New Technology With The Power Of Thought Allows You To Type 12 Words Per Minute - Alternative View

New Technology With The Power Of Thought Allows You To Type 12 Words Per Minute - Alternative View
New Technology With The Power Of Thought Allows You To Type 12 Words Per Minute - Alternative View

Video: New Technology With The Power Of Thought Allows You To Type 12 Words Per Minute - Alternative View

Video: New Technology With The Power Of Thought Allows You To Type 12 Words Per Minute - Alternative View
Video: SXSW: This Guy Can Type 163 Words Per Minute 2024, September

Specialists from Stanford University have created an unusual technology that converts brain signals into typing on the keyboard and appearing on the monitor screen. Thus, you can type very quickly, working at a speed of 12 words per minute and maximum accuracy, surpassing manual technique. More details can be found in the Proceedings of the IEEE.

The technology is based on small electrodes implanted in the brain, capable of directly reading signals from the area that guides the movement of hands when moving a computer mouse. Thanks to the algorithm's interpretation of these signals on the monitor screen, the result is text.

The technique was tested on primates who were previously taught to type letters by hand. Then the monkeys did the same but with the help of the power of thought, using electrodes implanted in the brain.

In this way, they easily typed passages from Hamlet and articles from the New York Times, developing a speed of up to twelve words per minute, which is equivalent to one character per second.

The researchers believe that this technology will be suitable for people suffering from various paralysis, opening up new communication opportunities for them. At the same time, the authors of the technique note that the artificial electrodes they have developed are absolutely safe for the body and the body, and may well be painlessly in the brain for at least several years.

Natalia Bardusova