Vanished Lemuria: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

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Vanished Lemuria: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Vanished Lemuria: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Vanished Lemuria: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Vanished Lemuria: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Video: Could A Sunken Continent Explain The Spread Of Lemurs Across The World? 2024, October

Every year around the world, history researchers or random people discover artifacts that do not fit into the classical historical paradigm. Finds like these call into question the official history of all mankind. Such discoveries are quite confusing for representatives of official historical science, therefore, for the most part, they try not to show them to the general public, hiding them in deep basements and storerooms of various archives and museums. However, there are also such artifacts, the existence of which is more like a fairy tale than reality. Such things become the subject of secret research and their existence becomes known only by chance coincidence.

Millennium find

The date September 1, 1914 went down in world history as the beginning of one of the bloodiest wars in the history of mankind, which was named the First World War. Most of the world's population knows about these tragic pages of history. However, only a few know that in the same year there was a discovery that could turn our ideas about the origin of mankind.

In January 1914, a newspaper entitled "Novoye Vremya" published the results of the expedition of the Russian research mission, which conducted research in the Mediterranean Sea near the islands of Lesvos, Rhodes and Crete. According to reports published in the aforementioned newspaper, mysterious tablets made of unknown material were found, as well as a sarcophagus without any inscriptions. It should be noted that the excitement about these findings in the scientific community was very strong. Nevertheless, further historical events, that is, the war and revolution, for several decades erased these findings from the environment of scientific interests.

New trail of mysterious artifacts

Scientists began to pay special attention to the mysterious tablets raised from the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea only in 1930. It should be noted that Soviet scientists have finally managed to determine the composition of the metal from which the artifacts were made. After lengthy analysis, it was concluded that the tablets are composed of the purest titanium. This fact caused not only surprise, but also a huge number of questions. After all, the titanium metal was discovered only in 1825, and only by the beginning of the 1920s, Dutch scientists were able to achieve high metal strength, crystal stability and minimize the number of various other components.

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The question of dating the finds has caused a lot of controversy in the scientific community. The almost perfect condition of the plates misled many researchers. After all, it is known for certain that a metal in an active saline environment quickly loses its properties. But with these tablets, this, for some unknown reason, did not happen. An even bigger mystery was the signs depicted on the artifacts. The best cryptologists and linguists have come to the conclusion that such a linguistic system does not exist and all signs are a jumbled set of symbols.

Lemuria: myth or reality?

After 10 years, Soviet scientists managed to decipher the text carved into the artifacts. In 1940, a complete translation of the entire text was completed, based on the content, it follows that the artifact proved the existence of the mysterious Lemuria. The inscriptions said that one of the greatest priests is buried in the sarcophagus, who has comprehended the secret of eternal life and immortality and he will come to life when the time comes to reveal this secret to all mankind. It is interesting that the government of the country is interested in this seemingly ridiculous text.

Under the NKVD, a special group was created, headed by General O. A. Nifedov, who was supposed to study the possibilities of obtaining immortality for the country's leadership. All developments in this direction were under the strictest secrecy. Unfortunately, today, it is not known how far Soviet scientists and specialists of the secret services of the NKVD advanced, but it is reliably known that literally six months later, General Nifedov was granted a new army rank.

Secret laboratory in Lviv

Urgently in the city of Lvov, located on the territory of modern Ukraine, large-scale underground buildings began to be carried out in the catacombs under the city. The scale of the construction of special facilities is not known for certain, but from the declassified archives of the NKVD (KGB), it follows that more than 70,000 convicts took part in this construction. It was in these dungeons and special laboratories that the study of the mysterious sarcophagus took place, which scientists tried to open.

At the moment, it is not known for certain whether the scientists were able to advance in their research, but in February 1941 General Nefyodov urgently left Lvov and went to Moscow, where he met personally with Joseph Stalin himself and for 4 hours talked with him one-on-one. From which it can be assumed that the results of Nifedov's research satisfied Joseph Vissarionovich.

A few months later, the Second World War begins, the city of Lvov, it turns out, is captured by German troops. There is no mention of a sarcophagus among the inventories of trophies and captured valuables. The list of prisoners of war does not include the name of Nifedov.

The question arises, what happened to the mysterious artifact, and where did the person responsible for the research and storage of this relic go? Evacuation is out of the question, because Zhukov G. K., in his memoirs, reports that the first bombs fell on Lviv from 5:00 in the morning on June 22, 1941, and later the city was subjected to hourly air raids until the moment when 29 June 1941 German troops captured the city. In such a tense combat situation, it was extremely difficult for the leadership of the research center to export cargo of special importance. Based on this situation, we can conclude that the artifacts remained in Lviv.

Did Ancestral Legacy take over an artifact?

The picture of what is happening can be restored from the memoirs of a corporal of one of the infantry units of the German army that were part of the army grouping "South". Karl Schmidt recalls that their unit was part of the assault company, and was the most efficient in the entire division.

In the midst of hostilities to capture the center of the city, his unit receives an order, directly from Colonel Bounces, to return to the outskirts of the city and wait for new orders there. The corporal recalls that as soon as their unit was transferred to the occupied outskirts of the city, they were given gas masks and an order was given to clean up the underground catacombs, which had previously been treated with Zarin gas. Under the city, German troops faced fierce resistance, despite the fact that poison gases were used several more times, the resistance could not be broken. The use of flamethrowers and hand grenades was strictly prohibited by the command, so the German troops suffered significant losses. From the memoirs of Private Wilhelm Benzler, it follows that the German troops were opposed by well-armed and trained detachments of the NKVD,who tried with all their might to stop the advance of the enemy deep into the catacombs. Particular resistance was shown to the Wehrmacht infantry units at the underground station when German soldiers attacked the train preparing to leave.

As soon as the underground station was repulsed from the Soviet soldiers, German troops were ordered to stop the offensive and take up defenses. Wilhelm reports that after a while a high-ranking Reich of the Chancellery appeared, in brown party uniform, accompanied by guards from SS soldiers. They examined the carriages and after a while they removed and carried an object resembling a coffin to the surface. Wilhelm caught the barely noticeable feature of the equipment of the mysterious group of soldiers, everyone had small green things, and the chief among them had green gloves.

What happened?

Some Western and domestic researchers of the "Ahnenerbe" and the occult practices of the Third Reich, such as Onoprienko A. Ya., Beigent M., Bryusov V., Voronin D. G., believe that the artifact fell into the hands of the Nazis and already in the "Ahnenerbe" research continued on this mysterious sarcophagus. Unfortunately, the further fate of this mysterious object is unknown, whether scientists from the Reich were able to discover it, and what was discovered in it will forever remain a mystery to mankind.

The only thing that remains reliably known is that the sarcophagus and titanium plates existed, an extraordinary interest was shown to them from the leaders of the USSR, that they tried to protect the artifact from German troops, but did not dare to destroy it. At the same time, the command of the Wehrmacht, regardless of losses, seeks to seize the sarcophagus and a high-ranking official comes to transport it. At the same time, why was it necessary to build a laboratory to study the contents of the sarcophagus so close to the border of another state? There are still a lot of questions, and we will hope that in the near future we will receive answers to them.