Interstellar: A Fantastic Truth? - Alternative View

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Interstellar: A Fantastic Truth? - Alternative View
Interstellar: A Fantastic Truth? - Alternative View

Video: Interstellar: A Fantastic Truth? - Alternative View

Video: Interstellar: A Fantastic Truth? - Alternative View
Video: VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 16 2024, September

The wonders of a film directed by Christopher Nolan, scripted by Jonathan Nolan and theoretical physicist Kip Thorne, from a scientific perspective.

Yes, Saturn is ours

Interstellar's plot is complex but logical. Physicist Kip Thorne made sure that the supernatural nonsense inherent in Hollywood did not jar on viewers who at least understand something in science.

If we simplify everything as much as possible, then the essence will remain: the Earth is becoming more and more unfit for life, it is necessary to move somewhere. And such a chance is given. Scientists, it turns out, have been conducting secret experiments for many years with the so-called "wormhole" or "wormhole" - a kind of passage in the fabric of space-time, connecting places in the Universe that are located at colossal distances from each other. Penetrating into such a "hole" from one side, you can accordingly move into this boundless distance. And after making your way with the other, go back.

Astronauts make their way through the "wormhole" to other planets


The burrow is found near Saturn. And it leads to three planets that are located in a black hole. It is there - to these planets - that the expedition is headed, led by the farmer Cooper, who has suffered from dust storms. With him flies the daughter of the professor who discovered the "hole", a few more scientists and a couple of robots. The task is to find a planet that is most suitable for settlement.

Promotional video:

Naturally, it turns out to be the last of the three. On the way to it, the heroes will face numerous adventures, battles, love, betrayal, and disasters. And an almost happy ending. And the audience - amazing computer graphics.

The film premiered in Russia on November 6. And then those who had time to look argued. Like fellow travelers on the train from Makarevich's song. Some say that the plot is just fantasy, not even scientific. Others insist that the film, both in details and by and large, does not contradict the modern ideas of scientists. So who's right?


This hole - what a hole you need

The main reproach: there are no "wormholes". And it can't be. Especially inside the solar system.

Indeed, no one has ever seen a single "wormhole". But their existence does not contradict Einstein's theory of relativity.

Usually they say about "wormholes" like this: they say, imagine that space is a sheet of paper. To get from one point to another, you need to overcome, say, 20 centimeters. But if you bend the sheet, combine the points and pierce the paper, then through the resulting hole you can almost instantly find yourself at another point. So it is in the universe.

Another question: what energy efforts must be made to actually make such a hole of a suitable size and maintain it in a "passable" state? A colossal effort beyond the reach of humanity. But Kip Thorne believes the task is far from fantastic. Since 1988 he has been proving that wormholes can be opened with some kind of negative energy.

And many physicists support him. They assure that it will be possible, if not to travel with their help, then at least transmit messages from the future to the past. In the film, this is in the order of things. One thing is upsetting: no one has any ideas about how to practically get this very negative energy.

"Wormholes", as some physicists believe, can even connect different universes


It is possible that in the Universe there are already working "wormholes", which were formed by themselves as a result of some energy and quantum fluctuations. Enthusiasts believe that such objects can be found even in the solar system. By the way, their search is one of the goals of the Russian space telescope Radioastron.

And they live in such a hole …

Another alleged absurdity of the film: planets in a black hole. What planets could there be?

The scriptwriters seemed to get acquainted with the work of Vyacheslav Dokuchaev - professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences from the Institute of Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was he who recently suggested that planets could be inside black holes. And on them - intelligent life. The scientist's article on this topic was called "Is there life inside black holes?" (Is there life inside black holes?)

The professor proves: inside some - especially giant - black holes, under a combination of certain conditions, a zone arises in which the existence of ordinary space and time is possible. And massive bodies - planets. They can revolve around a central region - the so-called singularity - in highly complex but stable closed orbits. As if around the sun.

Moreover, the planets in the hole are able to receive light and heat from the light rays and the energy of the central singularity - the region where space and time become infinite. In the film, approximately the following situation is described.

As scientists assure, the black hole from Interstellar is the most correct one.


Where, where did you fall ?

According to the plot, the main character, saving the heroine - the daughter of the professor - leaves the spaceship, personally enters the black hole, which in the film is named Gargantua. And he remains alive.

The opinion of scientists: here the writers boasted. As we approach the singularity, any living object will be torn apart by gravitational forces. At least this is the current understanding of black holes. But the hole itself in the film is shown very believably. Again, if you follow the accepted theories. The accretion disk looks very convincing - a luminous structure arising from the fall of matter into a massive black hole.

Extra dimensions are not fantastic either. Farmer Cooper, for example, finds himself in a space with five dimensions. And some physical theories suggest the presence of more of them.

And even critics of the film agree that the authors have believably shown the so-called "twins effect". This is when the crew of a fast-moving spacecraft spends on board, say, a month, and tens of years pass for the people who remain on Earth.

In the movie, the "wormhole" is located at Saturn


The conclusion of the experts: in the film "Interstellar" there is more scientific truth than outright fiction. And other - mostly melodramatic - nonsense, which, of course, is available and can be tolerated.

A wormhole may one day appear anywhere. One day, enthusiasts believe, a "hole" will appear at the Earth. And call us into the distance.