What If You Encounter A UFO? - Alternative View

What If You Encounter A UFO? - Alternative View
What If You Encounter A UFO? - Alternative View

Video: What If You Encounter A UFO? - Alternative View

Video: What If You Encounter A UFO? - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

The question is simple for people who are carried away by all kinds of anomalies, but for people who are absolutely unprepared, it requires an explanation (at least superficial), otherwise for them it is a real problem: how to behave and what to do in this situation - they do not know at all.

Whether you believe in the existence of UFOs or do not believe whether such a situation causes irony or a serious expression on your face, there is still a possibility that you may be in the role of a UFO witness, but you will find yourself under euphoria from what you saw and not knowing what to do and how behave in a similar situation, your "contact" (perhaps the most significant event in your life) will take place unnoticed and meaningless.

Ufologists do not know what a UFO is. In their countless conversations and debates, they only assume: aliens, guests from the future or a parallel world, secret tests of super technologies, etc. … But while they are discussing, we have to admit that the "UFO phenomenon" is, nevertheless, a rarest and amazing phenomenon, and meeting with him is no less effective spectacle and event than a tourist trip to an exotic country or a parachute jump from the Eiffel Tower.

So what if you did encounter a UFO?

We all know that dinosaurs are extinct. Now imagine that suddenly in broad daylight you saw a living dinosaur! Here he stands in front of you in spite of all your knowledge! This feeling of surprise and inexplicable fear is experienced by the UFO witness. Therefore, the first thing you should do and be able to do it: keep calm (set yourself up that there are no UFOs and dinosaurs). Continue to passively observe, trying to remember as many details of the observed picture as possible and be ready to change to a normal state in response to the unknown (run, take cover, hide).

Be objective! Considering the "picture", do not put forward your own versions and do not look in associations for details of forgotten films and read books. Remember, aliens are the idle inventions of journalists, and in front of you is just a flying car without any identification marks. Try to consider all sorts of details - this will help to identify the object as much as possible later.

Calmly pull out your phone, take some photos, and then turn on the camcorder and film what is happening. Try to shoot from different angles, use the zoom and dictate comments. The word “calm” is appropriate here, because often in this situation, experiencing euphoria or even hysteria, eyewitnesses either forget about the existence of the camera in their phone or forget where it turns on.

Take a look around. Are there people nearby? Try to attract their attention with questions like: "Can you tell me what it is, is it hanging over there (flying)?" Don't be afraid to be mistaken for a madman. More eyewitnesses - more trust!

Promotional video:

If the “picture” promises to be long, call a journalist friend, astronomical observatory, television, newspaper … make your friends pay attention in real time (preferably in the same city or town). Such a call can mobilize an entire army of observers from different points in a few minutes. Just make one or two mobile calls.

Be careful! Remember, what you are facing at the moment is not studied! Therefore, keep your distance, do not provoke the attention of the observed object to yourself (do not shout or throw stones at it, for example, as some have contrived), remembering that in most cases "close contacts" with an unknown phenomenon ended in disastrous consequences both for the physical and mental health!

If there is an impact of the facility on the environment (traces of planting, cattle mutilation, other material damage, etc.) try to prevent onlookers from accessing this place until the police arrive. Explain the danger of radiation contamination of the area. When you call the police, talk about impact / damage, not UFOs and other obscure phenomena.

After what happened, you will be in euphoria from what you saw for a few more hours, but the next day, interwoven with everyday duties, you will begin to lose the smallest details in your memory, so try to make a report on what you saw on the day of observation. This can be done by dictating to the recorder all the smallest details of your encounter with the UFO or done in writing according to the UFO eyewitness questionnaire (which can be found in advance on the Internet at most ufological sites). Never put it off until tomorrow!

And the last thing. Who should you forward your report of your UFO encounter? You will definitely ask yourself this question. There are no official government agencies that might be interested in your certificate (at least in our country). In contrast to them, there are private collectives and public organizations of ufologists, where your testimony is always in demand.

Try to reach ufologists (here the Internet will be of invaluable help) in your city, region. The closer they are geographically, the better. You will receive all the necessary advice directly from them. You will not be paid money for your story and report, but be prepared for the fact that your testimony may cause resonance in research circles, and this entails interviews, press and television attention (be sure to discuss this point with ufologists if you do not have desires of public interest in their person).

Yaroslav Sochka. Editor-in-chief of the online edition "Ukraine Anomalnaya"