NASA Filmed A Mysterious Planet That Suddenly Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View

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NASA Filmed A Mysterious Planet That Suddenly Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View
NASA Filmed A Mysterious Planet That Suddenly Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View

Video: NASA Filmed A Mysterious Planet That Suddenly Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View

Video: NASA Filmed A Mysterious Planet That Suddenly Flew Near The Sun - Alternative View
Video: NASA takes a Image of Mysterious Object that arrived from another Solar System! 2024, September

A mysterious celestial body unexpectedly swam past a NASA camera that was watching the Sun.

The Solar Dynamics Observatory, owned by the US National Space Agency, filmed our star in the ultraviolet spectrum, when part of the star was briefly hidden by a dark astronomical object of enormous size, suspiciously like a planet. Naturally, scientists hastened to find a rational explanation for what happened.

According to representatives of NASA, the well-known Moon has got into the lens of the ultraviolet camera. Say, the trajectory of Selena's motion passed between the space observatory and the Sun, due to which the natural satellite of the Earth for a short time obscured the upper part of the star. This happened last Thursday, October 19, between 8:41 and 9:25 pm CET. In the video below, you can contemplate this curious process in an accelerated form.

What is this mysterious planet?

However, many ufologists and alternative researchers refuse to believe that it was just the Moon. She looks too large on the video, and NASA would not have taken pictures of the Sun when Selena was destined to wedge into the frame for 45 minutes, after all, after all, not first-graders work there, but experienced astronomers, doctors of sciences. Foreseeing this in advance was as easy as shelling pears. For this reason, many independent researchers believe that this is the legendary Nibiru.

It turns out, according to their assumptions, the deadly Planet X has already entered our solar system? Maybe that's why our Earth is shaking so much lately? And on the other hand, Nibiru should arrange, as the conspiracy theorists wrote, at least planetary catastrophes, for the most part - generally lead to the Apocalypse of our civilization. So far, this has not been observed, and therefore the question of what NASA employees managed to remove against the background of the Sun remains open. It is possible that this is just an even more mysterious planet Gloria - a copy of our Earth, which, apparently, is generally in another dimension. But apparently, sometimes you can see her face - our almighty Luminary "manifests" it …

Daniil Myslinsky

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