British Psychologists Have Uncovered The Meaning Of Dreams - Alternative View

British Psychologists Have Uncovered The Meaning Of Dreams - Alternative View
British Psychologists Have Uncovered The Meaning Of Dreams - Alternative View

British psychologists have uncovered the meaning of dreams. Professor Ian Wallace, who has worked with dreams for more than 30 years, identified the 9 most popular and told what they mean. According to the study, the list included: an unfamiliar room; unmanaged transport; the fall; flight; unprepared control or presentation; public nudity; looking for a toilet; tooth loss and chase.


The scientist was able to explain the reasons for their occurrence and provided solutions.


Unfamiliar room - symbolizes a comprehensively developed personality who has discovered a new ability. If you find yourself in such a room, you need to take a good look around and find some items. With their help, the subconscious mind will indicate the discovery.


Unmanaged transport means excessive control. If you find yourself in such transport, it means that you control something too much. Just surrender to the flow of life.


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The fall. If you fall, it means that you are holding too tightly for something. Follow the advice as in the previous case - let go. During the flight, try to see as much of your surroundings as possible.


Flying is a success. If you fly in your dreams, it means that you are completely free from something and feel happiness. Most often, children dream of this.

An unprepared test or presentation is a symbol of self-criticism. If you dream like this, it's the fear of public speaking. Its cause is excessive self-criticism. Try to relax and focus on your positive qualities.

Public nudity is the dream of the vulnerable. Most often found in people who take everything too close to their hearts. Reconsider your attitude towards yourself and others.

Finding a toilet is a rejection of the natural. According to research, if you are constantly looking for a toilet, then you are sacrificing and suppressing your natural needs in favor of someone's interests. Be a little selfish.

Loss of teeth symbolizes one's own impotence in real life. In case you had a similar dream, try to take it as a joke or even laugh.


The chase is a problem. If you dream that you are running away from someone, then in real life there is a problem whose solution you would like to postpone. During sleep, try to make out what you are running from. According to the psychologist, this should help solve your problem.