What Is The Universe? - Alternative View

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What Is The Universe? - Alternative View
What Is The Universe? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Universe? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Universe? - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Believe a Parallel Universe Exists 2024, June

The universe (lat. Universum) is the whole world that surrounds us, infinite in time and space and infinitely different in the forms of eternally moving matter. In modern astronomy, the Universe we observe is called the Metagalaxy. Its main objects are stars. Star clusters form galaxies. The name of our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains hundreds of billions of stars, and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in our universe.


There are solitary galaxies, but they usually prefer to be located in groups. Typically, these are 50 galaxies, which occupy a diameter of 6 million light years. The Milky Way Group has more than 40 galaxies.

Clusters are a region with 50-1000 galaxies that can reach sizes of 2-10 megaparsecs (diameter). It is interesting to note that their speeds are incredibly high, which means they must overcome gravity. However, they still stick together.

Discussion of dark matter appears at the stage of considering precisely galactic clusters. It is believed that it creates the force that prevents galaxies from scattering in different directions.

Sometimes the groups join together to form a supercluster. These are some of the largest universe structures. The largest is the Sloan Great Wall, which is 500 million light years long, 200 million light years wide, and 15 million light years thick.


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Black holes

According to the American physicist Nikodim Poplavsky, they lead to other universes. Einstein believed that matter falling into a black hole was compressed into a singularity. According to the scientist's equations, on the other side of the black hole there is a white hole - an object from which matter and light are only expelled. When paired, they form a wormhole, and whatever enters there from one side and exits from the other forms a new world. In the early 90s of the XX century, physicist Lee Smolin proposed a similar and somewhat strange hypothesis: he also believed in universes on the other side of the black hole, but believed that they obey a law like natural selection: they reproduce and mutate in the course of evolution.

Poplavsky with his theory can clarify some "dark" places in modern physics: for example, where could the cosmological singularity come from before the Big Bang and gamma-ray bursts at the edge of our Universe, or why the Universe is not spherical, but, as you can see, flat. Even skeptics do not think Poplavsky's theory is less plausible than Einstein's conjecture about the singularity.


Dimension of the Universe

The problem of the dimensionality of the Universe has been intensively considered for over 100 years. A number of phenomena and unique experiments show that the visible physical world, perhaps, is only a subspace of Hyperspace and forms a complex "geometric formation" in it. The fact that our Universe is a multidimensional object was written in The Secret Doctrine and E. Blavatsky.

Even scientists in Ancient Greece used the concept of inter-nested concentric spheres to describe the physical processes of our world, in particular the movements of celestial bodies. On the basis of their ideas, Aristotle created a theory of the so-called homocentric spheres and gave it a "physical" foundation. According to his theory, celestial bodies are considered rigidly attached to a combination of rigid spheres connected to each other with a common center, while movement from each outer sphere is transmitted to the inner one. Later, this theory did not find distribution and was discarded (surprisingly, this theory completely coincides with the proposed process!).

The density of material matter in outer space in the vicinity of the Sun is 0.8810-22 kg / m3. This is more than a thousand billion billion times less than the density of water. What can keep the structures of stars and galaxies on clearly marked trajectories in such practically empty space?

Distribution of matter in the universe

In the 1970s, a group of Soviet and American scientists headed by Academician Zeldovich attempted to build a volumetric model of the distribution of matter in the Universe. For this purpose, data on distances to many thousands of galaxies were entered into the computer. The result was stunning - galaxies united in metagalaxies were located in space as if on the edges of a certain cellular structure with a step of about 100 million light years. A relative void was observed inside these cells. In other words, the space-time continuum turned out to be structured! This greatly weakened the authority of the Big Bang theory and the supporters of the Friedmann model of the Universe.

Probably, in addition to our metagalaxy, there are many more metagalaxies, the totality of which forms a system of enormous sizes - the so-called teragalaxy ("terraces" means "monster"); many teragalaxies form a system of even colossal dimensions, etc.

More hypotheses

1908 - scientist Charlier (France) put forward a hypothesis according to which the Universe is a sequence of systems of ever larger sizes. The stars form star clusters that merge into galaxies. In turn, galaxies form clusters of galaxies that make up the metagalaxy. And thus the size of these huge stellar systems must grow indefinitely. This is the so-called discrete self-similar cosmological paradigm, which emphasizes the hierarchical organization of natural systems from the smallest observed elementary particles to the largest visible clusters of galaxies.

Charlier's hypotheses did not have much popularity at that time. This is due to the fact that at the same time the general theory of relativity appeared, which amazed the minds with its unusual idea of a finite, but unlimited universe. But the results of observations have not yet provided convincing evidence in favor of the conclusions of the theory of relativity and the finiteness of the universe. The infinite universe hypothesis seems to be more plausible. In such a situation, the Charlier model acquires special interest.

Indeed, the approach proposed in the monograph on a space consisting of mutually imbedded spheres coincides with both Charlier's hypothesis and a discrete self-similar cosmological paradigm. Moreover, as Professor G. Alven notes, Charlier's hypothesis explains Olbers' paradox, according to which, if galaxies are uniformly distributed in the Universe, then the total intensity of their radiation will be unusually high, which is not actually observed. In addition, Charlier's hypothesis allows one to avoid one more nuisance associated with the fact that with a homogeneous distribution of matter in the Universe, the gravitational force due to distant regions of space increases unusually.

Therefore, in the opinion of the author of the monograph, the Universe must be considered, in accordance with Charlier's hypothesis, as a sequence of concentric spheres of increasing size. In addition, "the question of what the Universe is without specifying the dimension of the space from which the observation is made is meaningless."

Recently, scientific evidence has emerged.

New hypotheses for the structure of the Universe

English physicist Roger Penrose from Oxford and his colleague Vahan Gurzadyan from the Yerevan Physics Institute after a thorough study of the so-called. relict radiation - the microwave background, which remained after the Big Bang and preserving information about the origin of the Universe and its development, discovered in the Universe strange irregularities in the form of concentric circles.


According to scientists, universes arise in succession - one after another. And the end of the previous one becomes the beginning of the next.

“In the future, our universe will return to the state in which it was at the time of the Big Bang,” says Penrose, “and it will become homogeneous. And from the infinitely large it will again turn into the infinitely small. By the way, astrophysicists Paul Steinhardt from Princeton and Neil Turok from Cambridge have a similar opinion.

In our time, there are many new theories and hypotheses about the structure of the Universe, in particular, scientists come to the conclusion that "our Universe exists inside the Universe with a large number of dimensions of space."

All these examples convincingly show that the evolution of any system from micro- to mega-size is carried out by the deployment of the primary integral monad into its constituent matter coordinates. The indicated unfolding occurs through the sequential complication of the system with a threefold transition from a simpler system to a more complex one with the formation of three interconnected worlds. Moreover, each next axis has its own space, in which the previous axis is located with its own space. For example, a three-dimensional object moving in the space of the y-axis, at the same time, moves in the space of its own axis of development x.

Thus, the theory of connected spaces underlies the structure of man, the Earth and the Universe. At the same time, a hierarchical structure of the entire space is built, consisting of hierarchical spheres of the space system nested into each other. Hence, the hierarchical system of structures of the Universe becomes clear.

This means that in Nature there is a similarity of forms and properties of structures, regardless of their spatial scale, and the Universe is defined as a multidimensional system in the form of a hierarchy of structures.

Does the universe have boundaries

This also gives an answer to the question of whether the universe has boundaries. When considering the development of the Universe according to the proposed theory of connected spaces, the answer will be unequivocal - the Universe, like everything in our world, has boundaries. Only these boundaries are so great that a person is not able to grasp them with his mind. This coincides with the opinion of A. Einstein: in his opinion, the Universe is a closed shell of the hypersphere. Modern science considers the Universe to be multidimensional, in which our “local” three-dimensional Universe is only one of its layers, which also coincides with the theory of connected spaces.

This theory also makes it possible to explain the paradox that arose with the movement of two spacecraft "Pioneer-10" and "Pioneer-11", which were the first in the history of mankind to go beyond the solar system. For some unknown reason, their braking occurred, although it would seem that they are moving in an airless space and there should be no braking. Proceeding from the hypothesis proposed in the monograph, having left the solar system, the spacecraft found themselves in another space, in which the development vector is directed perpendicularly, therefore, the new space has absolutely different characteristics compared to the previous one.

A new scientific paradigm is already emerging on the basis of the knowledge accumulated by mankind. The multidimensional structure of the Universe is gradually becoming an understandable and explainable factor. This gives grounds to assert that general patterns have been found in the hierarchy of systems.

Interesting facts about the universe

The most distant stars that we see look the same as they looked 14,000,000,000 years ago. The light from these stars reaches us through space through many billions of years, and has a speed of 300,000 km / sec. Mysterious Black Holes - one of the most curious and little-studied objects in the Universe. They have such an enormous attraction that nothing can go beyond the Black Hole, not even light. There is a giant bubble in the Universe, which contains only gas. It appeared, by universal standards, not so long ago, only two billion years after the Big Bang. The long bubble is 200 million cosmic years, and the distance from Earth to it is 12 billion cosmic years. Quasars are incredibly bright objects (much brighter than the Sun). There is a body similar to the Earth in the Solar System. This is Saturn's moon Titan. On its surface there are rivers, volcanoes, seas, and the atmosphere has a high density. The distance from Saturn to its satellite is approximately equal to the distance from the Earth to the Sun, the mass ratio of bodies is about the same. However, intelligent life on Titan most likely will not be due to reservoirs - consisting of methane and propane. Weightlessness in space, badly affects human health. One of the most significant changes in the human body in zero gravity is the loss of calcium from the bones, the movement of fluids upward and the deterioration of bowel function. Weightlessness in space has a bad effect on human health. One of the most significant changes in the human body in zero gravity is the loss of calcium from the bones, the movement of fluids upward and the deterioration of bowel function. Weightlessness in space has a bad effect on human health. One of the most significant changes in the human body in zero gravity is the loss of calcium from the bones, the movement of fluids upward and the deterioration of bowel function.