Christ In America - Alternative View

Christ In America - Alternative View
Christ In America - Alternative View

Video: Christ In America - Alternative View

Video: Christ In America - Alternative View
Video: Call of faith: The story of American Orthodox Christian priest that moved to Russia 2024, July

Legends about the mysterious fair-haired and long-bearded sage, dressed in long robes, have been widespread in the New World since the pre-colonial era.

In Central and South America it is known as the "Feathered Serpent" ("Kukulcan" by the Maya, "Quetzalcoatl" by the Aztecs) and "Sea Foam" ("Kon-Tiki Viracocha") by the Incas. North of the Rio Grande, he is called the "Man of the East Star" (who is considered the Son of the Great Spirit-Creator by the tribes of the Atlantic coast of the USA and Canada), "Peacemaker", "Pale Face", "Morning Star". The Indians talk about his arrival by sea from the East, about the creation of a priestly estate among his followers - the aborigines (commonly known as "Vaupanu"). The priests taught by the Teacher healed the sick, introduced just laws. Cruel sacrifices (primarily human) were prohibited, and smoking tobacco for ritual purposes was introduced instead.

According to researchers, the key to the mystery of the mysterious wanderer is the Michigan tablets - copper, slate, clay and stone objects dating back to the pre-Columbian times, found throughout Michigan (mainly in mounds) from 1848 to 1920. and saved by the efforts of Daniel Soper and Catholic Father Savage (about 20,000-30,000 in total). Planks show mainly scenes from the Old Testament; several are inscribed with text that has not been deciphered to this day and are embossed with drawings of people with a European or Middle Eastern appearance in a hostile environment of the Indians.

Identity proponents of Michigan tablets see them as artifacts made by a religious community of Old World people who lived in the northern Midwest of the present-day United States in the 4th century AD. and even earlier.

In the 1950s. the author of books on the history of ancient America, Henrietta Merz, first drew the public's attention to "a certain tribal sign or mystical symbol", which is found on almost all Souper-Savage tablets.

Minnesota-based Ojibwa healer Ricardo Baeza claims he can read at least a few passages of text on Michigan tablets, adding that their symbolic meaning has been part of his tribe's cult tradition since ancient times. The "mystical sign" discovered by Merz is, according to Baesa, the name of the Son of the Creator, and it has been pronounced since the pre-Columbian era in the Ojibwa language as "Yodheiva". There is a fourth syllable in the name, but it is recited only once a year in a sacred ceremony by the high priest alone in the Great Lodge.

Historian David Deal contributed a lot to the study of tablets. He managed to translate from the corrupted Hebrew as "Son of the Right Hand" and "Son of the Left Hand" the names of the sons of a certain Being similar to the God of the Bible. A number of tablets depict two opposing groups of people, each representing either an evil or a good shepherd - they are marked with certain marks found on many "biblical" artifacts from Michigan. The depictions of scenes from the Old Testament clearly show the role of each Son. For example, the “tablet of Creation” apparently indicates the birth of Adam, and the symbol of the “Son of the Right Hand” is included as part of this positive event. The expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise is also revealed there, and the sign of the "Son of the Left Hand" looms over the couple, clearly hinting at the negative. Such a visible designation with simple symbols of good and evil is one of the main features of the pieces of the Soper-Savage collection.

According to Dil, “two sacrifices - one to God Yahweh, the second to Azazel (Book of Leviticus, 16) indicate the presence of a light and dark beginning. The same allegory can be seen in the biblical stories about two brothers - Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, Manasseh and Ephraim. It is important that the Michigan Christians in the 4th century. AD knew about such a conflict of spiritual forces, but modern Christians have no idea about it. Today's denominations of Christianity simply do not admit of this interpretation. The doctrine shown in the symbols on the tablets does not correspond to any church of our time. For me, this is undeniable proof of the authenticity of Michigan artifacts."

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After 30 years of study, Henrietta Merz, a recognized expert in exposing historical scams, came to the conclusion about their truth as a legacy of the disappeared early Christian culture of Ancient America. She also discovered that more than 4,000 Michigan tablets that did not fall into private hands were transported after the death of Father Savage to the Catholic University of Notre Dame, Indiana. However, transportation and storage were so poorly organized that up to 2,500 plaques became unusable. A Catholic priest, with whom Merz was researching artifacts in Notre Dame, happened to meet with Mormon missionaries. Knowing that their second most important religious writing, the Book of Mormon, indicated Christ's visit to America, the priest invited them to inspect the Michigan tablets.

The missionaries, in turn, called in Dr. Milton R. Hunter, a researcher of American antiquities from Utah. After several months of contacts, the Notre Dame administration decided to transfer the collection of Michigan tablets not to Merz, but to Hunter; Upon learning of this, Eliot Soper, the son of Daniel Soper, the owner of the finds left from his father, did the same. An extensive exhibit is now housed in the Historical Archives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (i.e. Mormon) in Salt Lake City and is open to scholars.

In 1982, a resident of Olney (Illinois) Russell Burrows announced the discovery of a huge cave in the deep forests in the south of the state, filled with the belongings of travelers who arrived in America from the Middle East, Africa and Europe 2,000 years ago. According to him, there are also many stone tablets in the cave that belonged to some local extinct culture of high development. Burroughs keeps the coordinates of the treasure in the strictest confidence and from time to time releases new artifacts. He told the historian Wayne May that he deliberately did not display and auction several stone tablets with scenes from the Bible: tormented by the endless attacks of skeptics, he fears to trigger a new flurry of accusations of fraud. Burroughs is aware that many Indians amazed the European pioneers with knowledge of the traditions of the Old World and events from the Holy Scriptures, and it seems to him thatthat on some of his subjects "stories about Jesus" are revealed.

Comparing photographs of several of Burroughs' finds with those of Michigan tablets, May was surprised at their similarities - in relation to scenes from the Bible and images of the "mystical symbol." By the way, the fact that analogues were found in Southern Illinois 62 years after the discovery of the last tablet in Michigan is sufficient evidence of the truth of both collections.

Since non-Christian symbolism prevails among Burroughs' finds (in particular, the sign of Helios - the Sun), May believes that the religious views of the mysterious sects of Michigan and Southern Illinois were different; but it admits the same semantic load of the emblems dominating in both areas and presupposes a certain relationship of communities so distant from each other.

Today, even among the extreme revisionists of the history of pre-Columbian America, there is no consensus about the identity of the "biblical stones" from Michigan and Illinois: the insignificance of variations in the placement of inscriptions on objects and the abnormally large appearance of the same symbol in Michigan are suspicious. Scientists have a lot to do. However, both the Michigan tablets and Burroughs' treasures definitely point to a visit to America in antiquity as an extremely important bearer of higher culture. And maybe it was Himself …?

A. Mezentsev