The Kidnapping Of Travis Walton - Alternative View

The Kidnapping Of Travis Walton - Alternative View
The Kidnapping Of Travis Walton - Alternative View

Video: The Kidnapping Of Travis Walton - Alternative View

Video: The Kidnapping Of Travis Walton - Alternative View
Video: Alien Abduction Story Analysis | Travis Walton / Joe Rogan Interview 2024, July

Location USA, Arizona. One evening on November 5, 1975, lumberjack Travis Walton was returning home from a hard day's work with six other loggers.

Suddenly, Brigadier Mike Rogers hit the brakes with all his might. Directly above the treetops, not far from the road, a huge "flying saucer" was hanging in the sky, sparkling with colored lights.

Despite the warnings of his comrades, Travis Walton somehow felt it necessary to jump out of the car and run towards the mysterious object. At the same moment, a flash of bright blue light escaped from the side of the "saucer", and the lumberjack fell to the ground, showing no signs of life.

Travis later claimed that he felt a blow to the solar plexus. Walton fainted.

Frightened to death by what was happening, the workers hurried to leave this terrible place. They had not passed even five minutes when the desire to help their comrade made them turn back. However, there was neither Walton nor the mysterious aircraft on the road.

The police immediately opened an investigation. An active large-scale search was conducted throughout the state for the disappeared lumberjack, but they did not lead to anything. No trace of Walton was found.

A few days later, Walton's younger sister answered the phone: the girl recognized her brother's voice in a hoarse, tired whisper. He was exhausted, shocked and, most importantly, had no idea where he had spent five whole days, during which he was considered missing.

According to Travis, he suddenly woke up on a forest road and saw a receding UFO. He ended up near Heber (Snowflake). When he got to the phone, he called his sister and, without waiting, lost consciousness.

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When Travis was admitted to the hospital, the doctors diagnosed him with extreme fatigue, shock, severe dehydration and strange marks on the body, similar to chemical burns caused by an unknown substance.

As shown by the hypnosis sessions, something incredible really happened to Walton - he was aboard an alien aircraft, where strange creatures put monstrous experiments over him.


Walton claimed that he woke up in a kind of confined space, like a room. His screams were answered by three humanoids less than one and a half meters tall with large hairless heads, huge eyes and lipless mouths.

Frightened, Walton threw an object at them and, running away, found himself in another "room". There was something that looked like a window, in which space with stars was supposedly visible. Immediately a human figure appeared with a kind of helmet on its head and indicated with a gesture that Walton followed him.

The humanoid took him to another "room" (the so-called "hangar"), which contained several disc-shaped objects. Walton was ordered to lie down and then put on a mask that looked like an oxygen, after which he lost consciousness.

Walton was subjected to three polygraph tests, two of which were successful. The third test showed hesitation in his own testimony, however, doctors warned in advance that Walton was in a state of severe mental shock and that the reaction of the nervous system to questions that provoke negative memories could be the most unpredictable.


In addition, the doctors were unable to determine the origin of the mysterious burns on Travis's body, as well as the marks of injections and cuts. According to the victim, numerous medical experiments were carried out on him, some drugs were injected, after which he did not feel anything, blood tests were taken.

The examination confirmed his testimony: he was indeed subjected to a number of strange experiments. This incident went down in the history of ufology as the "Walton case." Based on this incident, the film "Fire from Heaven" (1993) was made.

The well-known skeptic ufologist Philip Klass insisted on a hoax for many years, arguing that the lumberjacks, unable to fulfill the terms of the contract, invented this story of abduction in order to get a reprieve due to the inability to fulfill their obligations (the brigade never completed the work): according to the contract, due to force majeure circumstances, they could leave an advance payment before the order was completed.

But in 1993, an Arizona ufologist, having talked with M. Rogers and contractors, found that in 1975 the clause concerning force majeure did not work.