When America Collapses - Alternative View

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When America Collapses - Alternative View
When America Collapses - Alternative View

Video: When America Collapses - Alternative View

Video: When America Collapses - Alternative View
Video: Will America Fall Like Rome? 2024, October

Americans are ambivalent about Gerald Selenta, the permanent head of the Institute for Trend Research. Some curse him for his gloomy predictions, others simply admire him. Thus, the influential "New York Post" states: "If Nostradamus were alive now, he would hardly keep up with Gerald Selente."

Oil and gold

This strange man has been leading his career as a "prophet" since 1979. It was then that for the first time he found his bearings in the international situation in the most successful way for himself and took advantage of it. Having learned from the statements of President Jimmy Carter that the Shah of Iran is the very embodiment of stability in the Middle East, Mr. Selente allowed himself to doubt this very much. After all, he had a completely different opinion: Iran is on the verge of a revolution. Trusting his foreboding, backed up by a very good knowledge of international politics, the analyst invested all his savings in gold and oil. The Shah, contrary to Carter's claims, nevertheless fell victim to the Islamic revolution, and the prices of gold and oil jumped sharply. Selente remained with a good win. So good that with the money he was able to not only solve his family problems, but also found his own institute.

The head of the Institute for Trend Research considers himself the only trend analyst in the world. Perhaps he is not the only one in the world, but his predictions have indeed come true many times. Among those that came true: the collapse of the American stock market in 1987, the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Asian financial crisis in 1997, and the mortgage scandal associated with credit fraud. He had a chance to predict terrorist acts and local wars. All this aroused genuine interest and unconditional trust among the public, until Selente, starting in 2006, began to broadcast about the difficult times that await the United States.

When giants collapse

From TV screens, he began to warn Americans that a protracted economic recession was coming. Speaking on TV in 2007, Selente predicted the collapse of banks, bankruptcy of brokers, the collapse of corporate giants, financial collapse of entire cities and states due to tax evasion, exchange of securities for money by foreign lenders. He declared 2008 the year of financial panic, which would then escalate into the worst economic depression in modern history. A year later, Selente spoke of a recession much deeper than the Great Depression of 1929. He predicted massive protest rallies that would be held by unemployed, homeless, bankrupt and poor people across the country.

Promotional video:

By the end of 2011 - the beginning of 2012, the strange milestone that those who trust the Mayan calendar are so fond of referring to, the dollar may depreciate by 90%, and the price of gold may rise to two thousand dollars per ounce. A streak of upheavals will begin: hunger riots, which, developing in full force, will lead to an uprising and economic "September 11". "As the Twin Towers collapsed from top to bottom, so will the American economy: when giant firms collapse, they bury mere mortals on the street under their ruins." Crime will grow unprecedented. And then a revolution and rampant fascism will break out in the United States, which will not only deprive America of the status of a great power, but also lead to its territorial disintegration. “Anything can happen. I do not predict only cannibalism, without even trying to soften the colors,Selente said in one of his recent television interviews. "But I promise that the best present for Christmas will be at least some kind of food … We are facing times like no other living has seen."

Not only Selente

But if only Gerald Selente had warned about such things! Paul Craig Roberts, former Deputy Treasury Secretary in the Ronald Reagan administration, begins his article "American Economy: May the Earth Rest in Peace" with these words: “The US economy is slowly dying right before our eyes, yet economists, politicians and most ordinary people do not see that the legendary land of unlimited possibilities teeters on the brink of an abyss."

Over the past couple of decades, the wealth of the Western world has sometimes become absurdly virtual. Nowadays all kinds of futures and derivatives are walking around the world. options and other paper and virtual values worth about one and a half quadrillion dollars - that is, one and a half thousand trillion. Most of them are denominated in US dollars. This is despite the fact. that the value of all real estate around the world is $ 75 trillion, and the annual GDP of all countries in the world is $ 70 trillion. Of this amount, 14.5 trillion accounts for the annual GDP of the United States, but of which only three trillion (21%) is the real sector, that is, industrial production and agriculture, everything else is various kinds of services, including very virtual ones. …

For a long time the United States has been building a consumer society and consuming it without denying itself anything. As a result, by mid-2008, the total government debt of the United States exceeded $ 100 trillion, of which $ 44 trillion was in health and welfare liabilities, and the US private sector debt was $ 38.2 trillion. of which 14.2 trillion is in the supposedly omnipotent financial sector. The same 14 billion is the total external debt of the Yankees. If you look at the corresponding charts, the US debt is growing exponentially. And if in the 80s and 90s the exhibitor almost drifted along the "x" axis, then on the eve of the crisis it rushed upward.

Is the sunset close?

Not only economists are talking about the possibility of serious shocks.

In 2002, overseas saw the light of the book "America's Sunset Is Coming Soon", written by Charles Kapchen, Director of the European Section of the Council on Foreign Relations. In fact, the CMO for the United States is a structure so important that the very appearance of such a book could be compared, for example, with the publication of a text titled "The Decline of the USSR is Coming Soon", written by any member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the late 1970s. x - early 80s of the last century.

Kaphen. in particular, he writes that “America will face new challenges and trials. These challenges have the potential to destroy republican democracy and the nation state. Rather than paving the way for a happy future of prosperity and stability, the digital era is leading us to political and social transformations, no less fundamental than those that accompanied the industrial era."

The prophets of the long and recent past, too, did not stay away from the gloomy foresights of America's future. In the early 40s of the last century • Moscow prophet "Lev Fedotov wrote in his History of the Future:" I know that the oppressed blacks in America will receive the same rights as the whites, and that the black American will become the president of the United States. Unfortunately, the fate of this president will be tragic. The same story awaits him as Abraham Lincoln, he will be mortally wounded during the assassination attempt. After the death of this president, chaos and anarchy await America. " It would be appropriate to note here that when Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, the overseas press not only clearly expected some changes from him, but also repeatedly expressed concerns about whether the black president would repeat the fate of John F. Kennedy. Right,now we can even talk about the motivation for such a murder. As recently as this hot summer, Barack Obama spoke out in support of the idea of building an Islamic cultural center in Manhattan, not far from the place where skyscrapers collapsed in September 2001, which, according to the official version, were struck by Arab terrorists. Words of condemnation from the pages of the same American press have already sounded.

In the United States, in the event of serious socio-economic turmoil, there is someone to sow anarchy and chaos. A few years ago, there were 210 neo-Nazi groups, 43 skinhead organizations, 125 groups of so-called neofederals advocating the traditional culture of the south with its slaves and plantations, as well as several dozen groups of white and black racists. Needless to say about the volunteer militia units allowed by the American constitution, the number of which in the 90s exceeded the number of the ground forces of the US Army! And the echo of the shocks of America may well roll around the world …

Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 40. Valdis Peipinsh