A New Look At The History Of Civilization - Alternative View

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A New Look At The History Of Civilization - Alternative View
A New Look At The History Of Civilization - Alternative View

Video: A New Look At The History Of Civilization - Alternative View

Video: A New Look At The History Of Civilization - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, October

Science fiction writers have been writing about the fact that before us on Earth there were more intelligent and skillful beings than we, for almost a century. But there was no evidence. Now they have appeared

And now, it seems, "the ice has broken": in Bashkiria, in the village of Chandar, a volumetric map was found, created 50 million years ago. And with the use of … nanotechnology. The map shows canals, dams, water intakes, dams and even, it seems, airfields.

The card has been deposited at Moscow State University. It is studied by historians, paleontologists, geologists, geomorphologists, hydrographers, cosmotopographers, astrophysicists, chemists, linguists, technologists … They study and do not believe either their eyes or their conclusions. Because to believe is to recognize: a) man is by no means the crown of creation; b) it evolves in the opposite direction.

Three-layer miracle

The map is a one and a half-ton slab the size of a writing desk, thickness - 16 cm. The slab is three-layer. 14 cm - dolomite, a natural mineral of sedimentary origin. Then comes the topographic layer itself - from a high-strength type of glass, in which, as in the test, the relief of Central Bashkiria is squeezed out. Finally, the third, two-millimeter protective layer is made of white matte porcelain of special strength.

This outdoor porcelain, which protected the map from weather adversity and human barbarism (cattle were cut on the stove, firewood was chopped, ice was knocked off with a crowbar), was especially interesting to Professor Chuvyrov, an Ufa physicist who found a rarity. While in China, Alexander Nikolaevich found the authoritative porcelain appraiser Wang Lal and showed him a high-quality photo of the find, without saying that it was a map for the purity of the experiment. After examining the picture, the specialist came to the conclusion: the object was not made by people.

The channels shown on the map were studied by hydrologist Denis Vasiliev. On a computer, he calculated the speed of water flow in the channels of a triangular cross-section - just such are modeled on the map. It turned out that a single wave is formed in them, which makes it possible to swim at a speed of 100 km / h. A similar profile is known near the Chinese Xunhe River: junks rush along it just at that speed. In addition, channels with a triangular profile are 10 times slower to silt, and it is much easier to clean out silt than from rectangular channels. Denis Vasiliev's dissertation on the "smart" channels of the Chandar find became a powerful argument in favor of the rationality of its manufacturers.

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For a long time, Professor Chuvyrov did not allow himself to dwell on the idea that it was a map. He resolved his doubts only a year ago, when the heads of the military topographic directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces agreed to take space images of Central Bashkiria, "hanging" the satellite at such a height so that the scale was 1: 120,000 - the same as on the plate. And so, when they compared the space image and the photo of the plate, an almost complete identity was revealed.

Almost - because the Ufa canyon is visible on the ancient map, known only to paleogeographers: its edges closed 5 million years ago. And there is also a shift of 20 kilometers between the “fossil” relief and the one taken from space. Given that Asia and Europe are crawling over each other (the Ural Mountains are the swelling that arose from this crawling) and the speed of this process is constant, a 20-kilometer shift could occur in 50 million years.

Between dinosaurs and bison

This figure, unthinkable for a man-made monument, will pop up more than once.

The rivers of Bashkiria are guessed on the map. It is known from paleohydrology that the pattern of the network of these rivers has not changed over the past 40 million years. This means that the card is in no way younger than this period.

In the lower, dolomite layer of the slab (artificial, Chuvyrov is convinced, because the natural layer certainly contains sand and other inclusions, but this one does not) are embedded two shells. One of them met on Earth from 120 to 60 million years ago. The other, which still exists today, appeared only 60 million years ago. Is it a coincidence? Doubtful. Rather, an age "crossroads" deliberately left to us by a clever "manufacturer".

Perhaps these are coincidences, and they do not give an answer to the question: either the map is 50-60 million years old, or it is a modern product made by nanotechnologists (only the pressure of 100 atmospheres required to bake such durable porcelain was unattainable a century ago) …

But the version of modernity is untenable, if only because Professor Chuvyrov learned about this and eight other not yet found slabs from archival materials of the late 18th and early 20th centuries. And then nanotechnology was not dreamed of even by the most radical dreamers.

Once upon a time 9 plates with three-dimensional maps lay, according to the scientist, next to each other. But glaciers that have slid many times have scattered fragments of one huge map. Therefore, today the second slab rests at the bottom of the Ufimka River, 32 km from the one found.

Another one should lie in the foundation of the wooden house of the merchant Khasabov. Others, according to Alexander Nikolaevich, rest under the stoves or porches of local huts.

This so far the only and already invaluable (according to Chinese experts) stove ten years ago with the help of a tractor was pulled out from under the porch of a village hut. Then Professor Chuvyrov was the vice-rector of the Bashkir State University and he easily solved the problems of transport, technology, money. Today, the annual university budget is not enough to pay the hostess of another similar stove the amount she demanded.

But, perhaps, money will be found when we understand that this is not just a stone block, but a new look at the history of civilization.

Andrey Kleshnev