How To Trick A Lie Detector - Alternative View

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How To Trick A Lie Detector - Alternative View
How To Trick A Lie Detector - Alternative View

Video: How To Trick A Lie Detector - Alternative View

Video: How To Trick A Lie Detector - Alternative View
Video: Polygraph Expert Shows How to Beat a Lie Detector Test 2024, September

Previously, only criminals and the military had to deal with lie detectors. Today everyone can undergo a polygraph test. But the detector can also be fooled. We will show you how to do this.

Polygraph. Where and when

The polygraph is an old invention. The ancient Hindus asked the subject neutral and leading questions, and he beat the gong at each answer. It was believed that during a deceitful answer, he would strike the gong harder than usual.

In ancient China, a suspect would take a handful of rice into his mouth. If he remained dry, then the offender was found guilty - salivation decreases from stress.


The polygraph that is used today is the same gong and the same rice. With wiring only. It was brought to mind and patented by a man with a poetic surname Keeler. However, there were detectors before him. And the "merit" of their popularization belongs to Cesaro Lombroso.

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Why do you need it?

Before deciding to cheat a polygraph, think - do you need it? A deliberate disposition to deceive, especially if you are poorly prepared, can ruin everything. You will behave unnaturally, this will raise suspicion and will be interpreted against you. If you get too nervous, it will not be interpreted in your favor. If you are too dispassionate, it will also catch you. Therefore, if you are still serious about cheating the polygraph, get ready in advance. Forget about buttons in boots and other "tricks". There are more effective methods. They are not designed to hide evidence, but to protect a person's natural right to privacy. There is even a social movement "antipolygraph". His motto: "Their right is to try to find out all the ins and outs about us, our right is to send them all to hell … This is what democracy is about."


Where to begin?

Better to start with a general attitude. The calmer you feel, the better. The lie detector test is carried out by trained people. Become sympathetic to them. Let them be your colleagues during the interview.


Get rid of the reverence for the polygraph and polygraph examiner in advance, as well as the feeling of guilt (it will be inspired). The lie detector is just a machine. It only logs your condition. Let the polygraph be just a detector for you, without any "lies".

It is important to understand that the polygraph examiner will try to get you out of your comfort zone. His questions may seem provocative, the chair uncomfortable, the lighting annoying. However, with the right level of preparation, you can handle it.

How a lie detector works

The polygraph has no intelligence. It is a calibrated movement. It monitors sweating, heart rate, breathing, skin tension, and muscle contractions. The latest models are more sensitive and capture more parameters.

During the test, the polygraph examiner will ask questions. They are divided into neutral (which should not make you overreact), control questions and trap questions.

Important: do not rush to answer. Find your own pace and stick to it. The “silent answer” is also practiced - you are asked to think about the answer to the question, but not to say it out loud. Rehearse it too. The main thing is not to get fooled by provocations.


The work of the polygraph is often duplicated by external video surveillance. Keep calm. Firmly understand: no one accuses you, they work with you. As a rule, the interview is held in a static state - remember it and try not to fidget.


The first level of control is breathing control. Many candidates are "cut off" on a "breath of relief" after a problematic question. This should not be allowed. Breathing can regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Special gymnastics, yoga, qigong and sports can help you learn to do this. Take care of this in advance. The ability to breathe is also useful in everyday life.

Play "fool"

One of the most effective ways to cheat a polygraph is to play a fool. You come for a check and begin to answer all questions frivolously and haphazardly. The polygraph can be confusing, since setting the desired calibration when interviewing schizoid individuals is a difficult task. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Excessive "silly" will be perceived in a negative way.

And people are all actors

Professional lie detector actors are not afraid. The ability to get used to the role until completely immersed in it perfectly masks the reactions of the body. The method of "substitution of personality" is also being studied by the special services. For them, passing a polygraph test is an easy walk in the autumn forest. If you have not studied acting and are not sure that you are able to "play out the role" to the end, we advise you to refuse this method.


We will not recommend taking medications to lower blood pressure. First, it is unsafe, especially for people with hypotension. Secondly, too weak a reaction of the body, as well as too strong - a sign that you intend to hide something. Thirdly, in serious organizations, in addition to a polygraph test, the subject may be asked to pass tests. Therefore, medications are the most controversial way to deceive a lie detector.



There is one interesting way to bypass the polygraph - to come to the test in a state of extreme fatigue. For example, after a few sleepless nights or after a hard workout. The body will then be almost in a trance state, and physiological reactions will be equally insignificant. In polygraph jargon, such a "client" is called "a body unsuitable for examination."

Wanting the impossible

Ideally, you shouldn't pay too much attention to the polygraph test. By worrying about this event, you thereby increase its significance. Do not focus on the procedure, try to perceive it as something everyday. How can this be achieved? You need to completely switch your attention to something that is not directly related to the lie detector. For example, if you really want to go to the toilet, then you will forget about the polygraph. Time it so that you have to restrain your natural urges during the test. The method works if you are not asked to be tested before the procedure.


Alcohol and "substances"

Drinking alcohol prior to an interview is highly discouraged. It may be useful the day before. A person with a hangover has extremely unstable reactions, and due to electrolyte deficiency, the device will poorly read body impulses. Another question: is it worth going from a hangover to an interview in a company where you would like to work. This can become a fiasco in the reputation, and even if you pass the polygraph, you won't get the job. The same applies to other "substances" that are sometimes advised to take before testing. Who needs an inadequate employee in a company?