Sun Attracts UFOs: Why Aliens Need A Star? - Alternative View

Sun Attracts UFOs: Why Aliens Need A Star? - Alternative View
Sun Attracts UFOs: Why Aliens Need A Star? - Alternative View

Video: Sun Attracts UFOs: Why Aliens Need A Star? - Alternative View

Video: Sun Attracts UFOs: Why Aliens Need A Star? - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

One of NASA's spacecraft, which monitors the Sun, transmitted a snapshot of an unknown object to Earth.

Something with wide wings was near the sun. The object had considerable dimensions, because even at such a distance it was clearly visible. Ufologists immediately began to study photography, and their first version, quite logically, was an alien spaceship, which has a rather unusual shape. Some experts, at the same time, are of the opinion that if there was actually something supernatural near our star, then NASA would immediately apply a strict secrecy regime. They believe that the object may have appeared due to major changes in the activity of the Sun. Thermonuclear reactions began to occur on the Sun billions of years ago and are still continuing. Experts predict their completion not soon, but there are some factors that can strengthen these processes.


Scientists have unequivocally established that the image in the photo is not a camera failure, because the object is absolutely symmetrical and has ideal proportions. The form of the object gives mystery, it resembles a sign that is associated with the Sun in Egyptian mythology, this gives even more food for thought.

Scientists regularly observe UFOs near the Sun. In April this year, they announced that one of the unearthly aircraft has been near the Sun for more than four hundred days. This was confirmed by good quality pictures and videos, leaving no doubt that there really is some kind of object near the Sun, and of a rather large size. The object's dimensions are roughly equal to those of our planet. Science has always argued that space objects that can stay near the Sun for a long time simply do not exist. Even schoolchildren know that the temperature on the surface of our star is so high that it is considered extreme. Its indicator reaches several million degrees Celsius. Modern terrestrial spacecraft do not have the ability to withstand temperaturesespecially for a long time. But the fact that such technologies are available to aliens has not been denied by ufologists for a long time. It is noteworthy that the object did not change its direction during the entire observation period.


In 2012, the public was stirred up by a sensation: one of NASA's telescopes made a series of images in which a gigantic spherical object hovered for a long time around the Sun, connected to it by some dark thread. The size of an object can also be compared to a planet. Various versions of what this object was were discussed. But the most popular one was about the UFO, which is fueled by solar plasma, connected to our star. There were also adherents of another version, which, now it can already be judged, has not been confirmed: a new planet is being born in the solar system. The closest assumption to reality was the ejection of solar matter from the interior of the star, that is, an ordinary prominence with a non-standard shape.

In 2016, one of the ufologists tracking images from the SOHO satellite, which was observing the Sun and comets, being at a distance of one and a half million kilometers from Earth, discovered something interesting. In May, the device transmitted to Earth a series of photographs, which captured several objects at once in solar orbit simultaneously. Even if you compare them with the Sun, the objects do not look so small. For several days in space near the Sun, objects appeared every now and then - in groups and one by one. Scientists have even stated that these unknown bodies are leaving contrails. By the way, their excellent "photogenicity" is also due to bright sunlight. The activity of unidentified objects gave scientists the opportunity to assume that aliens are conducting some kind of experiments on the Sun,or make fences of solar energy for its subsequent use for their own purposes. Of course, some experts argue that interference was reflected in the images or there was a hardware failure, as a result of which images of certain objects appeared, which, from the point of view of science, cannot be explained otherwise.


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The first unknown flying object was discovered near the Sun by domestic scientists in 2010. He, too, was quite solid in size - the size of our planet. Later, American specialists, including those working at NASA, completely confirmed the information that unknown objects flying at high speed were indeed repeatedly observed around the Sun.


In 2015, NASA spacecraft photographed Venus and Mercury from an unusual angle. The photo turned out to be so unusual that even experts in the field of astronomy could not immediately recognize them. Moreover, in addition to satellite images, a video was obtained in which a cruciform UFO of a huge format was flying near the Sun. Russian experts in the field of astronomy, having examined the image, firmly stated that the object in the shape of a cross cannot be a ship, because its length, in this case, had to be at least several thousand kilometers, which is no longer possible. Scientists offered their own versions: either a certain part of the apparatus or the camera itself got into the frame, or there was an optical defect.

Anna Voronina