Secrets Of Space: TOP-10 Unusual Phenomena Of Recent Times - Alternative View

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Secrets Of Space: TOP-10 Unusual Phenomena Of Recent Times - Alternative View
Secrets Of Space: TOP-10 Unusual Phenomena Of Recent Times - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Space: TOP-10 Unusual Phenomena Of Recent Times - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Space: TOP-10 Unusual Phenomena Of Recent Times - Alternative View
Video: Giant squid, planet x and a mysterious monolith. It can't be! 2024, September

The more a person learns about the universe, the more riddles it presents to him. No, someday we will also answer them, but for now they excite scientific minds.

Even though we have been studying space for quite a long time, from time to time there are phenomena that do not fit into generally accepted theories. Or they fit, but are unusual in themselves. And today will tell you about the most interesting 10 such phenomena.

Sounds inside the rings of Saturn

Scientists have created a rather interesting algorithm that translates radio and flame waves into a sound format that is easy to understand. And the Cassini spacecraft was equipped with a device with a similar algorithm. While he was flying peacefully in outer space, everything was fine. Standard noise, occasional predictable bursts. But when the Cassini flew to the space between the rings, all sounds were gone. At all. That is, due to some physical phenomena, space was completely shielded from some types of waves.


Ice planet

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No, not in our solar system. But scientists have long found methods that allow not only to identify exoplanets, but also to judge their chemical composition. And somewhere in space, a ball of ice, almost the size of the Earth, flies absolutely precisely. This means that water is not so rare. And where there is water, there is life. Moreover, it is not known whether there is geothermal activity there, as on one of Jupiter's moons - the first candidate for the presence of extraterrestrial life.


Rings of Saturn

Still, perhaps one of the most interesting phenomena in our solar system. The most interesting thing is that the already mentioned "Cassini" managed to slip between these rings without even damaging anything. True, it was impossible to get in touch at that time, so I had to rely only on programs. But then the connection was restored and we got unique pictures.



This unusual natural phenomenon was discovered by space enthusiasts. In fact, this is something like a super-hot (3000 degrees Celsius) air stream in the upper atmosphere. It moves at a speed of 10 km per second and it is completely incomprehensible due to what this is happening at all. But scientists have already begun to slowly study this phenomenon.


Habitable planet

The LHS 1140 system, just 40 light years away, is a prime candidate for extraterrestrial life. Everything coincides - and the location of the planet, and the size of the sun (15 percent more), and general conditions. So, purely theoretically, the same processes could take place there as we have.


Dangerous asteroids

A huge cobblestone 650 meters in diameter flew very close to the Earth. Astronomically, of course. In fact, he was from us at a distance of 4 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. But this is already considered dangerous. Still a little bit … And I don't even want to think about what all this could lead to.


Space "dumpling"

Everyone knows that planetoids have a roughly spherical shape. Strongly approximately, but still. But the natural satellite of Saturn called Pan has a strange form, to put it mildly. Such a "space dumpling". The images were taken with Voyager-2 in 1981, but the peculiarity of this planetoid was only recently noticed.


Photos of a habitable star system

Trappist-1 is another candidate for the search for life. Only 39 light years away. Several planets revolve in the "zone of life", although the star is much less powerful than the Sun. So you need to pay attention to this system.


Date of collision of Earth and Mars

Let's just say that there is practically nothing behind the loud headline. We are talking about a paltry chance in billions of years. Simply because, purely theoretically, due to the change in the Earth's orbit and the weakening of the Sun's gravity (a billion years is no joke to you). Yes, and Mars and the Earth have already interacted in the past - more than 85 million years ago, the Earth's orbit changed from circular to elliptical every 1.2 million years. Now less often - only once every 2.4 million. Further, for sure, it will be even less often.


Gas vortex in the Perseus cluster

Let's just say that it is approximately in such conditions that galaxies are formed. A huge accumulation of stellar gas, heated to 10 million degrees, which occupies a space of more than a million light years. Honestly, a mesmerizing sight.


The team and journalist Artem Kostin follow with interest new news from the world of science. After all, each new discovery brings us one step closer to understanding the fundamental laws of the universe. And, hopefully, the use of these laws.