Kidnapping In Australia - Alternative View

Kidnapping In Australia - Alternative View
Kidnapping In Australia - Alternative View

Video: Kidnapping In Australia - Alternative View

Video: Kidnapping In Australia - Alternative View
Video: Woman Got Kidnapped for Five Weeks Whilst Backpacking in Australia | This Morning 2024, September

For the first time in the history of ufology, a case of abduction on board a UFO was not only noted, but also proved in accordance with all the rules, and its victim was transferred almost 800 kilometers from his home in a matter of minutes!

The abduction was first reported on October 9, 2001 by the Australian broadcaster ABC, without giving any names, exact dates or details. The post on their website didn't contain much more, so I decided to wait for the details. And only on October 15, a more or less coherent story about an incredible incident that shook the whole of Australia appeared …


It happened on a black, rainy night from 4 to 5 October near the town of Gundiach. Amy Rylance, 22, watched television and fell asleep on a couch in a mobile home on their property. Her husband, 40-year-old Kate Rylance, has long slept in a nearby room. Their business partner, 39-year-old Petra Geller, also slept nearby. Kate and Petra were located very close to Amy - thin partitions, one might say, did not count.

At about 11:15 am Petra was awakened by a bright light pouring through the open door. This door opened onto Amy's room. When Petra looked in there, she caught her breath: a powerful beam of light was beaming inside through the open window. Passing through the rectangle of the window, it also became rectangular, as if someone had driven a red-hot, shining bar into the trailer. The similarity was further enhanced by the fact that the beam did not reach the floor. It was cut flat at the end. Amy floated slowly within the beam, stretched out in a position as if she were still asleep. An unknown force was pulling her head forward through the open window. Small objects floated in the beam under Amy's body, accidentally falling into the zone where gravity for some reason ceased to work.

Before losing consciousness from fear, Petra saw that the beam did not go somewhere into infinity. It poured out from a disc-shaped UFO hovering nearby. Petra was unconscious for a few minutes, but when she woke up, neither Amy nor the "plate" was already there. Only small objects, captured by the beam along with the victim's body, lay in front of the window. Only then did she find the strength to scream, waking up the still sleeping Keith …

Seeing Petra trembling and sobbing, Keith did not doubt for long that something terrible had just happened here. He ran out of the trailer, but never found any trace of his missing wife. Realizing that he himself would not find her, Keith called the police.

His call was recorded at 11.40, but the police - Robert Marayna and another officer from Maryborough, the county center, arrived only an hour and a half later. At first they thought that they had fallen victim to a stupid prank, but then, seeing the genuine excitement of Keith and Petra, they began to be inclined to think that this couple knocked on their wife who was interfering with them, buried her body somewhere and are now telling stories about UFOs. Calling another colleague for help, the officers began to inspect the trailer and the entire surrounding area.

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To their surprise, the police saw that a bush growing by the window bears clear traces of intense heat, which dried up only one side of it - the one that was facing the UFO!

While the officers were still exploring the site, the phone rang. Kate answered the phone. A woman called from Mackay, a city located 790 kilometers from Maryborough and Gundiach. She said she had picked up a girl in shock and apparently dehydrated at a British Petroleum gas station on the outskirts of town. The girl said her name was … Amy Rylance! The caller said that she had already taken Amy to a local hospital and is now reporting this in order to reassure her family and friends - she, they say, will be all right.

Shocked, Keith handed the phone to Officer Robert Marayna. Upon learning that Amy had somehow ended up almost eight hundred kilometers from the abduction site, Robert contacted the McCay police station, and soon a sworn statement was taken from Amy, warning that she would be held accountable for the lie to the fullest extent of the law.


But Amy had no reason to lie. She stated that she remembered lying on the couch in the trailer. There is a gap further in her memory. Next memory: she lies on a "bench" in a strange rectangular room; the light is pouring straight from the walls and ceiling. She is one. Amy began to call for help and heard a voice - seemingly male. The voice told her to calm down: they would not harm her, everything would be fine. Soon a trapdoor in the wall opened and a "type" with a height of two meters entered her - thin, but proportionally folded, dressed in a body-tight jumpsuit. His face was covered with a mask with slits for the eyes, nose and lips. The creature repeated the comforting words and added that it would not be returned to the place where it was taken from, but "nearby", since it is dangerous for them to appear in the same place.

Amy again "passed out" and woke up already on the ground, somewhere in the forest. She felt a sense of disorientation and cannot tell how long it took to get out of the thickets. Finally, she came out to the highway. The bright lights of a gas station nearby were on, and Amy went there. Seeing what condition she was in, the workers without further ado helped her. She drank the water as she felt a terrible thirst. At first, Amy could not even answer questions and did not understand where she was, but little by little she began to come to her senses and asked the woman who was helping her to take her to the hospital.

Doctors found mysterious triangle markings on her thigh and strange marks on both heels. However, the strangest thing in this whole story was … her hair. Amy recently dyed them and was horrified to find that her hair had become two-tone. The hair has grown so much that the border between the dyed and the newly grown, unpainted part has become very noticeable. To grow that way naturally, hair had to grow for weeks, not hours. Her body hair also grew so much that it required immediate epilation. Either time flowed differently in the UFO, or some kind of radiation stimulated the growth of her hair - who knows …

In her testimony, Amy noted that nothing like this had ever happened to her before. However, when she was in fifth grade, she once happened to see a huge UFO surrounded by smaller objects. As soon as Amy Rylance and Kate and Petra, who had come to her, got rid of the attention of doctors and police, they went to the nearest kiosk and bought a UFO magazine there to get addresses and tell "who needs it." So they learned about it in AUFORN ("Australian UFO Network").

It all ended no less unexpectedly. In the midst of their exploration, Kate, Amy and Petra … have gone somewhere. Fortunately, the ufologists still have Keith's mobile number. He told on his mobile phone that all three had run over because of a strange incident: a dark brown truck was chasing after their car with obviously ill intentions, apparently trying to push them off the road. Keith declined to disclose his new address.