A Meteorite With Alien Hieroglyphs Fell In Canada In 1908 - Alternative View

A Meteorite With Alien Hieroglyphs Fell In Canada In 1908 - Alternative View
A Meteorite With Alien Hieroglyphs Fell In Canada In 1908 - Alternative View

Video: A Meteorite With Alien Hieroglyphs Fell In Canada In 1908 - Alternative View

Video: A Meteorite With Alien Hieroglyphs Fell In Canada In 1908 - Alternative View
Video: Canadian Meteorite Encrusted in Hieroglyphs? 2024, September

This incredible story first came to prominence in 2015. The January issue of the Conwichan Walley Citizen (Covichan Valley is one of the logging centers on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada) published an article by T. V. Patterson.


The journalist writes that once a very interesting material from the archives of the publication attracted his attention. On the front page of the newspaper, dated September 5, 1908, there was an article "Message from Mars" - so engaging that Patterson quoted it in full:

“Last Thursday morning Willie McKinnon, the 14-year-old son of Mr. Angus McKinnon, witnessed a startling event and narrowly escaped death. At about half past ten in the morning, the teenager was working in his father's garden.

Just two and a half meters from where he stood, a meteor about 25.5 cm in diameter crashed into the ground. A few minutes earlier, the boy heard a loud sound. Thinking that this was the noise of a passing train, the boy did not pay attention to it until the space object crashed into the ground.

From the place of the collision, stones flew in all directions, and the earth trembled underfoot, as if in an earthquake. The boy got very scared and ran into the house to tell his parents about the strange incident.

When the adults came to the place of the fall, the celestial body was very hot, because of this, they could not get it for half an hour. The meteor was round, with a marble surface carved with strange characters like hieroglyphs.

It was found that the stone was moving in a northwest direction. He flew through the branches of two trees, breaking them like matches, and fell at an angle of 45 degrees.

Promotional video:

Since then, Mr. McConnon has devoted all his free time to studying the meteor. He is trying to understand what the mysterious deep marks on the stone mean and will be glad if someone with knowledge of this matter can help him."

A month after the momentous event, the newspaper reported that the stone was taken to Ottawa - to the Ministry of Mines and Geological Research. People from the ministry launched an investigation, wanting more complete information on this matter.

For example, they were interested in the exact time, as well as the nature of the sounds emitted by the meteor during the fall, their duration and the estimated direction from which they were heard. The researchers also measured the depth of the hole in the ground and the direction of the impact of the celestial object, and also took soil samples for analysis.

In addition, it became known that there were buyers for the stone and that Angus McKinnon was bargaining for fear, fearing to sell out. Whether the man managed to sell his find is not written in the newspaper. Many years have passed since then. Unfortunately, not a single photograph of the mysterious stone has survived (the image presented in the article is just an illustration based on the artist's imagination). Therefore, we can only guess what the space "Rosetta Stone" was.


It is noteworthy that in the same 1908 another incredible event took place - the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. A mysterious object, the fragments of which are still being searched for, exploded in the atmosphere at an altitude of 5-10 km and caused a blast wave on the territory of Eastern Siberia that tumbled down the taiga in the interfluve of the tributaries of the Podkamennaya Tunguska.

All living things were destroyed within a radius of 40 kilometers. As a result of the stream of hot gases, a forest fire broke out. It seemed to eyewitnesses as if a second sun had risen in the sky. Thunderclaps were heard for a thousand kilometers around. On June 30, the day of the incident, over a vast territory - from Tashkent to the province of Bordeaux - night did not come. The sky was glowing due to special clouds that reflected the sun's rays. You could read a newspaper on the street. This went on for several nights.

The place where the meteorite fell has been studied many times. Since the 1920s, dozens of expeditions have been sent there. In 1988, participants in one of them discovered metal rods. The newspapers began to write about a highly developed civilization, whose ship made an emergency landing in the taiga, after trying in space to destroy a comet flying to Earth and save our planet from destruction.


In addition, scientists were able to find 12 wide conical holes leading deep into the ground. And in 2006, something incredible happened - at the site of the fall of the meteorite fragments, quartz boulders with mysterious patterns or letters were found.

The analysis showed that the stones contain an admixture of cosmic substances and could not be formed in terrestrial conditions. Moreover, the technology of marking the cobblestones was unfamiliar. Perhaps the stones were treated with plasma.

Yuri Lavbin, President of the Tunguska Space Phenomenon Foundation, put forward a hypothesis according to which a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization sent an "information container" to our planet - however, it landed extremely unsuccessfully: an explosion occurred, and a valuable message was scattered into fragments.


Perhaps, quartz boulders have nothing to do with the Tunguska catastrophe and represent the remnants of previous earthly civilizations that have survived to this day. But if Lavbin's hypothesis is in any way correct, then the case of the Canadian meteorite takes an unexpected turn.

Perhaps the "information container" crashed not while landing on Earth, but in near-earth orbit, while the main part of it crashed down, and some fragments were in orbit for several months, and one of them - with unknown hieroglyphs - fell in Canada in September 1908?.. I understand that my assumption will not stand up to the slightest criticism. But if you have any ideas, write them in the comments.

Elena Muravyova for neveroyatno.info