Is The US Preparing To Unfreeze Walt Disney? - Alternative View

Is The US Preparing To Unfreeze Walt Disney? - Alternative View
Is The US Preparing To Unfreeze Walt Disney? - Alternative View

Walter Elias Disney, an American cartoonist who founded the multimedia empire The Walt Disney Company, has officially died of lung cancer on December 15, 1966 in Los Angeles. However, in the United States for many decades there has been a conspiracy legend that in fact Disney did not die and was not cremated, as officially reported, but was frozen.

For a long time, the idea of freezing people for the purpose of subsequent revitalization was nothing more than an idea for scriptwriters and directors of science fiction films, of which quite a few have been created over the past hundred years. Technically, experiments on freezing animals of different species have been carried out since the 19th century, but were unsuccessful: when frozen, water crystals irreversibly damaged cellular organelles and the frozen organism “woke up” absolutely dead.

In the 20th century, there was some progress in the topic of cryonics, as biologists were able to find and carefully study several very unusual species of reptiles and amphibians. For example, in Alaska, the tree frog Rana sylvatica lives, which in winter falls into a real suspended animation, lowering the body temperature to an ambient temperature of about -40 degrees Celsius. That is, it turns into a piece of ice.


Other frogs, fish, snakes and lizards are also described, which also either freeze for the winter among the stones, or freeze together with the reservoir in which they live. Thus, from the point of view of molecular biology, the problem of freezing is solvable - it is only important to understand what proteins or other substances are included in the cytoplasm of cells of such individuals. If these substances are isolated and pumped into a client before freezing, theoretically there is a possibility that he will be alive, even if he is defrosting in an hour, and not in an infinitely distant fantastic future.

Since the topic promised fabulous dividends, no one involved in this study was interested in publishing the results of their experiments. Why breed competitors?

In the late 60s of the last century, some progress in research was probably still made, since on January 12, 1967, in the city of Glendale, California, the first person was officially frozen. It was a professor of psychology at the University of California, James Bedford, who suffered from an incurable kidney disease. And from that moment on, cryonics became an official business.


Promotional video:

Statistics of cryopreserved people and animals as of January 12, 2017:

Alcor (USA) - 149 people

Cryonics Institute (USA) - 145 people and 129 animals

KrioRus (Russia) - 52 people and 20 animals

Trans Time (USA) - 3 persons

Note again that this is official data. How much, who and where is kept in this form unofficially - the general public does not know and will never know.

Since somehow surprisingly it coincided that the first official freeze happened exactly one month after the public announced the death of Disney, the public immediately thought: Why not?

As written in some Disney biographies, he:

a) he was very afraid of death and constantly talked about this topic, he had, as they say, “neurotic fear” of this moment;

b) was very interested in nascent cryonics, subscribed to all the magazines on this topic and, as testified by Bob Nelson, president of the California Cryonics Society at that time, Disney in a personal conversation expressed a desire to take part in the freezing procedure.

In addition, there are still such points:

c) Disney's funeral was closed. Despite his popularity, no one was invited to them;

d) Disney's relatives aggressively deny all rumors about the freezing of the founder of their empire;

e) biographies of Disney, where freezing is at least in passing, were subjected to powerful, organized newspaper criticism.

All this allows American conspiracy theorists to think that the frozen Walter Disney lies in an underground cryostorage right below Disneyland.


For all the insanity of such an assumption, it is the insanity that makes it look like the truth, since Disneyland is visited by children who have a lot of vital energy. If the cryochamber for Disney was designed not only by engineers and biologists, but also by necromancers-occultists, then the place for the sarcophagus was just perfect - the body will receive energy recharge.

As we noted above, there is nothing super new in the story of the Disney freeze - this story is more than half a century old. However, suddenly, for no apparent reason, she again began to torment the minds of American conspiracy theorists. And this fact is already quite difficult to explain.


Perhaps we are talking about an advertising campaign for the sequel to the rather strange Disney cartoon Frozen, so someone paid for the attention of the newspapers to this topic in order to arouse public interest. Or, which is also quite possible, they decided to unfreeze Disney in order to allow him to be a witness of the coming great historical events.

If we assume that Disney, other celebrities, were frozen in anticipation of some miracles in the future, this fact cannot be presented to the world just like that, for example, by reporting on CNN that so they say and so, after 50 years of suspended animation, Walter Disney was unfrozen, and tomorrow 10 more billionaires will be resurrected. First, minds need to be accustomed to the very possibility of such an event, therefore, to begin with, conspiracy theories of 50 years ago are being revived.