Nibiru Will Cause Deadly Tsunamis And Super-earthquakes In Early August - Alternative View

Nibiru Will Cause Deadly Tsunamis And Super-earthquakes In Early August - Alternative View
Nibiru Will Cause Deadly Tsunamis And Super-earthquakes In Early August - Alternative View

Video: Nibiru Will Cause Deadly Tsunamis And Super-earthquakes In Early August - Alternative View

Video: Nibiru Will Cause Deadly Tsunamis And Super-earthquakes In Early August - Alternative View
Video: The Future Tsunami That Could Destroy the US East Coast 2024, July

The researcher claims that the gravitational pull of an unknown planet will cause natural disasters that will destroy half of humanity, writes The Sun.

Conspiracy theorists have long thought that Planet X and its accompanying planetary cluster would entail death and devastation on Earth.

Researcher David Meads says tsunamis could destroy our cities as they rapidly approach the solar system. Researcher David Meads believes that the gravitational pull of Planet X (probably about the mythical star Nemesis - approx. will lead to a tsunami at a speed of 740 miles per hour and earthquakes of 9.8 on the Richter scale.


He believes that after the disaster, only 50% of the world's population will survive. The conspiracy theorist who wrote the book Planet X - Arrival 2017 also identified the exact month during which he believes everything should happen.

He told the Daily Star, "We're in immediate danger." “The weather is changing due to the plasma electromagnetic connection between the planets. “We will face unusual weather, storms, volcanism and seismic activity. An earthquake of 9.8 and above is expected in August this year.

“There are super volcanoes like Mauna Loa in Hawaii. “When this rock collapses, it will create a super tsunami heading towards Japan, the US east coast and South America at Mach 1 - 740 miles per hour. "There are also volcanic islands in the Azores that could explode and send a tsunami to the east coast of the United States."

He added: “Other significant events will occur during the actual passage (impact of Planet X) in October and include the solar coronal mass ejection. This event will affect the earth's electromagnetic grid and a 30 degree pole shift will occur. This will cause major tsunamis as ocean waters rise from the basin,”he told us.

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"Then the debris cloud that follows the system will create numerous asteroid strikes, but this is more likely in October." David has long believed that Planet X would bring with it “seven bodies orbiting it,” including a large blue planet called Nibiru.

Experts found it difficult to see objects because of the angle of approach of the cluster to the Earth. David believes that some people are building bunkers in anticipation of disaster. David believes the volcanic islands in Portugal's Azores could explode and cause a tsunami.

He also believes Donald Trump is aware of what is about to happen and said: “Insiders are contracting to build geodesic domes that can withstand hurricane force winds.

"US agencies have been aware of these upcoming events for 30 years, but the knowledge has been shared and hidden so that fewer than 30 or 40 people know about it." “President Trump may be familiar with the Planet X system as he spoke of in his Inaugural Address. He said: "We will discover the secrets of deep space." “I personally think Trump knows everything. He just spoke in coded form to those of us who are watching what is happening."
