The Shocking Truth About People Who Risked Going To Cryofreeze - Alternative View

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The Shocking Truth About People Who Risked Going To Cryofreeze - Alternative View
The Shocking Truth About People Who Risked Going To Cryofreeze - Alternative View

Video: The Shocking Truth About People Who Risked Going To Cryofreeze - Alternative View

Video: The Shocking Truth About People Who Risked Going To Cryofreeze - Alternative View
Video: Why Are They Trying To Hide This From Us? | David Icke 2024, September

Nobody wants to die. All religions of the world are essentially built on this principle, promising a "continuation of the banquet" in the heavenly booths after the "boring official part" of life is over. Cryogenic conservation may well be called a new religion of the era of high technology: all the same promises of immortality in a package of scientific articles. However, who can be sure? And what if cryo-freezing really allows our species to take a decisive step towards Eternity.

Cryo-freezing principle

All cryonics is based on one main postulate: theoretically, brain death may not mean the final death of the human essence. Cryogenic conservation adherents believe that science will resurrect frozen people in the future. It must be said that today cryopreservation remains an irreversible process. Roughly speaking, it has never been possible to play back. But at the same time, cryonics is supported by many prominent scientists from all over the world - unfortunately, without any intelligible argumentation.


Child in ice

Two-year-old Mother Naowaratpong became the youngest frozen person in the world. The cause of death was a brain tumor, but Mother's parents decided that in the future doctors would learn how to treat such diseases as well. Now the girl is waiting for her rescuers in a cryogenic capsule at the Arizona Freezing Center.

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The first cryonaut

On January 12, 1967, the launch of the first "cryonaut" in history took place. James Bedford, professor of psychological sciences, lived a decent 73 years in the world, but this seemed to him not enough. The freezing procedure was carried out by enthusiasts of the California Cryonics Society. Naturally, none of them had any experience - Bedford has very little chance of looking at a bright future.


Cryptocurrency for freezing

Hal Finney was directly involved in the development of the most expensive cryptocurrency in the world. The Bitcoin author could have been resting on his laurels for the rest of his life, but fate decreed otherwise. Upon learning of the terrible diagnosis (amyotrophic sclerosis is incurable), Hal bequeathed to freeze his body, which was done.


Help anyone with what they can

Investment broker Vileon Whose had a reputation for being smart and reliable - up to a point. Taking advantage of the trust of clients accumulated over the years, Vileon invested their money not in gold and oil, but in himself. The financier decided on the first deception for a good purpose: he wanted to freeze his dying wife. 150 thousand dollars for the operation accumulated in just a week, but who would refuse such easy money? In a short time, the insolent broker threw clients for $ 5 million and left his native America forever.