across the sky).

But it also happens that the events of our present days suggest that some ancient technologies are applied both now and here - next to us.

Tatiana Makarova

Read the continuation here.