UFO In Ichkeria - Alternative View

UFO In Ichkeria - Alternative View
UFO In Ichkeria - Alternative View

UFOs have certainly appeared in Chechnya since time immemorial, only there was no one to record their visits - there was no time for that. Revolution, collectivization, famine and two unsuccessful uprisings against the Soviet regime, mass deportations and repressions almost completely wiped out the rebellious people. That is why the first stories about UFOs in the skies of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic date back to the end of the 60s of the last century and were told by visitors who settled in the rich oil region.

At the end of the summer of 1967, at about 11 pm, geophysicist Valentina Eremenko was lying in the grass between the village of Novo-Groznensky, Gudermes district and the highway, 150 meters from the road.

“It was a clear, quiet night, without clouds,” said Valentina Stepanovna. - I don't remember whether there were stars.

Suddenly, I noticed how a long cigar-shaped body the size of a room - about 6-7 m long, with a diameter of about 2 m - was almost vertically descending towards me. The cigar was glowing reddish, rather scarlet, descending very slowly, but not smoothly, but in small jerks … Jerks are not back and forth, but as if vibrations with translational rotation. The descent was accompanied by a hum - low, even in high tones, rather singing. Rotation was noticeable, but it is possible that the light was rotating within. The cigar went down 200 meters, to the level of the nearby telegraph poles.

I got scared and ran away; when I brought people in 5-7 minutes, there was nothing. Because the luminosity was pulsating, flickering, trembling, the contours of the cigar were fuzzy."

In the period from 22 to 26 June 1976 (the eyewitness did not remember exactly) over Grozny, at 22.10, a giant body appeared, inclined 15 degrees in relation to the ground. It flew at an altitude of about 300 m to the bottom of the ring at a speed of about 120 km / h. The UFO glowed with a uniform green light. Along the entire length of the cones, the glow was accompanied by brighter pulsations, which moved, passing from one cone to another. Their brightness changed depending on the curvature of the surface on which they moved. At the junction of the cones, as they approached, a bright flash occurred, and at that moment the ring vibrated. There were no sounds, but the flight of the UFO was accompanied by powerful effects: the lights went out, several cars stopped (Fig. 72).

On August 29, 1990, Yevgeny Konovalov, artist of the Chechingfoto association, observed the UFO.

“At about half past eleven at night, from the kitchen of my apartment, located on the 9th floor of a building on Lenin Avenue, I noticed a bright light flux high in the sky,” said Evgeny Stepanovich. - I have never seen such a powerful glow from this side, and even at such a late hour. Immediately I went out onto the loggia to better see it. What at first seemed like a glow was a distinctly outlined unusual luminous object hanging motionless above the ground in the Chernorechye region.

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The object looked like a hat and at the same time resembled a jellyfish. Its upper rim shone. And in the middle some lanterns were sparkling, like portholes … (Fig. 73). After about 5 minutes, the object began to slowly fade away without changing its value, and then disappeared. After a while, it again began to appear in the sky, like an incandescent lamp, but it was already much dimmer than before - and disappeared again. At that moment I already had a pencil in my hands …"

In July 1994, shortly before the outbreak of hostilities, teacher Nikolai Gromov from Grozny said that at 4 o'clock in the morning he saw a strange object flying silently at an altitude of about a kilometer, resembling a car camera. On its brown body were many antenna-like structures with balls at the ends. Without slowing down, the UFO made a turn at an angle of almost 90 degrees, flew in the other direction and soon disappeared into the predawn darkness. The obvious materiality of the object, combined with the unthinkable reversal, convinced the teacher that "someone flew to visit people on planet Earth."


If you believe eyewitnesses, then before the war, the aliens not only demonstrated their devices in the sky, but also made contacts with the inhabitants of the republic. But for some reason, the alien mind did not tell anyone that a bloody massacre was coming soon …

However, the most dramatic impressions went to the pilots who served in Chechnya shortly before the declaration of independence.

“My memories of events more than 10 years ago have been partially erased from memory, so my story will be narrative, I will not always rely on the exact dates and names of those people who could confirm this,” he began his letter to the Commission on anomalous phenomena of the Russian Geographical Society, former pilot Mikhail Ivanov. - One thing I can say: the entire personnel of military unit 22467, which was stationed in Grozny, can confirm or supplement my story.

It all started in the fall of 1989. Commando navigators began to notice foreign targets on the radar screens, in common parlance "marks" flying at high altitudes and high speeds mainly over the territory of Dagestan. I immediately remembered that something similar happened in Adygea, where I served. There, in the fall of 1979, they were observed similar "marks" in the mountainous regions of the republic. Then they did not take these phenomena very seriously, but now I have become more attentive to what is happening.

So, in the fall of 1989, I arrived from vacation and often performed the duties of a navigator on duty at the starting command post. On the radar screen, I noticed a target moving at supersonic speed from Kizlyar towards Grozny. I knew about all the aircraft in the air in our flight area, and at that time we would have been warned about the "stranger".

I ran out into the street hoping to see this object in that direction. It happened in the dark, and you could see at least a flying "star", as sometimes we see satellites. But the navigator - the head of the near zone - told me that it was useless, the height was very high. Naturally, I saw nothing.

The next time I noticed a target mark, similar to its flight to a helicopter. It was between the city of Khasavyurt and the village of Miatli, where the hydroelectric power station is located. By the way, I will make a reservation that for some reason these places attracted UFOs, and we had route routes there.

The "mark" suddenly appeared on the screen, the target flew at a speed commensurate with the speed of a helicopter. Then it stopped and split into three "marks". They stood and did not move, then they flew and disappeared. In time it lasted 5-7 minutes.

These two events made me constantly pay attention to the starry sky and listen to the stories of the pilots of the regiment about their observations.

During this period, there was another event that I remember for a long time. I do not know if it is connected with the appearance of a UFO, but neither I nor other pilots have ever seen anything like this in the sky.

Our squadron performed regular flights in the second shift, day with a transition to night. The pilots confirmed their class qualifications at night. Cross-country flights, interceptions, piloting in zones.

I was supposed to perform a cross-country flight, and then intercept with Major Yuri Ivanovich Savinov. First, the target was me, and then he, worked "alongside each other", as we said.

I felt the unusual atmosphere immediately after takeoff. I never had the illusion of a roll or upside-down flight, and here I couldn't believe my eyes. The air around the plane seemed to curl up, as if someone was squeezing it out, like a damp rag. At the same time, there was no cloud cover, landmarks and the starry sky were clearly visible. There was a feeling of anxiety. I had to be in various situations, sometimes emergency, but my head was clear, and the actions were clear. There was something else here, not fear, no. The feeling that you are faced with something dangerous, inexplicable and at the same time interesting and mesmerizing.

I buried myself in the dashboard, gained altitude, completed the task and began to return to the airfield.

I fly, I recognize settlements on the ground, torches of burning gas, of which there were many throughout the republic, and at the same time I do not believe myself. At this point the thought will surely come to mind: "Am I not a fool?"

Yuri Ivanovich flew several kilometers ahead of me. He was already in the airfield area when I heard his voice on the air: “Tell me the course from the 2nd to the 3rd turn.” It was he, being on the route of a circle flight, when even planes on the runway are visible, he decided to check himself He was an experienced pilot, once he flew the MiG-25, as we joked, he saw a round earth, and suddenly something like that. I realized that not only I had this feeling.

When we landed, gathered in the "smoking room", other pilots began to approach us: Zhenya Tsarev, Petya Chakin, the future USSR champion in airplane sports. They talked about the same sensations. Major Tsarev dropped the phrase: “On such a night you can easily break neck. " Suddenly the flights stop, we learn that Major Leonov was killed in the neighboring regiment in Stavropol during the landing approach. Subsequently, the commission established the reason: the pilot confused the long-range and short-range drives, landed to the runway, the catapult worked from the impact, and the parachute did not have time to open.

Major Leonov knew every bush at this airfield, he was over 40 years old, for us he is an “old man” with such experience that is not easy to gain. Only we knew the true cause of his death.

Maybe something influenced the density of the air, maybe some kind of extraneous energy appeared, I don’t presume to judge, but the phenomenon was extraordinary, and whether it was associated with the appearance of a UFO or not, it is necessary to evaluate in other cases.

In the winter of 1990, Senior Lieutenant Uglov took over as the regiment duty officer, Warrant Officer Barkinkhoev - as the headquarters duty officer. At about midnight, the breeder from sentry post No. 1 went out into the street to reload weapons. Not even a minute had passed when they ran into the headquarters and shouted: “Comrade Warrant Officer, quickly, look!” Warrant Officer Barkinkhoev called Senior Lieutenant Uglov, and they ran out onto the porch of the headquarters.

I knew Oleg Uglov from his cadet years, to the rank of captain, and I can't help but believe him. From the point of view of the pilot, he described what he saw.

An aircraft similar to the Space Shuttle crossed our airfield at an altitude of 600 m. It was the size of a Tu-134 aircraft. Here Oleg could have made a mistake in flight altitude and dimensions; in winter there are very strong fogs in this area.

The UFO resembled the American "Shuttle" and the domestic "Buran" in that either an engine or a tank was attached to the lower part of its fuselage. Flames burst from both nozzles. He flew slowly. Oleg drew attention to the fact that this vehicle moved at high angles of attack, which corresponds to a very low speed. He flew north.

Later in the press there was an indirect confirmation of this case. That night the UFO was seen from a passing train and in Ordzhonikidze, present-day Vladikavkaz.

In the summer of this year, events related to the appearance of UFOs rained down one after another like a cornucopia. I cannot describe them in chronological order, so I will tell individual episodes as I remember them.

The airfield flight day consists of 2-3 flight shifts. We, coming to the flights, listened to the stories of the first shift, and if we flew in the first, then shared the news with the second. At first, they discussed violently all the appearance of strange objects, and then they got used to it, and it became commonplace. Usually they asked each other: "Well, are they flying?" - and we were answered: "They are flying, where will they go."

At first, they even wanted to restrict flights, since the marks on the radar screens from UFOs interfered with radar control of our aircraft. They started talking en masse about UFOs in the regiment when they saw a disk in the foothills hanging in place and swaying like on waves. There were no flights due to bad weather conditions in the airfield area, and the mountains were clearly visible, and many people then observed this disk against the background of the mountains.

That's when I remembered the story of Captain Shavkun, who was transferred to a new duty station in Stavropol. He said that he saw a disk flying along the Terek River, and we laughed at him. He himself later confessed to me that he did not begin to talk about the poltergeist, which began in his apartment during the departure period.

We remembered how something exploded in the sky over the Caspian Sea in the spring. Ensign Novikov, head of the squadron's weapons group, claimed to have observed a glowing triangle flying from south to north, and that it was he who exploded. Everyone on the airfield saw a fiery plume several kilometers long, and the remnants of an object disintegrated in the head of this plume. Lieutenant Colonel Suvorov, Flight Director, requested a civilian plane flying along the route at that time, and he confirmed that he was observing this phenomenon, only it was happening at a very high altitude. The flight director reported this to the higher headquarters in Stavropol. Maybe after that "guests" began to visit us more often.

After the flights, I once stood near the headquarters with one of the young lieutenants. Both noticed a strange twinkling star. So the stars shine on a frosty night, but it was August or September. The star was motionless and suddenly flew. I agree, it is possible that it was a satellite. But when the so-called "satellites" fly in pairs, and then turn together at 90 degrees or fly backwards, the thought arises that these are not satellites at all.

Major Vlasenko said that he saw an object that dived and emitted a red beam, and then went into the climb and was already shining with a green beam.

One of the cadets, returning to his airfield, reported that an orange object was moving next to him, round in shape, slightly flattened from the poles and very reminiscent of a large orange. By the way, the radar confirmed that a foreign object was flying next to the plane.

One of the pilots, who was flying along the route with a cadet, saw a UFO on the right side. Until he reported it on the radio, the UFO flew on a parallel course. As soon as his report sounded on the air, the UFO moved away from the plane and disappeared.

Observing these objects on the radar screens, I made the following conclusions. UFOs stood, as a rule, over the mountains when the aerobatic zones were occupied by our crews. As soon as the pilots completed their missions and returned to the airfield, UFOs took their places in the aerobatic zones.

I measured on the radar screen the distance from the center of our airfield to three different "marks" from the UFO. This distance was the same.

The UFO also stood on the air traffic route of Grozny airport. When the mark of the Aeroflot plane took off came up to the UFO “mark”, by 2 turns of the radar antenna (this is about 30 seconds) both “marks”, the UFO and the plane, disappeared from the screen. The radar simply did not "see" them when they were superimposed on each other, and then, when the "marks" diverged, both were visible again.

Lieutenant Colonel Kuzmin and Captain Serikov were taken exactly to the mark from the UFO in aerobatic zone number 3 to the south of the airfield, in the area of the village of Shali. A similar picture was repeated again. For 2 turns of the radar antenna, the "tags" disappeared and then appeared. Only the "tag" of the UFO, which stood in the center of the aerobatic zone, moved strictly to the center of the neighboring zone No. 2. To tell the truth, it was not surprising: the UFO pilots knew all our routes, zones and all navigation conditions of the flight area.

On February 6, 1990, I was on a routine night training flight. The weather was simple, I took an altitude of 4000 m and proceeded to perform the task in zone No. 3. I noticed that the neighboring zone in the area of the settlement of Urus-Martan is occupied by another plane.

The only unusual thing was that the speed of this "plane" was an order of magnitude higher than mine, since in the interval between the flashing of the onboard aeronautical lights, it flew a distance 4-5 times greater than the planes of our type. This interested me, I began to listen carefully to the radio traffic and realized that there were no crews in the area.

The object flew over our flight area, stopped, flashed with a bright light, and I saw that it has the shape of a ball and rotates around its axis, somewhat resembling a soap bubble. I gained another 500 m in order to get a better look at it, and clearly saw how it hangs between two mountain peaks.

My observations were confirmed by Captain Yessenov, who that night was returning on an An-26 transport aircraft from Stavropol and noticed this object.

When I took the plane out of the fourth turn, the object was not visually detected, it disappeared. In total, I observed UFOs for 3-4 minutes.

The apotheosis of all these events was the case with Major Ryabishev. Ryabishev, my classmate at the military school, was aimed at the UFO with the permission of the Central Command Post of the Air Defense Forces. The condition was set: do not come closer than 1 km and keep the flight altitude below or above 500 m from the object.

Pasha Ryabishev told me that he saw an object that resembled an airship. When he turned his plane towards an object, this airship went to the side, and then began to gain altitude along a strictly vertical trajectory. According to the measurements of the radio altimeter in 1 second, the UFO gained 1 km of altitude. According to our other calculations, which were made by the deputy chief of staff, Major Chernetsov, "airships" flew at a speed of 15-18 thousand km / h and released reconnaissance balloons that flew around our area at a speed of 5-6 thousand km / h. Moreover, they changed the flight trajectory contrary to the laws of aerodynamics, turning at 90 degrees without a turning radius, while the overload reached 40 in.

Confirmation of my words can be found in the newspaper of that time under the name "People's Tribune" or "Moscow Tribune", I can't remember for sure …"

I managed to find this note. The newspaper was called Rabochaya Tribune:

“The commander of the air unit S. Proshkin told the ufologists that on October 8, at 11 o'clock, a mark“air target”suddenly appeared on the radar screens.

- I have already completed the task and was returning to the airfield, - says the pilot, Major P. Ryabishev. - At 11 hours 22 minutes received the coordinates of the target and the task to find it. He made a U-turn, entered the zone - according to the command post, the object was at an altitude of 4.5 km. The weather is clear, cloudless, visibility is excellent. But the search for the target gave no results. I reported this, turned around and went home.

Suddenly something made me turn around. Behind and on the right I saw two cigar-shaped objects of considerable size. The length of the first is about 2 km, the second is about 400 m. They were located one after the other and were clearly visible against the background of a clear sky. The smaller object gleamed silver in the sun, the larger one looked matte. But the details and design features could not be discerned - the distance was too great, I noticed, however, that the UFOs move sideways and at high speed.

I turned around and went to get closer. And suddenly, both targets instantly disappeared from sight. But the marks from them were preserved on the locator screen. According to the command post, at that moment there was about 15 km between us”.

Let's return to Mikhail Vladimirovich's letter:

“Major Chernetsov, who made the calculations, recalled that during his years of service in the North, their regiment also had something similar.

While flying in adverse weather conditions, then Lieutenant Chernetsov went beyond the clouds and in front of him saw the engine nozzle, from which sparks were pouring, only the nozzle was somehow unusual. He thought he was about to collide with a flying plane ahead. His fighter again entered the clouds, and when he jumped out of them, there was nothing ahead, and it could not have been, his planes were not there at that time.

A few days later, the UFO hovered over the guardhouse, illuminated the area with a powerful searchlight, and the chief of the guard was forced to give the command "In the gun!"

But the most interesting thing happened at the airfield during the night flights.

Chernetsov was preparing for departure and was in the cockpit. On the air, he heard the loud voice of the flight director: “Who released the headlight there at the third turn?” Chernetsov looked in that direction and saw that someone was really flying with the headlight. Then this someone did not land, but went to the airfield, hovered over the starting command post and turned on the searchlight, the beam of which rested vertically downward into the UPC.

The flight control team on the UPC said the light was so strong that they closed their eyes. Suddenly the spotlight went out and the object disappeared.

Major Chernetsov remembered these cases for the rest of his life and therefore took an active part in the study of the phenomena that are now taking place in our country.

The last UFO encounter took place when I was in the flight control group with our squadron commander Lieutenant Colonel Vlasenko, the brother of one of the pilots who saw the red and green UFO beams. We watched on the radar screen as the object went straight to the airfield and turned around without a turning radius at 90 degrees. Then he walked twice according to our approach scheme in bad weather conditions with a turn to the calculated angle and disappeared. “That's it,” I said. “This is a farewell circle of honor.” Since then, UFO flights have ceased …

Due to the well-known events, our unit in full force was withdrawn from Grozny near Volgograd and then disbanded."

Another pilot, Alexei (he preferred not to name his last name), studied at the Stavropol Flight School in those years, and in Grozny, at the Khankala airbase, he passed flight practice.

“It happened in September 1991,” he recalled. - I flew the Khankala-Gudermes-Kyzilyurt-Khankala ring route independently. After climbing and reaching the starting point of the route, I noticed that the readings of the instruments did not correspond to the real position of the aircraft. The arrow of the short-range navigation radar system rotated chaotically left and right, the behavior of the gyromagnetic compass was the same. I considered it a trivial refusal, the weather was “a million in a million”, and I decided to continue the task: the route was not difficult, and the flight hours were always few.

When I was approaching the 2nd turning point of the route, I was alarmed by the amazing silence on the air. There is such a term "to conduct radio prudence", and so I knew that at least one more board was following me with an interval of 4-5 minutes, and they had to report on the passage of the starting point of the route and the first point of the route, but there were no reports, and nothing at all happened on the air. "The radio station refused," was the first thought.

Three technical failures in one flight is cool. But, having checked the radio station in accordance with the established procedure, I was convinced of its serviceability … Even more interesting! Suddenly, as if they began to smoothly add the volume in the headphones. The flight director (RP) yelled heart-rendingly, he was looking for me. I reported the location, the height. Further, I quote radio traffic:

RP - 682, are you observing the "alien" ?!

I (looking around) - No …

I try to turn around and see …

RP - 682! Do not change the course!

RP - Echelon 1500 (was 1200).

I am doing.

I am -682, 1500.

RP - 682, you 2000 energetically.

I am doing.

I - 682, 2000 completed.

Then the third participant in the radio exchange appears - the crew who follows me along the route.

657 - I can see him!

RP - What does IT look like?

657 - Spindle-shaped, silver color, goes beyond 682 to the second turning one, repeats the changes in the echelon …

RP - Got you.

657 - He's gone … goes to the ridge …

RP - I understand …

After a while, the operation of all devices (except for the short-range navigation radar system) was restored. Completed the assignment successfully. After landing, he wrote a detailed report. The plane drove off to the repair base. As I later found out, I was not seen on the all-round view indicator for a while. True, I disappeared strangely … When it was possible to determine my height from the ground, my last mark was for some reason at 1900 m (in reality it was 1200).

Here is an incident. These are real events in which I personally participated. What was it? I dont know. But not a plane. Since I did not give a nondisclosure agreement, I can tell. Now I have been out of service for a long time - I was laid off …”.

Already in the first days of the invasion of Russian troops into Ichkeria, the military and journalists saw incomprehensible balls of fire. On the night of December 13, 1994, the correspondents of the Izvestia newspaper V. Belykh and N. Burbyga “were summoned by military elite special forces soldiers living in a nearby carriage. As it turned out, they saw a UFO. Soon, we also watched as in the starry sky, away from Grozny, two red balls that had come from nowhere were rising and hovering. They moved, brightened, dimmed, rose, fell, or merged into a single whole. It lasted 7-10 minutes.

"Such things usually lead to war," said one. And he added: - To a very large blood … ".

Since then, "saucers" in the sky have become a familiar attribute of the local landscape, surprising neither the federals nor the militants. Is it really more blood than it was shed 10 years ago?

In those days, UFOs appeared near Grozny much more often than usual. Glowing balls were observed during the battle near the village of Dolinsky. A cigar-shaped UFO hung for about 3 hours over the northern outskirts of Grozny; it was also seen near the village of Pervomayskaya during a battle between the tanks of the Russian army and Dudayev's troops.

“On May 16, 1995, 2 am, south-western outskirts of Grozny,” described one of the observations of those years by the invalid Alexander Ursov, who could not escape either from the Dudayevites or from the federals. - An ordinary cloud suddenly lit up with a bright ruby glow, two thin pillars glowing with red light flew out from the center of the cloud, then, flashing synchronously, they disappeared and after 2-3 seconds appeared over the city center. Hanging in an upright position, they quickly enveloped themselves in clouds and began, as it were, to imitate the illumination of the clouds by a fire (giving out flashes of a reddish color, sometimes weakly, sometimes brightly, as if the wind fanned the fire). They still appear very often now. The visible dimensions of the pillars are 5-6 cm. The upper part from the center of the pillar is narrower than the lower one, the height is 7-8 km (Fig. 74).


This letter, which was literally miraculously transmitted to the editorial office of the Anomaly newspaper, contains a description of the pre-war observation:

“August 15, 1991, 20 o'clock, railway station. From the south-west, at an altitude of about 15-20 km, a group of UFOs, 7 in number, appeared in a common bright green transparent cloud. In front of them flew three large bright orange balls with very long yellowish-red tails, which rotated in the longitudinal axis like a spiral. Behind them are two large orange triangles, also with long, yellow, spiral tails, two each. They were followed by two small balls, but the tails are the same. The objects were, as it were, glued into the green cloud, creating the illusion that the cloud itself carries objects. The cloud shape is a perfect ellipse.

There was no sound. The group sailed slowly northward. The length of the cloud (apparently, these are relative, not absolute dimensions. - MG) - about 1 m, width - about 40 cm, length of tails - about 15-20 cm (Fig. 75). Considering the height and apparent size of the entire group, we can safely talk about the enormous size of each apparatus and the power of their energy ….

The most interesting story about anomalous phenomena during the hostilities in Chechnya, in my opinion, belongs to the pen of the special forces officer Andrei Orlov:

“I must tell you, but this is my personal opinion - our unit is the best in the world and we can handle any combat order that we carry out, and indecision comes from above, and we are not to blame for this. We have excellent fighters, not drug addicts with exhausted psyche, not alcoholics and paranoid offended by the war.

For the last 3 years we have been serving on the territory of the Chechen Republic, on the Terksky ridge. I could give the exact coordinates, but we glorified this mountain by the fact that one day in the summer of 2000 we made the inscription on it: HOLLYWOOD. Only one letter "H" took 10 sheets! The inscription was huge; first of all, it was convenient for orienting the helicopter pilots. Then the correspondents came and our invention was shown on Channel 1. Ask any friend who fought in the second Chechen campaign if he knows in Chechnya there is a place called "Hollywood", and I think he will tell you something.


We guard the pass over these hills with a height of 400 to 500 m. Our highest post is at "Hollywood" - this is what we call this mountain now, and I’ll tell you about it. Everything that happened there amazed me and some of my comrades, serving there.

The entire surface of this mountain, the length of a football field and a width of 20, and in some places up to 40 m, is pitted with caponiers for the military equipment that was standing here - mainly self-propelled guns and tanks, as well as single trenches and message trenches, since from these positions Grozny (mainly Staropromyslovsky district) is visible at a glance. In summer, there is tall grass, and in winter, a lunar landscape, since during 10 years of war this height was defended by anyone. In addition to crumbling trenches, caponiers and dugouts, it is full of huge craters from aerial bombs, pear-shaped craters from artillery and small mortar holes.

We "graze" only a small part of the mountain, and the rest (I will not go into details, since all this can be read by enemies) is mined by various devices and is considered impassable even for hares and other creatures. After each explosion, the triggering circumstances are carefully investigated, and on the place of the detonated is a new explosive device.

In the early winter of 2002, somewhere between 2 am and 3 am, I heard intense talk over the radio. I came closer, and from the chaos of sounds I managed to understand that behind our back, below, in the valley, some stars were flying. I went to the positions from which the western valley was visible, cutting the Terksky ridge in half. I saw that below, about 200 meters away, a strange object the size of a transport plane, triangular in shape, with three stars at the ends of the corners, was slowly floating by.

It was a clear, bright, moonlit night, such that by the light of the moon one could easily read a newspaper. Since it would take a very long time to remove a heavy machine gun from the southern sector, I decided to fire it from a Kalashnikov with a 75-round disc filled with tracers - one after three - and fulfill my old childhood dream.

Twisting the shutter, I felt a shock. There was a terrible silence, and at the same time an inexplicable noise appeared in my head. I tried to aim at the barrel, then along the tracks and open fire, so that later I could recover from the rumble of a machine gun - this helped me more than once and gave me a feeling of at least some kind of power over what was happening.

I want to note that before jerking the shutter, I felt only surprise and interest. Before trying to pull the trigger, the surroundings behind my back echoed with a very strong, polyphonic wolf howl. This finally finished me off; moreover, their howl was unusual, not as usual. Knowing that the wolves would not dare to come closer, moreover, through mines, I nevertheless refused to attack. The terrible silence through which I heard the walkie-talkie and the howl affected me. I came to my senses after this thing flew away. She was seen by posts from the Staropromyslovsky district of Grozny - they asked us what was going on with us, what we were launching there.

I am no longer interested in what flies, but in what had such an effect on me. I still cannot describe to myself this feeling of inexplicable fear …

A year ago, on our mountain, at night, between the minefield and the dugout - where we chop wood during the day - light went from the ground into the dark sky!

It was 6-8 m from my loophole. I determined the exact location by the way the beam illuminated the sawdust at the place where we were cutting firewood. I was just dumbfounded, but first of all I realized that this was not a man - a too strong minefield and a dangerous joke for him, since according to the instructions I have to hit everything that moves behind the parapet at night with rifle and hand grenades. What, my roof is going? Since I thought that I was not visible (there are many spare firing positions and stuffed animals, which we often change places), I sat down in a trench, stood up, closed one eye, then closed the other and looked again.

Pound me who you want! In front of me from the ground came a clear matte light, which pierced the darkness with a beam of 5-10 m. I saw grass around the edges of this spring. I squeezed the grenade and stared dumbfounded at the light for a while, which soon went out. A colleague ran up from the other perimeter and asked me to turn off my flashlight, with which I, according to him, illuminated the sky, and not to unmask the positions. When I began to tell him about what had happened, he said that he had enough service life to be frightened with idiotic jokes. I thought, listening to his criticism, that it was time for me to quit business trips - I have been going to Chechnya since 1994, and there is a limit to everything. I even had a pity that my subordinate was putting me in my place, that my roof began to “give up.” Suddenly his face lit up with a milky light, in which one could see a grimace of extreme surprise and fright. I asked him in a whisper if I was losing my mind and what he saw. He silently grabbed my elbow, sat down with me, threw up his submachine gun and sat at the ready. From his reaction, I concluded that this was certainly not a glitch. We were scared - there would not have been such an ingenious minefield, we would have thought that they were Chechens, and, without fear, thoroughly dug up the perimeter with fire. But these were some kind of mocking experiments on us, not similar to the actions of people. I honestly admit - we were shaking, we were talking with treacherous tremors in our voice, sweat was streaming down our bodies.without fear, they thoroughly dug up the perimeter with fire. But these were some kind of mocking experiments on us, not similar to the actions of people. I honestly admit - we were shaking, we were talking with treacherous tremors in our voice, sweat was streaming down our bodies.without fear, they thoroughly dug up the perimeter with fire. But these were some kind of mocking experiments on us, not similar to the actions of people. I honestly admit - we were shaking, we were talking with treacherous tremors in our voice, sweat was streaming down our bodies.

When the glow suddenly went out, I felt myself squeezing the grenade with superhuman strength, and unclenched my stiff fingers from the ring. I remember the thought flashed through that if I lost my mind and no matter what devils seemed to me, I swore not to throw grenades back to the dugouts. The light suddenly went out, it could have lit anywhere on the mountain, but it lit up in front of us.

We raised all the soldiers who were resting in the dugouts and waited for the morning in an enhanced version. The soldiers were understanding - we looked too shocked. I will not forget how, in violation of all instructions, we turned on the radio loudly, and the music poured into the fog over the positions. The good blues of John Lee Hooker were playing on Echo of Moscow, and we waited for the morning, howling disgustingly to the bluesman.

In the morning, the land in that place was unchanged. Subsequently, I served there for three months, but I have not seen anything like it."

Triangular-shaped objects, including "Belgian triangles" with lights in the corners, are often observed over Chechnya. I once wrote down a message about the same UFO that was seen over the mountains of Chechnya in 1997, but since an eyewitness asked not to publish his story, I will not cite it here.

The light emanating from the ground is a truly anomalous phenomenon, but hardly alien in origin. Most likely, it has the same origin as the glow that occurs over rock faults ("tectonic light"). In any case, the stories that have received an explanation only confirm that the rest of them are also not fictional, no matter how incredible it may seem!

One officer, who returned from another business trip to Chechnya, only waved his hand when asked about UFOs: “Yes, we are not paying attention to them anymore. We have unmanned reconnaissance vehicles flying around, looking out for militants in the mountains, and who knows what else, but we are not informed about it. Now everything is confused, who is who, you fuckin ', the roads are full of mines, so we have no time to look into the sky. If the aliens existed, they would probably put things in order there."

Can it be that the hope that someday the long-awaited peace will come in Chechnya can only be placed on aliens? Maybe we can handle it ourselves? Or will we just have to repeat the slogan from the annoying advertisement: “No, son, this is fantastic”?

Mikhail Gershtein